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    Tag: Gubernatorial race

    Bernero Stumps For Snyder

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Sep 14, 2010 at 09:51:18 PM EST
    Tags: Virg Bernero, Gubernatorial Race, Michigan, Democrats, Republicans, Rick Snyder, Debates (all tags)

    Because of formatting I had to leave the complete article over at MTTM

    But it seems there was more to the story than what the MSM is telling us when Virg Bernero "crashed" Rick Snyder's town hall event.  VERY revealing!!

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    A Civil Affair

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Sep 13, 2010 at 07:47:46 AM EST
    Tags: Virg Bernero, Gubernatorial Race, Michigan, Democrats, Republicans, Rick Snyder, Debates (all tags)

    A debate is certainly something that would be interesting, were it to happen between the Republican Gubernatorial Choice, and the Democrat Virg Bernero.  The colorful Bernero would undoubtedly get a few news making audio clips, and to be sure this blog would have some fun with them as well.  Perhaps even with a dual edged perspective.

    But it appears it won't happen.  At least not anytime soon.  And Bernero is not afraid of a little name calling:

    Michigan gubernatorial candidate Virg Bernero went on the attack against his Republican opponent on Sunday in Ann Arbor, calling Rick Snyder a "wimp" for backing out of debates.

    "You know, he's refused to debate," Bernero told a crowd of about 100 people gathered inside the Michigan Union. "Apparently not only is he a nerd, but a wimp."

    Ouch.. that hurts!  Not.

    In front of a friendly crowd, he might be encouraged, even expected to ad hominem a bit.  Certainly the respect level from such a crowd will be greater when the vitriol level goes up.  Those people feed on poison.  Ask GWB for the last 8 years.

    Some politicos, with Bernero as no exception do not understand that the ugly should be left in the realm of the blogs however.  Even I have taken a swipe of two (or three)at Snyder, but unless he has some secret polling that completely redefines his "angry base" from what is publicly known, he (Bernero) will not get any traction that way.

    More.. Below

    (9 comments, 502 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Thank you may I have another.. hehe...

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Jul 11, 2010 at 11:05:56 PM EST
    Tags: Andy dillon, Virg Bernero, Gubernatorial race, Michigan, Seriously this aint The Onion. (all tags)

    Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, and John (MR Monica) Conyers, both lefty SE Michigan Democrats have teamed up to provide Lansing mayor Virg Bernero with critical endorsements sure to put him over the top against Andy Dillon of Redford Township in the Democrat gubernatorial Bid.  Both Conyers and Kilpatrick are Incumbent Congress critters with family members embroiled in one legal matter or another.. or another..

    The Ivory Tower confirming the endorsements with the following report:

    "Guys.. I just gakked!"

    Or something like that.  Then someone got a discount on their insurance.

    Anyhow, both endorsers are uniquely qualified to provide the much needed assistance to the Bernero campaign.  Its rumored they are quite willing to offer their special "good will" to the Dillon camp if Bernero doesn't cut the mustard with at least 21.35% of the Democrat primary vote Aug 03.


    Hey.. someone else just got a discount on their insurance.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Peterson is out of touch

    By J Baranowski, Section News
    Posted on Wed Dec 02, 2009 at 11:18:09 AM EST
    Tags: Mike Bouchard, Gubernatorial Race, Paul Peterson, State Legislature, Government Reform (all tags)

    This is from my blog at Some Other Viewpoint

    Mr. Peterson is correct in pointing out the merits of checks and balances.

    His support of pols pay (above national average for Bachelor degrees), benefits (lifetime after being elected one term), and pensions (ever heard of a 401K?) is disturbing. He has a sense of entitlment that is not in line with core Republican values.

    (23 comments, 450 words in story) Full Story

    RightMichigan Exclusive: Congressman Pete Hoekstra reacts to Land's decision to end campaign

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jun 26, 2009 at 07:07:21 AM EST
    Tags: Hoekstra, Land, Bouchard, 2010, Gubernatorial race, Cap and Trade (all tags)

    After learning yesterday that Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land was dropping out of the 2010 gubernatorial race and endorsing Mike Bouchard, a lot of folks started buzzing that west Michigan was now uncontested (and ripe) for 2nd District Congressman Pete Hoekstra.  Of course, we were curious what HE thought.  

    Late yesterday, through the miracle of technology, I had a chance to catch up with the Congressman while he was in the District of Columbia.

