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Tag: JusticeBy JGillman, Section News
There is no shortage of opinion on the resignation of the Justice who was the replacement for a good man; Cliff Taylor.
I hope the Democrats in Michigan are happy with their replacement of a (inaccurately portrayed) sleeping judge, with one who probably thought we all were. [sleeping] Today's Punditry includes:
Happy Reading! (4 comments) Comments >> By Tom McMillin, Section News
I wanted to keep everyone here at RightMichigan in the loop about a serious Constitutional debate going on in Lansing and one that I am fortunate to be a part of. Last week in Flint, Governor Snyder presented a special message on public safety and while his call to hire new lab techs and Michigan State Police troopers garnered most of the headlines, he also talked about some broader fixes to our state's justice system. Of course, it is important that we keep in mind that reforming state government starts with and must be guided by our Constitution.
(Continued below the fold. Please read more...)
(11 comments, 621 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
Nick had it here first. That particular story seen today for the first time in over a year finally has a bit of conclusion to it.
As Worldnet Daily, and WILX news report, the type of behavior seen over two years ago by the radical Pro-homosexual group bash back is not protected speech. It is NOT acceptable to invade churches, yell profanities, scare children, and defile those sanctuaries with tossed about condoms and violent actions. The announcement at the time that they were intent on confrontation with conservative church goers: "I can tell you that we are targeting a well-known anti-queer, anti-choice radical right wing establishment."Left no doubt that absent capitulation by god fearing families in this state, their agenda would be heard, and accepted. More below ~ (1 comment, 757 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
Many home based day care providers have been waiting for this day.
`Fantastic news' needs to be coupled with legislative action to prevent similar schemes in the future, says Mackinac Center attorney A spokesperson for the Michigan Department of Human Services today told the Mackinac Center for Public Policy that on March 18 the department will stop withdrawing so-called "union dues" from subsidy checks to home-based day care providers who supply child care services to low-income families. The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation filed suit against the DHS in 2009 to stop the illegal withdrawals. The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation assisted provider Sherry Loar in her fight against forced unionization. The new DHS director (and former Michigan Supreme Court Justice)Maura Corrigan has said [paraphrased] "those providers are NOT Employees of the state" Indeed. More below... (7 comments, 628 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
Justice Bob Young.
Listening to him this morning on the radio reminds me of why I have never been more sure he is the right man for the position he holds. A Constitutional judge who sees the law as more of a static, not to be bent by whim or "empathy". He described the president's claim that empathy has a place in the court, as wrong. He has pointed out he has had to face down 'feelings' in favor of rulings based on the State constitution. He also mentioned an issue I have talked about before. Wayne v Hathcock. 'Public GOOD' v 'Public Use' a case which overturned Poletown, and the empathy argument for 'good'. Bob Young A solid constitutional Justice I hope is around for a very long time. By JGillman, Section News
There is this thing called the rule of law. And whether it is a small font designation as we have discussed recently, or something so major as an ability to be seated on the supreme court, we must try to follow as best we can. When we KNOW the law, it shall be our guide. And when we do not, and find it by coincidence of our situation, we ought to consider a way to rectify our mistakes and mitigate the effect.
Shall I be the first to cast stones? Not in the classic sense. God has made me but one man among many. Many men who have differing opinions, but come together at points to agree on how best we serve each other in fairness and recognizing the natural born rights we all share. Part of those agreements make up the law to be followed by all the citizens. I must atone personally for my own mistakes, and must also follow rules previously established, else I pay a price in some manner. I make no claim to be technically or morally superior. But I will announce when I see something that is wrong. Especially when there still is time for it to be fixed. (2 comments, 814 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
Really.. Can he?
Unless.. he had ALREADY filed the affidavit prior to his commission by governor Granholm? From the Michigan Constitution:
§ 2 Justices of the supreme court; number, term, nomination, election. It is 121 Days till the end of his term... His appointment to fill the remaining term was 6 days ago.. Am I reading this wrong? (11 comments) Comments >> By The Wizard of Laws, Section News
Cross-posted in The Wizard of Laws and, by mistake, in the Multimedia section of RightMichigan.
Party delegates to the August 28 State Republican Convention will face the formidable tasks of selecting candidates for Secretary of State, Attorney General, and governing boards of Michigan State University, Wayne State University, and one other whose name escapes me (I think it's in the People's Republic of Ann Arbor). At least as important as these tasks is the responsibility to select two nominees for the Michigan Supreme Court. Justice Robert Young is running for reelection, and he deserves our unanimous, unwavering support. Justice Young is an extraordinary legal talent with a first rate mind, unshakable integrity, and incredible vision.
The other nomination is between Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Mary Beth Kelly and Court of Appeals Judge Jane Markey. Both are well-qualified. So, how does one distinguish them? (1162 words in story) Full Story
External FeedsMetro/State News RSS from The Detroit News+ Craig: Cushingberry tried twice to elude police, was given preferential treatment + Detroit police arrest man suspected of burning women with blowtorch + Fouts rips video as 'scurrilous,' defends Chicago trip with secretary + Wind, winter weather hammer state from Mackinac Bridge to southeast Mich. + Detroit Cass Tech QB Campbell expected to be released from custody Friday + New water rates range from -16% to +14%; see change by community + Detroit's bankruptcy gets controversial turn in new Honda ad + Royal Oak Twp., Highland Park in financial emergency, review panels find + Grosse Ile Twp. leads list of Michigan's 10 safest cities + Wayne Co. sex crimes backlog grows after funding feud idles Internet Crime Unit + Judge upholds 41-60 year sentence of man guilty in Detroit firefighter's death + Detroit man robbed, shot in alley on west side + Fire at Detroit motel forces evacuation of guests + Survivors recount Syrian war toll at Bloomfield Hills event + Blacks slain in Michigan at 3rd-highest rate in US Politics RSS from The Detroit News + Apologetic Agema admits errors but won't resign + Snyder: Reform 'dumb' rules to allow more immigrants to work in Detroit + GOP leaders shorten presidential nominating season + Dems: Another 12,600 Michiganians lose extended jobless benefits + Mike Huckabee's comments on birth control gift for Dems + Granholm to co-chair pro-Clinton PAC for president + Republican panel approves tougher penalties for unauthorized early primary states + Michigan seeks visas to lure immigrants to Detroit + Peters raises $1M-plus for third straight quarter in Senate bid + Bill would let lawyers opt out of Michigan state bar + Michigan lawmakers launch more bills against sex trade + Balanced budget amendment initiative gets a jumpstart + Feds subpoena Christie's campaign, GOP + Poll: At Obama's 5-year point, few see a turnaround + Obama to release 2015 budget March 4 Front Page
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