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    Tag: business (page 4)

    Michigan Business Done Right - Real Value

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 18, 2009 at 12:42:33 PM EST
    Tags: Business, Value, Worth, MEDC, Mackinac Center, Unions, Coersion (all tags)

    Worth, or the value of a product when sold to a customer is determined when the want of that product provides a price that matches the desire of the seller to part with it.  Sometimes the seller can be so motivated, that they are willing to sell the product for less than it cost them to manufacture, or even to buy.  Ultimately, the buyer and seller will freely determine between themselves, the "value" of whatever it is that is being sold by the ACT ITSELF.

    A pre-declaration of value, or pre-establishment of price, hardly makes the "worth" an absolute.

    The buyer determines what something is worth based on a number of considerations. Considerations are made in how it enhances their life, by satiating current hunger with the purchase of a food stuff, if it keeps them warm as a sweater or coat may, or even how it can allow them to be more efficient in creating their own wealth through the use of a tool or specialized device.

    Every thing has SOME value but the many variables which drive the realization of those values are sometimes too complex to easily predict.

    (3 comments, 1215 words in story) Full Story

    Michigan Business Done Right - Celebrating?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 04, 2009 at 03:04:36 PM EST
    Tags: Reagan Republicans, Elections, Business (all tags)

    Sales is our business.  The reward for knowledge of product, its use, and the abilities of the product can be quite stimulating when it arrives.  Occasionally, we will make a really big sale, become excited and perhaps get a little ahead of ourselves in the celebration.  For small business, unusually large transactions or major new contracts can spark new thoughts of growth, additions, and expansion.

    Growth is often equated with survival in business and perhaps elsewhere..

    Sometimes however, that "big score" can threaten the very existence of your business.  Rather than enhance, it becomes an anchor, an albatross, a white elephant if you will.  Added responsibility sans the wherewithal, or perhaps miscalculated costs can bury the dreams of the business owner who fails to calculate a little for chance, or happenstance.

    A little over a year ago we were within a phone call of being out of business.. permanently.

    (4 comments, 1067 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Michigan Business Done Right - Dependence

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Oct 07, 2009 at 10:53:19 AM EST
    Tags: Addiction, Michigan, Government, Business, Dependency (all tags)

    There is a different type of business we should be aware of.  It has a devastating effect on families and communities alike.  Its a particular drug trafficking business.  

    While it seems that no one "forces" the patrons of this business to sample its wares, the "hook" in the ingredients and the savaging of bank accounts and savings that result from the ingestion of its drug keeps them coming back for more.  The never ending cycle once started is near impossible to cure. Ultimately it is quite unavoidable for some.

    Consider the consequence..  Take the drug once addicted, and live a relatively benign existence, or refuse the drug and take your chances with a suffering that is both uncomfortable, and potentially deadly. The very worst part of the entire process of habitual obsession and consumption, is that the entire time the user should know it is not natural, and not indigenous to our society, either culturally or otherwise.  

    At least it has not been until the last 80 years.

    (1 comment, 1100 words in story) Full Story

    Michigan Business Done Right - Today's Business

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 30, 2009 at 07:23:05 AM EST
    Tags: Taxes, Michigan, 2007, Business (all tags)

    Our state legislature STILL has a lot of difficult decisions ahead of them, and perhaps most, that should have already been made. But the reality of what truly needs to be done has been might well have been put off by the uneasy feeling in the pit of their stomachs whether they are making the "right" decisions on cuts or tax raising.  

    I know that feeling.. After today it may return.

    I had another article lined up for today, but this message needs to be repeated. And the time is critical.

    If any of our state legislators have ANY question about what NOT to do, please take a look at something I had written in December of  2007 after the Michigan legislature, and the governor's pen infected this state with a confusing new business tax and subsequent surcharge.

