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    Tag: LIES

    AFP Targets Peters For Obamacare Role

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jan 14, 2014 at 04:58:09 PM EST
    Tags: AFPMI, Americans For Prosperity, Obamacare, Gary Peters, US Senate, LIES, Liar, Lying Liars, Progressives (all tags)

    Holy cow.

    Maybe I, or better yet, my cat, should run for Michigan's US Senate race. After the (deserved) beat-down Peters is receiving, and expected to receive up until election day I think my fat little furry friend could win on policy alone.

    Americans For Prosperity is reminding Michiganians that Gary Peters was one of those congress critters who lack common sense, doesn't know how to read, do math or learn from history. The Michigan chapter of Americans for Prosperity, the nation's foremost grassroots advocate for health care freedom, launched a million-dollar multimedia campaign on Tuesday, aimed at holding Rep. Gary Peters accountable for his support of the ObamaCare mess.

    Television, radio and online ads launch across the state today and will run for three weeks at a cost of roughly $1 million. The television component will run on both broadcast and cable. The TV Ad and other data are ..

    .. below the fold.

    (5 comments, 298 words in story) Full Story

    Peters Repeated The Lie

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jan 07, 2014 at 01:17:19 PM EST
    Tags: Gary Peters, US Senate, Michigan, Lies, Obamacare, ACA, You Can Keep It, Democrats, Lying Liars (all tags)

    Seriously, ANYONE could win Michigan's  US Senate seat being vacated by Carl Levin.

    At least if Gary Peters is all the Democrat party has to offer. The RNC has targeted a number of politicians who parroted the Obama lie:"You can keep it .." in the run up to passage of the ACA.  They will be running a series of ads pointing out the many times each of these folks opened their pieholes to mislead constituents in this regard. The Michigan ads will initially be radio spots like this one (modified for Peter's name used instead) saying:

    "So what's your New Year's resolution? Here's one you can keep. Resolve to keep [Senator/Representative] honest in 2014.

    President Obama and [Senator/Representative] said if you like your insurance plan you can keep it under ObamaCare. They lied to you. Big time. PolitiFact called that the "lie of the year."

    Millions will lose their insurance--and their doctors.

    2014 is your chance to hold [Senator/Representative] accountable. Tell him this is one New Year's resolution you're sticking to.

    The Republican National Committee paid for and is responsible for the content of this advertising. GOP.com"

    And its based in fact.

    From the Ivory Tower in 2009:

    " .. Illegal immigrants won't be covered, Peters said. Medicare benefits won't change, and will include no co-pays for preventative care and a reduction in drug costs. And Congress isn't being treated any differently than anyone else who has employer-covered insurance, Peters said.

    "If you're covered and you like your insurance, you can keep it," he said. "

    You know, it seems as if those might just have been 'talking points' to keep the natives from getting too restless about the takeover of a quarter of the economy. No, really!

    Though this is very serious, It still reminds me of a joke.

    Go below the fold and I will pass it along.

    (6 comments, 888 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    And Funnier Yet

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Dec 19, 2013 at 10:32:45 AM EST
    Tags: Humor, Humiliation, Lies, Democrats, Traitors, ACA, Obamacare, Gary Peters, China, Outsourcing, Manufacturing (all tags)

    As it turns out, the RNC has made another Subtle statement with the Lie of the year trophies.

    Because of liberal policies, manufacturing over time has had to find other havens where makers of such products as TROPHIES can do so competitively.  The Dems have consistently advocated higher taxes, and unrealistic workplace rules that hamstring domestic manufacturing to the point of closure or relocation.

    Fewer makers of wealth and even fewer workers yet.


    How appropriate that the awards offered to those Democrats are from those places that carry so much of our debt.

    Comments >>

    Lie Of The Year Trophies Awarded

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Dec 18, 2013 at 04:17:25 PM EST
    Tags: RNC, Humor, Humiliation, Lies, Democrats, Traitors, ACA, Obamacare, Gary Peters (all tags)

    I found this story funny, though the subject is far from it.

