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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Governor Recall Attempt A Failure

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 03, 2011 at 11:23:10 AM EST
    Tags: Recalls, Michigan, Governor, Snyder, Left, Elections, Primaries, Republicans (all tags)

    The left's attempt to remove Snyder via recall is not going to work. And that is just fine.

    I know many of you have secretly (or not) wished that the recall attempt to remove governor Snyder might go through. I was not one of those, but given the way things get done, I understand why. That is what makes this a successful conservative community driven site.  Friendly opposition is good, and has (by the way) resulted in readership levels going through the roof.  (We may break 80 in the next DBKP Report due out soon.)

    But as far as that recall attempt was concerned, it was too tall a hill to climb.  If I had to guess, they were counting on bringing over enough seniors, and those who were negatively affected by he tax code changes Snyder and the legislature enacted.  Perhaps they were hoping for some ultra conservative types to buck the changes enough to sign as well. Some may have.

    The Detroit News Reports:

    Lansing -- The committee working to recall Gov. Rick Snyder will fall far short of collecting the more than 800,000 signatures it needs by Friday to put the issue on the November ballot, a spokesman said Monday.

    But Tom Bryant said the group is "not giving up" and will now push to get the recall on the February ballot.

    The story continues, saying that a little more than 300,000 signatures were gathered. Indeed, A push for a Sept 29 Deadline for the February ballot using the majority of signatures might get it close, but will likely prove futile.

    Frankly, I doubt Snyder ever really feared this recall attempt.  

    More ~

    And perhaps he may have expected it. Not a problem in his view

    However, other attempts throughout the state may be more problematic, and particularly for conservative stands we would like to see.  The bullying through recall might set some legislators on a course so well defined already by moderate place-holding.  To take a position that engenders any real opposition from one group or another has kept courage in check politically for decades.

    In other words if you don't step out of the foxhole, you don't get shot.

    They should have our support during these times.  Whether we agree in whole with those who face recall (who are on our side) with regard to tax policy or not, it isn't a bad idea to step up and give them support for what they have done that you agree with.  If the only time your legislator sees or hears from you is when you are going to bite their heads off, they may eventually tune your ideas out. If encouraged on the right moves, when kvetching about the bad ones, they might hear you.

    While thinking we can do better, if any of the conservative faithful think a successful recall attempt on Michigan Republican legislators by the left is good for conservative advancement, I would heartily disagree.  Its one thing to call them to the carpet, and openly disagree (see shaming wall on left) but another entirely to help put in place a situation that requires the expense by the party as a whole for defensive maneuvering.

    Those finances would be better served electing new representatives.

    In fact, if you think we can do better, then get primary candidates ready for 2012.  I have advocated that openly before. Just because a Republican is occupying a seat doesn't mean that ideas have to die.  Those who advocate the best ideas, and are able to advance them are by far better servants of conservatism. Political complacency is a scourge frankly, and deserves no reward of continued support.

    But allowing the other side to define when we remove our party's elected officials is anathema to them holding on to a solid message anyhow.

    < Tuesdays Divertere: Is There Anything The TEA Partiers Can't Do? | Wednesdays Divertere: Vice Plugs Misspoke about TEA Terrorists >

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    That also (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Wed Aug 03, 2011 at 11:26:26 AM EST
    goes hand in hand with the Million Teacher March on Washington this past weekend.  Only 8000 showed up.  Kinda brought a tear to my eye. :)

    And Thanks (none / 0) (#2)
    by grannynanny on Wed Aug 03, 2011 at 11:28:20 AM EST
    for the wall of shame too.  Keeps their mugs front and center come primary time.

    Lotsa bucks required... (none / 0) (#5)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Aug 03, 2011 at 01:22:46 PM EST
    ...to unseat any of the incumbent invertebrates on the Wall of Shame.  Makes it a decidedly uphill battle when the as long as it has an 'R' Party throws good money away backing their re-election campaigns too.

    Case in point:  Pete 'TARP' Hoekstras' hand-picked protégé.

    CD-2 voters, embarrassed yet?

    And this union backed schmuck Richardville says we need to blow more of our coerced monies on this Ponzi scheme?  WTF!

    Riiiiiight, like Richardville won't be receiving MI-GOPMDP support in his next run for the career gummint teat opening.  Those Districts were carved out the way they were for a reason...  anything that has an 'R' is good enough for it to be elected.  No Principles.

    I have zip-zero-zilch sympathy towards "the Party" for any incurred expense with any of these recalls.  The brain-trust running the MI-GOP show chose to sh!t in their own hat with backing Republican-Light, and now they can put said hat on their head.

    So if a "left-backed" recall is bad... (none / 0) (#6)
    by KG One on Wed Aug 03, 2011 at 01:25:20 PM EST
    ...it should stand to reason that a TEA Party backed recall is good, especially when a significant amount taxpayer money is used against a Michigan-based business?

    With his tax hike after tax hike, coupled with the way he handles any dissent, please explain to me exactly how this republican governor any better than a democrat?

    Look, friendly opposition is one thing, just don't piss down my back and tell me that it's raining.

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