    RightMichigan: Congressman, thanks for making the time.  I know your schedule is crazy right now!

    Congressman Hoekstra: Glad to join you and the community here at Right Michigan.

    I am in DC trying to fight off the Democrat's Cap and Tax bill so that Michiganders and the manufacturing industry don't get hammered more by anti-growth leadership.  Democrats announced that (Friday) they will attempt to pass a massive Cap and Tax program to fight global warming and in the meantime are willing to pass the costs onto consumers via higher energy prices.

    RM: Thanks for fighting that fight.  Wish you had a little more support from the rest of the Michigan delegation, but that's a different discussion.  Big campaign news broken in Grand Rapids today.  

    What is your reaction to Secretary Land's decision to abandon her own campaign and instead back Mike Bouchard?

    CPH: I know that when I announced I was retiring from Congress, I took some time with my family so that we could decide together what was best for us and our future in Michigan. I am sure Secretary Land did the same.  Since I announced my candidacy back in March I have been focused on charging ahead, getting out and around the state and conducting a conversation about turning around Michigan.  That remains my focus.  I am very happy with my decision.  I can't speak for her, but I imagine the Secretary feels the same way today.

    RM: How do you think this affects the electoral playing field?

    CPH: People in our state are worried about their jobs, families and this economy - and so I haven't heard a whole lot of clamoring for my insight on party politics or my ability as a pundit to predict the field.  But since you asked Nick, my thoughts on it are pretty straightforward: I have always figured that the field would likely dwindle down by the time August 2010 rolled around and that the best candidate will emerge.  My opinion hasn't changed. I'm not sure Terri's decision does anything beyond confirming that the field will shrink some before we get to the primary, and the voters will decide who is best-equipped for the job.  

    RM: Many are now speculating that Land would become Bouchard's running mate should he win the nomination.  Have you put any thought into who might join you on a Hoekstra ticket?

    CPH: Just like I have done during my 16 years serving west Michigan, I'm focused on hearing from the people around the state and being the kind of leader that they need.  If I do that well and set a strong example of servant leadership I intend to provide, I think like-minded people will gravitate to my campaign and we will build a strong team from the bottom up.  There are a tremendous amount of talented people out there who share my passion for this state and I look forward to working with as many of them as possible going forward.  We can cross that bridge later.

    RM: What would you say to win voters, especially west Michigan voters who might have supported a Land campaign and now might be seriously considering following their candidate to the Bouchard camp?

    CPH: I don't think voters look at our crisis of leadership in Michigan as regional. I am in the race because I have a passion for West Michigan, Northern Michigan, Southeast Michigan, Central Michigan and the Upper Peninsula.  I understand that the people losing jobs in west Michigan and the businesses closing in west Michigan have something in common with the people of the rest of state: they are all struggling and starved for leadership.  

    I think Michigan's future starts with all of us, and I am prepared to lead as we tackle our biggest challenges.  No other person in this race has 15 years as an executive in the private sector and 16 years served in public office.  I think that balance gives me an edge.  

    RM: Congressman, thanks again!

    Comments >>

    And then there was... one more! Bouchard announces run for Governor

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jun 03, 2009 at 07:30:41 AM EST
    Tags: Bouchard, Cox, Land, Cherry, 2010, gubernatorial race (all tags)

    A couple of hours from now Oakland County Sheriff and 2006 US Senate candidate Mike Bouchard will join the fantastic field of GOP candidates for Governor.  According to the campaign:

    Mike Bouchard, Oakland County Sheriff, will launch his campaign for Governor by traveling the state to discuss Michigan's future with families, students and people from all walks of life in southeast Michigan, Lansing and Grand Rapids.  He'll meet with them to address their concerns and anxieties as well as preview his ideas and solutions for fixing Michigan as Governor.

    Michigan Republicans now in have in Mike Bouchard a successful (many times over) conservative candidate from voter-rich Oakland County, in Mike Cox a candidate who proved in 2002 he was able to knock off a Democrat in a position that hadn't elected a Republican in a half-century and in Terri Lynn Land the highest vote getter in the state.

    Democrats have John Cherry.

    Event details for his tour are below the fold...

    (13 comments, 353 words in story) Full Story

    Rick Snyder clearly pro-choice

    By ProudRepub, Section News
    Posted on Sat Mar 21, 2009 at 02:19:40 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Gubernatorial race, pro-choice (all tags)

    (7 comments, 153 words in story) Full Story

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