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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Its About Family After All

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Apr 10, 2012 at 09:46:17 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Santorum, Bella, Suspending Campaign, God, Miracles, Abortion (all tags)

    I believe we have been very clear about the values represented at RightMichigan.com.

    Consistently over the years, a strong value driven community has developed.  Even throughout, and ESPECIALLY through the last couple of months of challenge with our own favored party, we have remained consistent to our principles. We believe in following the rules, we believe in principle over party. And our dedication to the family unit, and the sanctity of life, and the miracle of God we see through our children carries us through even the losses we must endure.

    The trials Bella Santorum has undergone in her short life are incredible when contrasted with much of our own experiences.  Her hurt could only be second however, to that which her loving parents must endure as she faces a certain fate.  The loss of such a precious child can only be amplified by the value in which the Santorums place God's gift.

    A gift that brought such joy to a family that seemingly had so much already.

    Let us not forget the contrasts between us and those whom we oppose politically.  This lesson in the best of humanity, the resignation of Rick Santorum's campaign in favor of perhaps a very short time left he can spend with his daughter only drives home the difference more clearly.

    Many of those on the left would have never allowed such a miracle to occur.

    < Sen Stabenow's Goonion Masters Jerk Her Chain .. Again | Fred Upton Not a Career Politician? >

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