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    Tag: 2010 (page 5)

    RightMichigan Exclusive: An Interview with Mike Cox

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jun 09, 2009 at 08:51:57 AM EST
    Tags: Exclusive, interview, Cox, Cherry, Mackinac, constitutional convention, tax hike, term limits, debate, 2010 (all tags)

    Attorney General and 2010 gubernatorial candidate Mike Cox recently sat down with RightMichigan to speak with conservative activists and the Right Roots about his bid to become the state's next chief executive. Just a few of the highlights include-

    RightMichigan: On the decision of other GOP candidates to oppose a no-new-taxes pledge:

    Cox: "I'm very disappointed that I'm the only Republican... you know, I expect some Democrats might be against a no-tax pledge, but I don't think that the problem is we're sending too little money to Lansing..."

    RightMichigan: On a new constitutional convention?

    Cox: "I'm afraid of mischief... I like the amendment process much better... I don't like these stealth projects like we saw last year with RMGN."

    RightMichigan: Cherry's decision to duck the candidate debate on Mackinac Island?

    Cox: He ducked us.  Absolutely.  Isn't that telling?  Part of that is, if I were him, I don't know what I could say.  We are last place in employment, third from worst in business taxes, we increased income taxes and he was the final vote a year and a half ago.  He's been wrong on all of the issues so I can understand why he doesn't want to talk about them."

    And much more...

    (19 comments) Comments >>

    And then there was... one more! Bouchard announces run for Governor

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jun 03, 2009 at 07:30:41 AM EST
    Tags: Bouchard, Cox, Land, Cherry, 2010, gubernatorial race (all tags)

    A couple of hours from now Oakland County Sheriff and 2006 US Senate candidate Mike Bouchard will join the fantastic field of GOP candidates for Governor.  According to the campaign:

    Mike Bouchard, Oakland County Sheriff, will launch his campaign for Governor by traveling the state to discuss Michigan's future with families, students and people from all walks of life in southeast Michigan, Lansing and Grand Rapids.  He'll meet with them to address their concerns and anxieties as well as preview his ideas and solutions for fixing Michigan as Governor.

    Michigan Republicans now in have in Mike Bouchard a successful (many times over) conservative candidate from voter-rich Oakland County, in Mike Cox a candidate who proved in 2002 he was able to knock off a Democrat in a position that hadn't elected a Republican in a half-century and in Terri Lynn Land the highest vote getter in the state.

    Democrats have John Cherry.

    Event details for his tour are below the fold...

    (13 comments, 353 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    The Obama Machine and 2010

    By Chad, Section News
    Posted on Fri May 29, 2009 at 11:17:32 AM EST
    Tags: Obama, 2010, Fundraising (all tags)

    Believe it or not, many people outside of the sphere of politics ask for my analysis of current political events.  Lately the subject of President Obama has been a hot topic.  Folks are mildly freaking out about the breakneck pace he and his Democrat peeps in Congress have been on in the past several months since assuming office.  The assumptions people are making about his intentions are varied and humorous at times.  Just to let you all know, I don't think he is a foreign agent groomed from birth to bring down the USA, although I have to admit that would be an impressive feat to pull off.  I also don't think he is the antichrist.  The explanation is much, much simpler than people realize.

    (549 words in story) Full Story

    Cherry skipping forum; struggles to attract 2010 supporters

    By dennislennox, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 28, 2009 at 06:24:17 AM EST
    Tags: mackinac policy conference, detroit regional chamber of commerce, john cherry, 2010 (all tags)

    RightMichigan.com correspondent Dennis Lennox, the Cheboygan County drain commissioner, will be reporting from the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce's Mackinac Policy Conference this week. The conference, which brings together over 1,200 legislators, policy-makers, business owners and opinion-makers, started Wednesday afternoon at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island.

    For the latest reports, follow Dennis Lennox on Twitter.

    MACKINAC ISLAND -- With new polls showing the heir-apparent to Gov. Jennifer Granholm struggling to gain traction in the face of strong Republican challengers, Lt. Gov. John Cherry is skipping an open forum in favor of holding closed-door fund-raisers with lobbyists and special interests.

    Cherry, who is facing no declared opposition for the Democratic Party's nomination for governor in 2010, has made headlines after announcing he wouldn't partake in the Detroit Regional Chamber's forum with 2010 gubernatorial candidates.

    On Wednesday, two polls were released that raise new concerns about Cherry's candidacy.

    Despite being Granholm's lieutenant for eight years, the former state senator is having difficulty locking up voter support.

    An EPIC/MRA poll for The Detroit News reports that a shocking 51 percent of self-identified Democrats are undecided on supporting Cherry.

    At the same time, only 31 percent of Republican voters were undecided -- though the GOP field of candidates includes Attorney General Mike Cox, Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land, Congressman Pete Hoekstra, and Sen. Tom George.

    Cox, Land, Hoekstra, and George will join Democratic Rep. Alma Wheeler Smith at the forum, while Cherry hides from voters, apparently unwilling to defend the Granholm-Cherry administration's record to a crowd of growing skeptics.

