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Tag: ACA (page 3)By JGillman, Section News
Norm Hughes, chair of the Michigan Conservative Union (MCU) writes the following
An open letter to our state senators:
Medicaid Expansion Issue 101: The audacious statement is that we will each save $400 a year on insurance premiums because the Federal government will pick up the cost of indigent patients. The Truth: It was almost unbelievable that a businessman now legislator in the House used this as rationale for voting to add 470,000 more Michigan residents to Medicaid, a key element of implementing ObamaCare and driving more debt for our children and grandchildren to pay, doubled by interest. The USA federal government is broke and has an insatiable appetite to spend more than it takes in. When you are in a deep hole the first rule of survival is to stop digging. Here are some points to reflect on regarding this statement: Below the fold is a point by point. (531 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
I am not going to get out of the fight, but damn, I sure have felt like it recently.
The Democrat party has been lost for some time to the progressive freak show that carries a disconnect about its intent and actions. While griping about money in elections by big corporations, it calls out for bigger government that attracts such mechanisms. While it decries the high cost of insurance and medical care, it uses the tools of government to discourage entry into the field of medicine, thus raising the cost. While promising no mouth goes unfed, it has provided a trough that keeps the hands associated with those mouths idle and unproductive so they cannot feed themselves. Constantly the 'civil rights' violations, through our social compacts, are heralded as wrong, yet murdering of those who can least defend themselves is their rallying action. And at the same time that its activists want us out of their bedrooms, they put their genitalia in our faces and into our school programming. Its a bizarro world. Its a strange place and time, and I don't recognize my country or state any longer. When the lies become the truth, and the truth is decried as meaningless, and a (very unhealthy)gun is put to our heads, so that someone who has made poor choices with regard to their own health care might be made better. But it didn't hurt so much until the last 2 decades, and the damage was somewhat limited until the Republicans allowed it to become mainstream. More below the fold ~ (7 comments, 992 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
John Yob may have a problem on his hands.
As strategic National (Yob's political consulting firm) looks forward to 2014 and an expected continued representation of Rick Snyder's campaign efforts, he will have to overcome one particular obstacle; The governor himself. Perhaps even the governor's staff and surrogates. As brilliant as some of those operatives within Strategic National might be, the 'pig' that is the governor's reelection chance might be far too gone for lipstick and a little rouge. Especially given yesterdays grass roots announcement and letter. The announcement was picked up by all of the state papers, and has gathered attention even nationwide. However, Snyder's mouthpiece Sara Wurfel says: "As an (accountant), Gov. Snyder knows there's a strong case that this Medicaid component is the financially responsible and smart thing to do while also being the right thing to do, both short- and long-term for Michiganders and our state's economy and health status,"As an accountant? Think along the lines of the Congressional Budget Office(CBO). IF, given all the input it was supposed to have had before offering an opinion to congress on the ACA in the first place, it might not have offered such a rosy picture of the plan's finances to that congress. Adding the 'unforeseen' costs (we saw them and said so - but ..) that have made it already unworkable, we can do little but laugh at his 'accounting' skills. There are always costs which are held off the books till it is too late to do anything about the overall plan. One of the conservative activists Jeri Leroi who is on the list in opposition, makes a valid point today in one of her email broadcasts: "Keep in mind, in the past the federal government has robbed the Medicare budget to pay for the increase in medicaid. Medicare recipients have paid into the medicare program for over 40 year before receiving any benefits at all. We pay a co pay and extra premiums for hospital care which are also scheduled to go up under Obamacare. The Medicaid recipients have not paid into this program, whole families have stayed on it for life.She has a point. She also influences many within our community. And HERE is where some accounting background might help the governor's team understand the predicament at hand. ~ Below the fold. (5 comments, 710 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
Conservative activists and organizers from across the state of Michigan have had enough.
As promised, Governor Snyder will have to face the reality that the conservative base might well leave him to fend for himself as he repeatedly (and without remorse) promotes expansion of the ACA in Michigan. Joan Fabiano and Jen Kuznicki in an article and open letter to the Governor explain that Republicans should, and will not be casting their vote for him in the coming election. "It is with careful consideration that we decide on a course of action that is, in our view, politically problematic, but nonetheless a forthright answer to a governor who will not listen to his base: Conservatives should not help this Governor get reelected." ![]() Many are concerned that The 2014 Democrat candidate for governor is likely to take advantage of this, and they are correct. Thus another reason to fight for, and support the legislators who stand up for limited government intrusion into our lives; something clearly pointed out as part of the problem with the ACA by Fabiano and Kuznicki: 'Unsustainable consequences of the passing of the "Affordable" Care Act will leave millions without a job, and millions with cut hours and wages. Those consequences lead us to believe that expansion will overwhelm the system, rip off doctors, temporarily prop up hospitals, all leading to requests for more taxpayer funding on both the State and Federal levels.And all of this merely the tip of the iceberg.
