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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

      Democrats, Dirty Drawers, & Gary Peters

      By JGillman, Section News
      Posted on Fri Apr 26, 2013 at 10:19:57 PM EST
      Tags: Michigan, US Senate, Gary Peters, Legislators, Cap and Trade, ACA, Obamacare, Single Payer, Job Killing, Democrats, Higher Taxes, EPA, Dirty Drawers, Socks (all tags)

      Have you ever taken your socks off after three days use, and put them back in the drawer unwashed to be used again at a later date?

      NO?  Me either.

      It just happens to be the analogy (well ONE of them) that comes to mind with what appears to be Michigan Democrat's pick for the US senate seat that is being vacated by Carl Levin in 2014.  Gary Peters is one of those cats that have been around for too long, with policy desires that stink to high heaven, and will be hauled out for even higher levels of destructive office occupation when they have nothing better to offer.

      And they really don't. Have. Any. Better. Oh..Whats that smell?

      - He supports Cap & Trade.

      There is nothing like a made up global crisis to provide for a cronyism scheme that is enforced by government to instill confidence in a free people, hmm?  His vote for the The job killing Waxman-Markey Bill; The "American Clean Energy And Security Act Of 2009" cleared the house 219-212.  Had it passed the senate, it would have mandated changes in the way we live our lives, eventually putting controls on when and HOW we could use energy without paying severe penalties.  In fact, if taken to the extremes, the air you breathe could have actually been taxed under that bill.

      Take a deep breath.  There is more.

      The effect on industry would have been even more draconian, effectively putting the EPA in charge of operational elements of all industry, adding regulatory expense and killing jobs.  A 20% mandate on renewable energy built in to the bill would have made it nearly impossible for energy producers to keep costs at a level that promotes local (U.S.A.) manufacturing and jobs. More jobs would flee to other nations that have yet to strangle their industrial base with such unrealistic legislation.

      More smelly socks below.

      Energy policy, and its damage to our manufacturing base is already a stress on the state's hardest workers, who are struggling to pay the bills. Yet finding jobs to be more scarce, and the home electric bill even higher, those stresses that can turn into real health problems both physically and mental.

      And Gary Peter's Affordable Care Act votes will not help fix those problems.

      He supports Obamacare, a scheme that has already raised premiums by double digit percentages, is costing jobs, reducing hourly workers to minimum status to avoid compliance, and will usher in the end of affordable and effective health care as we know it as the federal government becomes a single payer entity, and must ration and overly manage compensation for health services; a feat only comparable to its effort at maintaining a solvent social security net. Some who actually voted for it, now call it a train wreck.

      Peters Said He "Proudly Worked To Pass" Health Care Reform, Called It "Historic Legislation" And Said It Was Improving The Health Care System In Michigan And America.

      The best estimates still have the ACA costing Americans far more than was projected, and personal experience allows me to tell you that just the foreshadowing of death of free markets health care has already increased my premiums by 70% since it was passed.  Anecdotal warnings have been affirmed, and business owners across the country are reducing hourly workers to below 30 hours so they do not have to engage in the government forced plan; leaving families with reduced incomes and suffering new stress never before seen.

      Yet he stands by his vote to end REAL health care as we know it. When presented with the opportunity in 2011 to repeal what was rapidly becoming the disaster that was predicted by conservatives and other experts, he said:

      "Despite all of the rhetoric from the Tea Party, a vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act is a vote to deny millions of women, children and seniors the ability to see a doctor or pay for care. I was proud to work with President Obama to pass this important health care reform law and I will continue working with him to ensure that it is fully implemented."

      Adding insult to injury, new taxes were added on medical devices that adds to the cost of health care which was supposed to be made more affordable. Oh, and don't forget that increased cost in any industry generally forces those industries to find other economies.  So for U.S. medical device makers that employ more than 400,000 People, the natural cost of such taxes is paid in more jobs lost.

      How insipidly stupid does one have to be to vote for garbage like this?

      When an opportunity came about to correct course on this, he closed his eyes and plodded on forward (H.R. 436, CQ vote #361: Passed by a vote of 270-146: R 233-0; D 37-146, 6/7/12, Peters Voted Nay)    In fact, the question above is only the first of several we would like to ask.  Given some recent developments, and his steamy sock prints all over the biggest government FAIL since FDR, we must ask:

      1. Does he support the Obamacare carve out of Members and their staff?
      Does he have a problem with joining the medicaid plan that will be the end result of his willingness to wreck a free market system that had the rest of the world beating down our doors for its superiority?  Or will he pull the old do-as-we-say-not-as-we-do routine often employed by the elitist element ion our congress?

      2.  Does he regret his decision to vote for Obamacare after realizing the implementation is a train wreck?
      More Senators are voicing concern (Democratic Senators Tell White House of Concerns About Health Care Law Rollout: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/26/us/politics/democratic-senators-tell-white-house-of-concerns-about -health-care-law-rollout.html ) Some voted for it, and now must hide their faces in shame, as they recognize how bad for our people such things are. Some have actually announced their retirements as a result.

      3. Will he recant statements made less than a year ago that he will push to fully implement the disaster of Obamacare?
      Fact is, its unlikely if he is rewarded with a Senate seat he would have any reason to do so.

      Between the direct consequence of jobs lost even under the shadow of Cap & Trade, and those work hours that are being lost daily to the effect that the ACA has on hourly workers due to compliance, its clear Gary Peters is not a champion of Jobs. Adding to this, the nearsighted ignorance that is usually reserved to low information types with regard to health care policy, its hardly a wonder that he thinks he is qualified for a position that is as important as US Senator.

      How special.

      The Democrats have nothing else in their sock drawer but Peters, and the resulting fail can only be humbled by what might be lurking in their unmentionables.

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      Not disagreeing with anything you've written... (none / 0) (#1)
      by KG One on Sat Apr 27, 2013 at 10:01:04 AM EST
      ...but what about the other "choice" we're supposedly given?

      Yes, I'm talking about what the "conservatives" in the republican side.

      Who created the EPA in the first place?

      Did I miss the "-d" after his name?

      It is also a popular campaign issue by "Conservatives" in the republican party to sound off on government regulation.

      Yet, tell me when there was any serious action to eliminate one of the primary sources of that regulation and eliminate that agency altogether?

      "Conservative" republicans also love to add to that very same regulation morass.

      Remember who thought it was a brilliant idea to eliminate incandescent lightbulbs?

      Here's a hint: the republicans actually gave him a promotion.

      Incandescent lightbulbs? Oh, what was Edison thinking?!?

      Where is his love for Gaia?

      And the "Unafforadable Care Act"?

      How often have we heard the "promises" about defunding it?

      Yes, Peters is a sniveling little weasel, which is why he is on the top of the very short list on the democrats side.

      So the "choices" are:

      • "Conservative" RINO who will conveniently ignore everything they said during the campaign after they win the '14 election.

      • Slimy career-minded politico who has every intention of creating another generation of captive slaves takers to ensure his continued re-election.

      Speaking for myself, I'd like to see more focus on what our other opportunities might be.

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