    Apparently the RNC has awarded a number of vulnerable Dems a special award for their participation in the American catastrophe known as Obamacare.

    " Rebecca Coffman, a press assistant at the RNC ..  holding the trophy outside Senator Mary Landrieu's office before presenting it to one of her staffers. "We'd like to present Senator Landrieu with the Lie of the Year award on behalf of the Republican National Committee," she said.

    "Ok," said the staffer.

    "For lying to her constituents about keeping their plans-"

    "Alright," he said.

    "On behalf of the Republican National Committee," she concluded.

    Another staffer laughed. "That's pretty funny!" he said.

    "It is," said the first.

    Others were less appreciative.

    The receptionist for Senator Mark Begich, a vulnerable Alaska Democrat, was particularly unamused. "You're kind of a jerk," he told Coffman after accepting the trophy

    At least he took it.  No sore losers there, right?

    Gary Peters, who will probably lose to whomever runs for US Senate in 2014 received the award above for his part in bringing forward the end to the US constitution.

    Comments >>

    RNC Says "Senators & Congressmen Lied Too"

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 04, 2013 at 08:39:51 AM EST
    Tags: RNC, Reince Priebus, Robocalls, Obamacare, Lies, Congressmen, Keep Your Insurance (all tags)

    The RNC is going to take advantage of the short window where media is actually questioning 'Dear Leader.'

    Starting today, the Republican National Committee (RNC) is launching robocalls and targeted Facebook posts urging Americans to call their representatives and ask why they supported President Obama's lie that people could keep their healthcare plans under ObamaCare.  

    The RNC is targeting eleven Democrats who support ObamaCare, including nine U.S. Senators who voted in 2010 to make it more difficult for Americans to keep their insurance. The effort includes Senators Mark Warner (VA), Mark Begich (AK), Dick Durbin (IL), Kay Hagan (NC), Mary Landrieu (LA), Jeff Merkley (OR), Mark Pryor (AR), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), and Mark Udall (CO), as well as Representatives Bruce Braley (IA) and Gary Peters (MI).

    Peters' targeted call script?:

    "I'm calling from the RNC.  President Obama and the Democrats said you could keep your healthcare plan under ObamaCare. Now we know REPRESENTATIVE PETERS actually made that same promise. Call REPRESENTATIVE PETERS at (313) 964-9960 and ask why he lied. This call was paid for by the RNC (866) 279-8125.
    Its a good point.  

    Call those who voted for it in the first place and ask why THEY lied as well as the boss liar.  Make them explain how they could not have known, unless of course they were not reading the bill, in which case they should resign right away as inept negligent, and incapable of service as a US representative or senator..

    RNC Chairman Reince Priebus says

    "We now know the President's repeated promise that Americans could keep their insurance plans if they liked them was a blatant lie. In 2010 President Obama and the Democrats were warned about this very issue and deliberately chose to make it more difficult for Americans to keep their insurance. Americans should call their representatives and ask why they supported the ObamaCare lie."

    Though not a fan of Robocalls personally, I agree that the RNC needs to capitalize on the southward jet-stream momentum of the liar in chief.

    At least until the Gods of the Copybook Headings blow the winds of change back in his direction.

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    One Last Chance

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Sep 02, 2013 at 06:41:56 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Obamacare, HB4714, Lies, Jase Bolger, Mike Callton, Hugh Crawford, Cindy Denby, Anthony Forlini, Frank Foster, Ben Glardon, Joseph Haveman, Brad Jacobsen, Klint Kesto, Eileen Kowall, Andrea LaFontaine, Matt Lori, Lisa Lyons, Greg MacMaster, Michael McCready, Margaret OBrien, Dave Pagel, Earl Poleski, Al Pscholka, Amanda Price, Bill Rogers, Mike Shirkey, Wayne Schmidt, Jim Stamas, John Walsh, Ken Yonker, Dale Zorn (all tags)

    To do what is right, draw a line in the sand, and save the Michigan Republican party in the process.