Continued below the fold (13 comments, 1212 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
The vote to repeal Obamacare like the original vote was decided along party lines sans two Dems who acknowledge the catastrophe their party has wrought.
All of Michigan's Republicans stepped up to the plate to 'repeal' the 'affordable' health care act, with a couple of them making sure you know they did. It marks the third time the House has voted to fully repeal this law since 2011. Rep Tim Walberg (R-CD7) voted in favor of H.R. 45 to repeal the President's health care law, and said the following: "The reality of Obamacare is millions of Americans losing access to their current health care coverage, job destroying tax hikes and mandates, and massive health insurance premium increases. This government takeover of health care will hurt families, hurt small businesses, hurt retirees, and hurt Americans seeking to find work in our tough economy, so I voted today to repeal it. I support common sense, patient-centered solutions such as ending lawsuit abuse, expanding the flexibility of medical savings accounts, and allowing the purchase of insurance across state lines, that will truly make health care more affordable and help families."And he wasn't the only one.
Candace Miller (R-CD10) referencing previous appropriations efforts alongside the repeal vote says: "There is nothing more personal to each and every American than their health care and their relationship with their doctor. And no issue is more important to each and every American than having a growing economy and job security. Today the House acted for the 37th time to repeal ObamaCare because it puts at risk the doctor-patient relationship and it will destroy jobs and put countless others at risk. And Dave Camp (R-CD4) listed a few reasons a couple days ago why repeal is a good plan.
Continued below (3 comments, 1102 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
Today there is a vote to repeal Obamacare.
Will Democrat congressmen from Michigan join the common sense crusade to repeal the miserable legislation that has proven to be too costly for families and business, or will they double down on the progressive stupidity that brought it about? Will Gary Peters, who plans on advancing his career with a US Senate run stand with working families who are finding their hours reduced, and premiums exploding? Today, Michigan Congressman and 2014 Senate candidate Gary Peters will have another opportunity to vote against the train wreck, formerly known as ObamaCare.
For years, Gary Peters has been a "proud", staunch supporter of the President's costly health care law. But, a report by the non-partisan Society of Actuaries shows that ObamaCare will increase the costs of medical claims in Michigan by more than 25% and by an average of 32% nationally. Personally, I have seen 70% increase already. It has forced our business to make other changes. Recall the words of ObamaCare Architect, Sen. Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus "I just see a huge train wreck coming down." -And surprisingly even THIS by Sen Harry Reid: "unless we implement this properly it's going to be a train wreck, and I agree with [Baucus]."And Schmuck Shumer?: "ObamaCare could raise premiums"Of course Senate Democrats have a solution: More taxpayer dollars are needed to stop the oncoming health care disaster. Yeah, ObamaCare already needs a 'taxpayer bailout'. Remember when..."The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act--ObamaCare--was sold to Americans as the solution to the problems plaguing our nation's healthcare system."? Finished below. (1 comment, 483 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
Have you ever taken your socks off after three days use, and put them back in the drawer unwashed to be used again at a later date?
NO? Me either. It just happens to be the analogy (well ONE of them) that comes to mind with what appears to be Michigan Democrat's pick for the US senate seat that is being vacated by Carl Levin in 2014. Gary Peters is one of those cats that have been around for too long, with policy desires that stink to high heaven, and will be hauled out for even higher levels of destructive office occupation when they have nothing better to offer. And they really don't. Have. Any. Better. Oh..Whats that smell?
MEET MICHIGAN DEM'S #1 RECRUIT For US SENATE There is nothing like a made up global crisis to provide for a cronyism scheme that is enforced by government to instill confidence in a free people, hmm? His vote for the The job killing Waxman-Markey Bill; The "American Clean Energy And Security Act Of 2009" cleared the house 219-212. Had it passed the senate, it would have mandated changes in the way we live our lives, eventually putting controls on when and HOW we could use energy without paying severe penalties. In fact, if taken to the extremes, the air you breathe could have actually been taxed under that bill. Take a deep breath. There is more. The effect on industry would have been even more draconian, effectively putting the EPA in charge of operational elements of all industry, adding regulatory expense and killing jobs. A 20% mandate on renewable energy built in to the bill would have made it nearly impossible for energy producers to keep costs at a level that promotes local (U.S.A.) manufacturing and jobs. More jobs would flee to other nations that have yet to strangle their industrial base with such unrealistic legislation. More smelly socks below. (1 comment, 1194 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
The hook is set, and if it makes it back to the boat, we're going to be gutted.
Given the false choices and the deceptive leadership of the governor and his purchased Republican credentials, the resistance is getting slimmer. We will post a district primary recruitment list after today. Call your rep unless you want Obamacare in Michigan. Its that simple.
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