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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Complete Insanity

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jan 15, 2013 at 08:22:23 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Policy, A21, Agenda 21, Grand Vision, Complete Streets, Expensive Roads, Bicycles, Walking, Suicide Lanes, Progressive Nonsense, Urbanization, Traverse City, East Bay Township, Coming To A Town Near You (all tags)

    Strangely, it seems Google has algorithms that remove opposition to complete streets A21 type legislation to the end of the results.

    Too bad.  There is so much to say that addresses the broad based policies that complete streets encompasses. So much that brings an appropriate negative light on the issue and its implementation.  Roundabouts, suicide bike lanes (like the one in the video of the last story), spending large sums of money for rural areas where only the transient bike through (tour bikers) might use, and perhaps even other reasons like private property.

    Silly stuff like that.

    In fact, we have one of those bike lanes in Traverse City.  The bicyclist is broken away from the right shoulder, and directed into the left turn where the lane abruptly ends (no warning) forcing the automobile into the bicycle, or mating them inappropriately. Somehow, no one has yet died on the corner, though some close calls have occurred.  I suppose the smarter cyclists avoid it, which would explain why I never see anyone using the bought and paid for streetscape as planned.

    So imagine the excitement in finding out the Grand Vision folks up here (A21 implementation team) were sponsoring a traveling road show to each of the rural townships.  The effort of course, was to have neat little picture show, and included in the packet of trustees would be a ready made resolution in support of 'Complete Streets'.  Ready to serve; just add moronicide.

    In my own township, I didn't see it making much sense, so I prepared a statement.

    Continued below the fold

    Monday's East Bay Township meeting opened up with a joint session between the planning commission, and the township board.  The Streets agenda item pretty much dragged me out on a night where I would have been just as comfortable writing. A concern that the trustees might be swayed by the slick talkers of progressive growth is a great motivator.

    During public comment prior to their discussion, I said:

    "East bay twp is a mostly rural twp with little to no chance of becoming a densely populated metropolis within the next 40 years.  Its connections to other townships and municipalities are sparsely populated, though some area densities might support a sidewalk or bike lane or other elements broadly called for by complete streets.

    However, tying our county and particularly East Bay to a one size fits all land use and transportation theme is not good policy.  It ties the hands of future planners, and citizens who have a very real stake in the outcome of such schemes.  The costs involved in the complete streets paradigm cannot be justified  in the seasonal environment in which we live. In fact, the rural nature of MOST of the township, rejects through common sense, an application of complete streets."

    Folks, there is a reason they call it 'complete streets'.  It is a total implementation of certain characteristics.  

    Continuing, it had to be noted, that the resolution was not as innocent nor calorie free as the promoters wished it to be viewed.

    "As cost effectiveness of a complete streets program is questionable, signing on to a pledge or resolution that lays the foundation for this type of activity would be irresponsible by this board, or any governing board in the county outside of Traverse City.  Seemingly a better fit, and having more of an urban element even Garfield township would be pledging itself to an abuse of public trust were it to fully adopt the premise of complete streets; which fails to recognize the  very real differences of urban and rural areas.

    I believe we are all aware that even within the Urban design of Traverse City, it has demonstrated nonsense involved in such planning, by creating the suicide bike lane that one can find at 8th street and Woodmere."

    this is the corner referenced above the fold.
    "And of course marrying the pedestrian and bicycle traffic to motorized traffic is ALWAYS a good idea, right?

    It makes perfect sense to place such traveling incongruities next to each other on rural thoroughfares.  Nothing like encouraging greater amounts of  mass travel with a differential between 20-50 miles per hour so close to each other.  Particularly, when one traveling interest might be so fatally affected by a chance occurrence; one that is far more likely with this type of implementation."

    there are places to ride bikes.  There are places to walk.  Some places it just doesn't work, and encouraging more of it in those places is frankly bad juju.
    "Then there are property rights

    Make no mistake, Complete streets is about land use, and land use is about property rights.  An additional bike or pedestrian lane requires one of two things a shrinking of the actual roadway, OR additional easement from adjacent property owners.

    It requires further inconveniencing by government to land owners.  This seems to fit well within the grand vision scope of blind acceptance that certain interests have been trying to push for the last 8 years.

    Signing on to this resolution is about that agenda.  Its about securing grant monies that have been specifically targeting changes like these to make land use by private property owners more restrictive, reduce or eliminate single vehicle use in select areas, and attempt drive property owners off their land and into more densely populated and controlled environments.

    Don't just say no to complete streets, but say No-WAY by taking this resolution and disposing of it appropriately in the recycle bin of worn out and unwelcome foreign planning schemes."

    Which they did.

    For which I am glad.

    The streets promoters didn't go away without the foot in the door however.  "The resolution could be changed to the way you like it" they chimed. "You can make it your own" they said.

    And it reminded me of how the left gets the moderates on board with their agenda.  "You can flavor the poison so that you enjoy it best.."

    And they do.

    In the end, the sales will be made to a number of local municipalities who won't recognize the box they will be building around themselves until its too late.  A few here a few there.  The incremental advances of this particular agenda will mirror all those others of a progressive in-your-face nature that plague us these days.

    Watch for it in your town.

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