    Each of these representatives put their mark on the dotted line for eventual higher federal taxes, Obamacare, and expanding reliance on a bigger government. They are Republicans, who have sought and won the trust of those who believe in a LIMITED government, and support a platform that says Republicans will do so. Many wouldn't even be in office if it were not for the grass roots conservative revolution in 2010; a group that is hardly out of the picture.

    JamesBolger@house.mi.gov; mikeCallton@house.mi.gov; HughCrawford@house.mi.gov; CindyDenby@house.mi.gov; AnthonyForlini@house.mi.gov; FrankFoster@house.mi.gov; BenGlardon@house.mi.gov; JosephHaveman@house.mi.gov; BradJacobsen@house.mi.gov; KlintKesto@house.mi.gov; EileenKowall@house.mi.gov; AndreaLaFontaine@house.mi.gov; MattLori@house.mi.gov; LisaLyons@house.mi.gov; GregMacMaster@house.mi.gov; michaelmccready@house.mi.gov; MargaretOBrien@house.mi.gov; DavePagel@house.mi.gov; EarlPoleski@house.mi.gov; AlPscholka@house.mi.gov; AmandaPrice@house.mi.gov; BillRogers@house.mi.gov; MikeShirkey@house.mi.gov; WayneSchmidt@house.mi.gov; JimStamas@house.mi.gov; JohnWalsh@house.mi.gov; KenYonker@house.mi.gov; DaleWZorn@house.mi.gov;
    All have one last chance to act on what might be a little buyers remorse.

    We know of a couple who have said they will change their votes.  They are not responding to threats of activists, but realize after making their choices, that they have been lied to along the way by the governor, the Lt governor and lobbyist after lobbyist looking for that next windfall on the taxpayer dime.  Help the rest of them get the information they need.

    The last chance is tomorrow or this week.  

    Email away.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Tuesday Divertere - Pirro Sums It Up

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Tue May 14, 2013 at 08:14:14 AM EST
    Tags: Benghazi, Cover Ups, Dead Americans, PIrro, Obama, Lies, Hillary, Elections (all tags)

    Generally the front page won't see too much of the national news that has no Michigan ties.

    However, Judge Jeanine Pirro in this clip puts the most appropriate perspective on the Benghazi affair that I have seen.  There are a lot of questions that need to be answered, and I'll stop short of total agreement with, or assigning motives to the administrations lack of action and its subsequent cover ups, but I recognize incompetence when I see it.  Only the most shallow butt kissing sycophant could not recognize this administration is in way over its head.

    Well done Judge.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Action Alert! RTL Mistakenly Supporting Exchanges

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Aug 13, 2012 at 03:25:38 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Health Care Exchanges, Lies, Suckers, Failures, Cowardice, Senate, House, Liberty Forever Gone, I WILL Say: (all tags)

    Don't believe a word you hear from supporters of Obamacare being implemented in any way. you are being lied to. This popped into the inbox today.

    Tina Dupont of the Tea Party of West Michigan writes:



     Michigan Right To Life has been convinced (guess by who)that a state written exchange will keep us from paying for abortions. They are a strong lobbying group in Lansing as you all know and they are, as I write this, working on our House members to get them to vote to use 9.8 Mill (our federal tax dollars) to start the process of writing a state exchange. Also NFIB has started to do likewise.

    Please Please Please, this has to go viral. We must pressure MI RTL to stop this madness and call our Michigan House yet again to encourage them to stay the course. Rep Haines has put up a very valiant fight for us and we must buck her up now so that she can hold her stand against this horrible confiscation of such a large chunk of our economy by Obama and his group of thugs!

    We know that it will not matter who writes this thing as the feds (HHS) will force us to pay for abortions. HHS has total control and they want this badly.

    The exchange will be available in later years if we find we cannot stop this thing. It does not have to be done today, now.

    She is correct. The exchange MUST NOT HAPPEN.

    Watch the video.  Then have your state legislator tell Washington to shove this intrusion into state's rights where the thermometer might go.

    Don't sit around.  Call now.

    Contact info listed below.

    (4 comments, 2314 words in story) Full Story

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