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    Tag: Michigan Banana Republican Party (page 3)

    Those Aren't Drivers, They're Honey Dippers!

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Mar 19, 2013 at 08:40:19 AM EST
    Tags: Bobby Schostak, sending a message, Michigan Banana Republican Party, backroom shenanigans, disingenuous hypocrisy, 2013-HB-4111, acta non verba, The Flim-Flam Man, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Somebody send this corrupt Democrat a septic truck with Drolets' Mr. Perks strapped to the top of it.

    Jeez, where the Hell is the MIa-GOP when opportunities like this present itself?    Schostak, you're a pathetically out-of-touch old weenie.  That's why we've witnessed Bobby gifting Pelosi, and Udall, $666 in campaign contributions.  Like they cared, idiot.

    Comments >>

    No Respect

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 13, 2013 at 12:28:02 PM EST
    Tags: Gotta be a joke, DyNASTY, GOPe, Senate, 2014, Bobby Schostak, SB-992, Sharon Wise, Saul Anuzis, ex post facto rules changes, memory holes, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, Michigan Banana Republican Party, Wayne County Business Development Corporation, John Rakolta Jr (all tags)

    "I looked up my family tree and found three dogs using it" - Rodney Dangerfield

    Here we go again in Michigan.

    Ronna Romney McDaniel, granddaughter of former Michigan Gov. George Romney, said she's "looking at" a Republican run for Senate after Democrat Carl Levin announced he's not going to seek re-election. She was an active campaigner for her uncle Mitt Romney last year.

    "It's something I'm going to consider (after) what I saw around the state with how frustrated people were with what's happening in D.C.," Romney McDaniel, 39, told The Detroit News Tuesday night. "Maybe this is a time where we can bring a new voice and get a Republican senator from our state."

    What's happening in DC?  Career hack politicos getting by, or surviving on last name recognition, and a disinterested electorate because we know both sides of the Ruling Class are lying to us.  

    Her father, Scott Romney, Mitt's older brother, told The News that after initially considering a run he has decided against a bid for the seat held for more than three decades by Levin, D-Detroit.

    "I decided it just wasn't right for me at this time," Scott Romney [at age 71] said.

    Instead, he phoned his daughter Tuesday to urge her to consider.

    Wait for it...  {yawn}

    Is this the 52-48 ShowStak Brand rearing its ugly head?  Maybe the CD-11 Star Chamber making their move, again?  Frankly, I could care less about either - MiGOP record of Romney failure: Lenore (1970), Ronna née Rakolta (94 & 96), G. Scott (AG '98), and Willard (08 & 12).  Some folks just can't seem to take a hint.   Sure, Ronna Romney McDaniel (I hate that weird progressive last name thing) may be a nice person, but is one whose only accomplishments to date is being a Northville mother of 2, and managing her uncle's campaign that abandoned Michigan, but equipped with genitalia for the Politically Correct bogus War on Wimmin's.

    Between the Bush dynasty, and Romney wannabes, the Team R interlopers are beginning to make the Kennedy clan look like pikers among the last name entitlement leeches.

    Good luck with that.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Wednesdays Divertere: Will Schostak be Reelected Chair?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Wed Feb 06, 2013 at 11:41:08 AM EST
    Tags: SB-992, Schostak Brothers & Company, backroom shenanigans, integrity argument, patronage system, equality of merit, cleaning out closets, Schostak Must Go, Anuzis Amendment to MIGOP Convention Rule # 9, Michigan's 11th Congressional District write-in campaign, Michigan Banana Republican Party, Republican County Conventions, Republican State Convention, District Caucuses, General Session, Robert's Rules of Order, GOPe, Grassroots, Michigan (all tags)

    Considering the massive amounts of very, damning evidence, will the republican Sheeple go baahahahaha?  Some folk already have their white T-shirt on.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    The Mechanics of Takeover

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 31, 2013 at 09:24:49 AM EST
    Tags: integrity argument, patronage system, equality of merit, cleaning out closets, Schostak Must Go, Michigan "Dele-Gate" Fiasco, Anuzis Amendment to MIGOP Convention Rule # 9, Michigan's 11th Congressional District write-in campaign, Michigan Banana Republican Party, Republican County Conventions, Republican State Convention, District Caucuses, General Session, Robert's Rules of Order (all tags)

    As I published in June of last year, what the combined grassroots effort accomplished at the May Convention was impressive, but only the first battle of a much longer campaign that will be necessary in order to purge the Republican Party in Michigan (at every level) of the blueblood elites that have taken over the party establishment.  At the time, I mentioned that the reach of the broom needed to extend all the way down to the county executive committees where necessary, and I provided at strategic overview of what would need to be done to effect the end goal.  At this point, regardless of how it worked out, phases 1 through 4 are complete.  Since we only have four weeks to work with, we need to stay tightly focused on phase 5 of the plan, and we must use our time wisely.

    So with that in mind, grab a pot of coffee and a snack plate, and let's go below the fold.

