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    Tag: abortion (page 3)

    Of Course There Are Children Dying

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sat Dec 15, 2012 at 09:06:38 PM EST
    Tags: Murder, Life, Abortion, Progressivism, Taught To Kill, Disrespecting Rights, God, Gifts, Children, Freedom, Slavery, Connecticut, Michigan, Learned Behaviors (all tags)

    In Connecticut, Michigan, wherever.

    This is not intended as a coldhearted statement, but rather an observation that is crying out for recognition.

    Dead kids, property destruction, general disregard for our fellow man.  All of it resulting from exactly the opposite message of what founded our great nation.  Our current bizarro world would not be complete without death being the 'preferred' alternative to a woman not being able to play around unfettered by the inconvenience of pregnancy, without the labor unions calling for the 'rights' of workers to be protected by placing shackles on their legs, or the game played by progressive thinkers which sets rules that define taking as morally preferable to voluntary concession.

    There could hardly be a dry eye out there from parents of 5 to 10 year old children after yesterday's tragedy in CT.  In fact, anyone with a soul left in these dark times must feel for those parents and family members who had only days before had the highest dreams for their happy little treasures. Even the souls scarred with the axiomatic wrist cutting belief that abortions are OK, or those with sociological defects that believe that honor killing or personal slavery is ever appropriate, must hide their eyes lest the world witness their hypocrisy.

    The world is doing its pole shift, not in the geological sense, but in logic and reasoning and common sense.  Our civilization is running its moral clock backward.

    What stretch of the imagination is it to see a people who are immersed in a culture of death such as that experienced in Detroit, which sports a near 38% abortion rate, and leaves a lesson for those who survive, that life is not sacred? How can we be surprised at the destruction of hot dog carts, and tents, and personal property by union members who have been told that "its OK to break things in your fight to retain dominion over your brother"?  What level of coercive (violence based) taxation is enough for ANY political party, when each scheme rewarding some, must be borne on the backs of others, involuntarily?

    Are we as a nation ready to appropriately answer these questions?

    Continued below the fold.

    (7 comments, 887 words in story) Full Story

    To Toss Murdered Babies in Trash Cans, or Not: That Is The Question

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sun Jun 24, 2012 at 07:32:02 PM EST
    Tags: Lisa Brown, Harridan Vaginas, MI Democrats, abortion, MSDNC and their 3 viewers, Aiding Brewer's Team, Bifarceisan lobbying firm, Mr. Truscott, Shameful (all tags)

    Ann Coulter, rather easily dismantles Rep Lisa Brown's impotent outburst on the House Floor.  I have to appreciate Ann's perspective on Michigan's House Vulgarians: via Human Events

    She commented on a pending abortion bill by first announcing that she was Jewish, kept kosher, described her various sets of plates, and then saying that Jewish law makes abortion mandatory to save the life of the mother.

    This had absolutely nothing to do with the bill being considered, but it may explain why there are no Jewish Tim Tebows.

    Then she said: "I have not asked you to adopt and adhere to my religious beliefs. Why are you asking me to adopt yours?"

    Her smashing crescendo was: "And finally Mr. Speaker, I'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina, but 'no' means 'no'!"

    It's not clear where Rep. Brown got the idea that the Republican caucus was planning on date-raping her, but I think there's been a terrible misunderstanding. The bill under consideration merely ensured the safety of women having abortions - and, in a small way, the safety of the fetus, whom the U.S. Supreme Court has prohibited legislatures from protecting directly.

    Thus, the bill addressed insurance and inspections of abortion clinics, and included a requirement that the abortionist confirm that the woman having the abortion was not being pressured by a third party to do so.

    I have not polled all the Republicans in the Michigan statehouse yet, but the ones I've spoken to assure me that Rep. Brown's vagina played a very small role in their deliberations. It's odd that she seems to think she's the object of so much Republican male fantasy.

    Why must a certain type of woman always start shouting about her vagina whenever the topic of abortion comes up?

    Entire article here

    Exactly, Ann.  Rep Brown and her fringe left over 70's bra burning cult following just can't understand normal thinking.  Unfortunately, now the sad news comes that John Truscott has gone on record with lumping himself right into Rep Brown's category...

    (791 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Democrat Vaginas Want to be Noticed

    By JenKuznicki, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jun 18, 2012 at 09:48:20 AM EST
    Tags: Lisa Brown, MI Democrats, abortion (all tags)

    Crossposted from jenkuznicki.com

    Hey ya'll come to Lansing, there'll be plenty of vaginas.

    This whole controversy disgusts me, but hey, it's part of the reason why I'm not a Democrat.

    The false narrative that the media is running with on the vagina controversy in Lansing is basically what the Democrats say it's about.  According to female Democrats, women are being censored on the House floor for daring to say the word vagina.

    So, in order to really really get those evil male Republicans to pay, the women plan to talk about taking mirrors to view the female genitalia, how the hair feels, orgasms, and on and on and on.  And at no time will they suggest that any of this is a social taboo.

    As a man commented on one of my posts, if a man talked about his penis the way these women are going to talk about their vaginas, he would be arrested for assault and taken away.

    More below the fold..

    (10 comments, 683 words in story) Full Story

    So Much For Dashboard Accountability

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 23, 2012 at 05:25:08 PM EST
    Tags: Snyder, Ardesta, Michigan, Abortion, Stem Cells, UofM, Republicans, Transparency (all tags)

    In fact, go ahead paint the windshield black and hit the gas.