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    RightMichigan Exclusive: An Interview with 2010 AG Candidate and Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon May 18, 2009 at 12:06:03 PM EST
    Tags: Bishop, AG, 2010, Cox, Whitmer, Senate, tax hike (all tags)

    Its spring 2009 which means Election Day 2010 is practically right around the corner. This cycle in Michigan just about everything is up for grabs. 110 seats in the House, 38 seats in the Senate, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, two Supreme Court Justices and heaven knows what kinds of ballot initiatives will be before Michigan voters when they head to the polls next year.

    Few races will be as closely watched as the contest for Attorney General and we're bringing the candidates directly to you!

    Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop recently announced his candidacy for Attorney General and has been traveling the state making public appearances and speaking about his vision for the office and the state of Michigan.  

    He is simultaneously heading Republican efforts in the legislature to deal with a rapidly growing state budget deficit with Democrats in the House, Senate and Governor's office arrayed against him.

    This weekend I had a chance to catch up with Majority Leader Bishop to discuss the Attorney General's race, his candidacy and the budget crisis gripping Lansing.

    What does he think about the current budget crisis?  Could we see another tax increase?  What will Senate Republicans propose THIS WEEK?  Does he have any regrets from the 2007 tax hike debacle?  What does he think about the Democrats likely AG nominee, state Senator Gretchen Whitmer?

    Without further ado, here are the answers to these and many more questions...

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    RightMichigan Exclusive: An Interview with 2010 Attorney General Candidate Bill Schuette

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon May 04, 2009 at 01:04:44 PM EST
    Tags: Schuette, Attorney General, Cox, 2010, Whitmer (all tags)

    Its spring 2009 which means Election Day 2010 is practically right around the corner. This cycle in Michigan just about everything is up for grabs. 110 seats in the House, 38 seats in the Senate, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, two Supreme Court Justices and heaven knows what kinds of ballot initiatives will be before Michigan voters when they head to the polls next year

    Primary races are already beginning to shape up and take form across the state.

    Few will be as closely watched as the race for Attorney General and we'll be doing our best to bring the candidates directly to you!

    Former Congressman and Court of Appeals Judge Bill Schuette has been traveling the state and making public appearances and will officially announce his bid for the office shortly.

    This weekend I had a chance to catch up with Judge Schuette and discuss the Attorney General's race and his candidacy.

    (Note: Firefox users may need to install a plug-in to view the MotionBox embed. Of course, if you'd rather, there's always the direct approach... click HERE.)

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    DEQ to LS Power: Go back to New Jersey and take your jobs with you

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon May 04, 2009 at 06:19:44 AM EST
    Tags: LS Power, 2010, Cherry, DEQ, regulation, economy, red tape (all tags)

    You get a jump from $785 million to $1.32 billion in a day's time and it's only natural that folks start asking questions.  If a sudden swell of red ink that severe doesn't make even the casual political observer scratch his proverbial head, well, he's aaaawfully casual.

    In my experience, we on the right have a habit of jumping to immediate concepts, hopes and dreams for solutions.  It isn't that we're incapable of addressing the entire mess in our minds, it's just that we tend to be semi-neat and orderly.  Solve the immediate problem first then move to long-term solutions.

    I know that's the way I typically think.  When news of the deficit jump broke mid-week I blogged that the legislature should be called to (or convene themselves) an emergency session to immediately right-size the budget.

    Four days later and they haven't (why take your problems seriously when there's on-the-clock drinking to be done?) but they should.  

    And while they dawdle, it is worth taking a look at the bigger picture.  We know what has to be done.  The Constitution requires a balanced budget so they're going to have to make some tough cuts and they don't have to but WILL use up a lot of one-time cash via the so-called stimulus package.  But how did we get here?

    Exhibit A: LS Power.

    LS Power is a New Jersey based energy company that was preparing to break ground near Midland, Michigan on a project that was expected to create thousands of new jobs... the construction of a new clean-coal power plant.  

    On Friday they announced they were canceling those plans because of an unfriendly business climate and insanely complicated permitting requirements foisted on them by the Granholm-Cherry administration and their Department of Environmental Quality.  

    The project was expected to create 1,500 construction jobs, 241 permanent jobs on-site and billions of dollars in regional economic activity.

    Read on...

    (11 comments, 974 words in story) Full Story

    RightMichigan Exclusive: An Interview with Governor Jon Huntsman (R-Utah)

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Sat May 02, 2009 at 12:12:51 PM EST
    Tags: 2010, 2012, Huntsman, Obama, unemployment, education, reform, GOP (all tags)

    What's up boys and girls?

    On the strength of his accomplishments in Utah, Governor Jon Huntsman is one of the GOP's real up-and-comers.  He's been touring early and key battleground states discussing the current recession, his passion for providing the very best for our kids via expanded parental choice in education and the future of the Republican Party.

    He spent Friday and Saturday in Michigan on the Lincoln Day Dinner circuit and was at the beautiful new JW Marriott in downtown Grand Rapids this AM for a breakfast event.

    I caught up with him there and he was generous enough to spend a few minutes speaking with Team RightMichigan.

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