    (5 comments, 1045 words in story) Full Story

    Michigan Business Done Right - Instant Gratification

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 23, 2009 at 11:47:43 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Taxes, Debt, Instant Gratification, business (all tags)

    Most of my sales are on the Internet, which means when someone purchases my product they must wait until the product is shipped to them before they get their hands on it, get to touch it, and experience whatever it is that it is supposed to do.  

    That's just not fun..  Waiting?

    Particularly when someone gets an itch that needs to be scratched NOW, that pleasure of holding what you have bought is sometimes immeasurable.  Its the reward for saving a few dollars, or even knowing that you work hard enough to afford what you are getting, and can sometimes add to the fuel that motors you forward, become more productive and be able to super size your deal the next time around.

    Having, holding, using, and seeing the very things you want NOW can be quite stimulating...  And its especially invigorating when you know you have already the means to pay for it.

    (7 comments, 1237 words in story) Full Story

    Michigan Business Done Right - The Sale

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 16, 2009 at 12:49:28 PM EST
    Tags: MIchigan, Andy Dillon, Business, Sale (all tags)

    Stuff, product, hard goods..  Like food, many things spoil on the shelf.  Technology gets old, designs change, and so does the interest of the public as it is swayed from one boutique to the next.  Obsolescence need hardly be planned in most businesses which rely on selling for their income.  As times change, the demands of the public do so as well, and what was last year's state of the art component, is soon found in the bargain bin or clearance rack.

    Sadly, Politics can respond much in the same way.  Overblown, over complicated product of the political mind is often bought all too easily by a public which always wants NEW and IMPROVED, but soon finds nothing improved but the packaging, and shiny new logos.  And then, as the cycle goes, the product that was bought and sometimes returned, soon finds its way back out on the shelf looking like the next generation of solutions in the dollar store of ideas.  

    The value becomes lessened, and now the left is having a fire sale.  Nothing is of any quality, but it sure is CHEAP..

    (5 comments, 486 words in story) Full Story

    Michigan Business Done Right - The Warranty

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 09, 2009 at 09:15:45 AM EST
    Tags: Business, Michigan, Warranty, Politics, Product (all tags)

    Things break..  Sometimes it is because of a manufacturing defect, sometimes unseen material flaws, and sometimes an act of god takes its toll on an item which has not the capability to withstand some might consider divine destruction.  There are very few things man made, or created by man which can last forever, and on that basis there are guarantees of manufacture, or a warranty which provides relief to the buyer in the event of premature failure.

    Its like that with the tinker toys (Security Cameras and devices) I sell, and its like that with most other goods made, crafted, created, and assembled.  The maker assumes a certain quality or longevity, and offers to assuage the buyers fears that what they purchase will not serve its purpose enough to make the expense worthwhile.  Generally, the better the warranty terms the manufacturer will provide for the potential of failure, the more confidence in the product the buyer and any middlemen (myself as a distributor) will have in that product.  When the buyers feel they have limited exposure, it is ALWAYS easier to sell to them.

    (1 comment, 1061 words in story) Full Story

    Michigan Business Done Right - Salesmen

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 02, 2009 at 10:40:33 AM EST
    Tags: Business, Michigan, Salesmen, Clowncar, Cherry (all tags)

    Undersell, and over deliver..

    If I don't know how to operate something, have little experience with a product, or do not feel as though I could sufficiently support (technically) an item I sell, I will try to let my customer know.  By doing so, that customer usually does one of the following:

    a.Walks away, and finds someone else who offers better support.
    b.Continues to deal with me on the products of which I have more experience.
    c.Takes a chance and buys all the products from me KNOWING I may not be able to help technically.

    Nearly always I have earned the respect of the customer for my straight forward approach.  I try to make no false promises, or make an attempt to engage on a path of satisfaction I cannot deliver.  If the customer takes a chance, and finds that I have exceeded his or her expectations, it then results in a greater respect for my ability to work through some technical issue, or perhaps even innovate.

    (1 comment, 1097 words in story) Full Story

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