    The Governerd has drawn the line in the embryonic muck used in our universities.  He doesn't want the details of taxpayer funded stem cell research to be TOO transparent. From the Ivory tower:

    "Republican Michigan legislators who are trying to force the University of Michigan to provide details on embryonic stem-cell research have a big hurdle to overcome: Gov. Rick Snyder.

    Snyder, also a Republican, remains convinced that the Legislature cannot force U-M or other universities to answer questions about stem cells included in budget bills, his spokeswoman told the Free Press."

    Of course such transparency might reveal even more of the dirty little secret known as Detroit with its status as abortion capitol.

    My goodness we hate to see little shredded blobs of plasma go to waste.  Golly if those mean ol Republicans would just stop nosing around where they aren't welcome!  Just give the money and shut up already.

    Anyhow, had to put it out there.  Stay tuned.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Its About Family After All

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Apr 10, 2012 at 09:46:17 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Santorum, Bella, Suspending Campaign, God, Miracles, Abortion (all tags)

    I believe we have been very clear about the values represented at RightMichigan.com.

    Consistently over the years, a strong value driven community has developed.  Even throughout, and ESPECIALLY through the last couple of months of challenge with our own favored party, we have remained consistent to our principles. We believe in following the rules, we believe in principle over party. And our dedication to the family unit, and the sanctity of life, and the miracle of God we see through our children carries us through even the losses we must endure.

    The trials Bella Santorum has undergone in her short life are incredible when contrasted with much of our own experiences.  Her hurt could only be second however, to that which her loving parents must endure as she faces a certain fate.  The loss of such a precious child can only be amplified by the value in which the Santorums place God's gift.

    A gift that brought such joy to a family that seemingly had so much already.

    Let us not forget the contrasts between us and those whom we oppose politically.  This lesson in the best of humanity, the resignation of Rick Santorum's campaign in favor of perhaps a very short time left he can spend with his daughter only drives home the difference more clearly.

    Many of those on the left would have never allowed such a miracle to occur.

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    The Stupidity of Kathleen Sebelius

    By pauldpeterson, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 01, 2012 at 11:11:30 AM EST
    Tags: Kathleen Sebelius, HHS, abortion, religious liberty, sneezing etiquette (all tags)

        It may seem like old news, but let's begin by asking one question. How did your mother teach you to sneeze? Cup your hand over your mouth and nose (with a tissue, if possible) and sneeze into it. As any three year old might ask... why? I'm sure she said it's because you want to keep your germs to yourself and not make someone else sick by spreading germs around the house or in public. It's because something may come spraying out of your nose also. Sneezes are unpredictable in these ways, and a cupped hand is really the best way to contain them in a pinch. "Eww!", you might say. All that in my hand? But hands are very durable things, and the dirty little secret is, you can wash them. This technique has lasted for centuries, passed down by oral tradition one undiseased generation to the next.

        The Anatomy of a Sneeze is some 40,000 droplets of germ-laden spittle and mucous travelling at 100 mph a distance of some 32 ft., sometimes repetatively. (Ooooo, how scarey!) Containing this little sickness-bomb is exactly why a proper technique must be used to protect the health of others. But manner and etiquette has always been handled by parents to children. Then, suddenly, upon the election of Barak Hussein Obama, and the appointment of uber-Progressive Kathleen Sebelius, all of this changed as if it had always been this way. Between charts in school and public service announcements (propaganda) by no less than Elmo of Sesame Street, the public was instructed to sneeze into the crook of their arms, essentially on their sleeves. Didn't our mothers teach us NOT to wipe our noses on our sleeves?

    (1 comment, 1738 words in story) Full Story

    The Real Murder Capitol is

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Feb 03, 2012 at 04:03:04 PM EST
    Tags: Abortion, Bloomberg, Komen, Planned Parenthood, Detroit, NYC (all tags)

    Still.  Detroit.

    Detroit is numero uno.

    Recently, Michigan was ranked quite high as having a few of "most violent cities in America".

    In fact we had four of the top ten cities considered as such, and the attorney general of Michigan Bill Schuette has requested some of the "surplus" income the state has discovered, be used for more policing based on this.  Flint and Detroit, both with high per cap murder rates, and the counts to keep those rates high. Philadelphia has laid claim to the murder rate with its paltry 322 homicide count just two days before the year's end, but it doesn't square with the 1.5 million residents greater Philly encompasses, as compared to the 950,000 pop in Detroit and its 344 Murder-Death-Kill tally.

    But something popped into the in-box today that had me reconsider who might be truly holding the biggest slaughterfest in the country, and I had to do some number follow ups.

    Below the fold

    (4 comments, 822 words in story) Full Story

    Who Loves Ya, Freddie?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Tue Jan 03, 2012 at 09:20:49 PM EST
    Tags: Fred Upton, WALL OF SHAME, Whirlpool Trust Fund Baby, Howard Wolpe, Mainstreet, Centrists, Abortion, Health Care, Sebelius, Waivers, Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, Incandescent Light Bulb Ban, Thomas Edison, Global Warming, August 2012 Primary, Jack Hoogendyk, Conservative (all tags)

    All I can say about this August in CD-6 is, Go Jack!

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