    (2 comments, 3317 words in story) Full Story

    Horizon: Growing Migration to Livingston Co

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Nov 27, 2012 at 05:33:31 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Progressives, Gary Peters, City of Troy, Light Rail boondoggles, Crony Capitalism, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, DRIC-NITC, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, Follow the money, Michigan Banana Republican Party, Pay Up Suckers, Dump Schostak, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    via The Detroit News

    The Michigan Senate approved a five-bill package Tuesday establishing a regional transit authority for Metro Detroit and allowing public transportation projects to be funded with a voter-approved registration fee on car owners.

    The bills, sought by Gov. Rick Snyder, are seen as crucial to funding a regional transit authority for Metro Detroit and empowering the authority to take over management of the region's major bus systems and create dedicated high-speed bus lanes on the area's busiest corridors.

    Senate Bill 911 would allow the transit authority to seek voter approval in Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne counties for a special motor vehicle registration fee to fund the authority's transportation projects. Under the bill, voters could be asked to approve a registration fee not to exceed $1.20 for every $1,000 of a vehicle's listing price.


    The recently approved DIA Tax had to be the lame-duck trial run for the convicted felon's SB 911 stink-bomb.

    Thank your Lansing Nerdpublicans who have figured out another accountability loophole.  To levy taxes on the people: let the moocher herd vote.  To silence the people from their voice: limit access to constitutional amendments.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    $3,150/sq. ft Initial Cost Boondoggle

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Nov 27, 2012 at 01:15:03 PM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Gary Peters, Crony Capitalism, City of Troy, Special Election, City Clowncil, Laws shmaws, Lefty loons, Pay Up Suckers, Hostile Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Magna International, Frank Ervin DC Lobbyist, Foreign Business, Green Subsidy, Progressives, Government Funding, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Wholesale Gas Tax, Registration Fees, DRIC-NITC, Light Rail boondoggles, Follow the money, Michigan Banana Republican Party, Dump Schostak, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    via WXYZ

    But, it makes the Canadians, Gary Peters, and the Governerd, are all giddy, so what the 'fiscal cliff' Hell?  Screw Grover's initiated Tax Pledge to the constituents - Goonion labor Amtrak choo-choo money pits for  e v e r y o n e!


    Comments >>

    Rule of Law in Michigan? Puh-lease

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Nov 27, 2012 at 10:34:49 AM EST
    Tags: SoS Ruth Johnson, AG Bill Schuette, Rule of Law, Special Election, City of Troy, City Clowncil, Laws shmaws, Lefty loons, Pay Up Suckers, Follow the money, Canadian Magna International, Crony Capitalism, Gary Peters, Michigan Banana Republican Party, Dump Schostak, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    via The Detroit News

    Troy Councilman Dane Slater was officially appointed mayor Monday night until November 2013 amid controversy over whether the city must hold an election to name a new mayor.

    The selection followed failed attempts earlier Monday by two city residents to file to run for a mayoral election. Monday was the deadline to file.

    "I'm not ready to support any candidate as interim mayor until we get a resolution from the state," Councilman Doug Tietz said, referring to the controversy with the state over how the city must choose a mayor after the recall of Mayor Janice Daniels. He and Councilman Wade Fleming opposed Slater's appointment Monday.

    The state's elections director told the city in a letter Nov. 16 that it must hold a special election Feb. 26, and not wait until 2013 to fill the mayor's position.


    This is the final product that Lansing, and Party Nerdpublicans have created.  When it comes to the central planning schemes using Federal Debt dollars being placed under deficit spending scrutiny locally, the establishment clause of Two Wings Same Bird Party politics will slay those who are not in their exact likeness.  We watched the MI-GOP Star Chamber attempt to do this to Kerry Bentivolio, and they have had their "compassionate conservative" Operation Hummingbird way with Mayor Janice Daniels.

    The Republicrats quietus will wear the face of Mitt Romney, and Rick Snyder, for eternity.

    Comments >>

    Lies, Damned Lies, and "Defend Michigan Democracy"

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Sat Nov 03, 2012 at 05:07:16 AM EST
    Tags: Proposal 12-5, Michigan Tax Limitation Amendment, Constitution of Michigan - Article IX, Constitution of Michigan - Article XII, Headlee Amendment (1978), Constitution of Michigan - Article V § 18, Americans For Prosperity of Michigan, Michigan Alliance for Prosperity, Americans for Tax Reform, Two-Thirds Movement, RNC 2012 Platform, Michigan Banana Republican Party, kleptocracy establishment, Michigan tea party movement, Michigan's Debt Clock, Defend Michigan Democracy, red herring fallacies, Proposal 06-2, Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, Wayne County Taxpayers Association, Citizens Protecting Michigan's Constitution, Taxpayers United Michigan Foundation, "super minority" firewall, S-I-N tactics (all tags)

    A "Red Herring" fallacy (also known as an "irrelevant conclusion" fallacy) is a logical error in which an argument is, intentionally or not, constructed of irrelevant or false inferences, with the intention of masking the lack of substantive arguments and/or implicitly replacing or diverting attention away from the actual subject of the discussion, by proving a different proposition than the one it is purporting to support.  And I can tell you that defending Proposal 12-5 out in the social media sphere has been an education in countering Ignoratio Elenchi.

    (1 comment, 2773 words in story) Full Story

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