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2012 Republican Presidential Dance Card . . . Thus FarBy Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
It's often been said (including frequently on this site) that the real choice in any election is in the primaries. Once the primaries are over, you're essentially stuck with whoever survives. And in the quadrennial contest for the Republican nominee for the President of the United States, direct involvement in the primaries is going to be critical . . . there is no excuse for sitting on the sidelines and then carping because you don't like who wound up on the top of the ticket.
Of course, making an informed choice is always useful, and for that we should go below the fold.
According to the Wikipedia article (which is well and properly sourced), as of this morning the official candidate field for the 2012 republican presidential nomination is as follows (formally declared unless indicated otherwise):
I figure that Karger, Martin, McMillan, and Sharkey really don't qualify as credible candidates, but they are properly filed with the FEC, so there they are. Oh, and by the way, let's keep in mind that this lineup can and probably will change several times between now and November 15th, 2011 (the filing deadline for the New Hampshire Primary). I'm also curious as to how the Ames Straw Poll coming up in a couple of months will weed the field down a bit. As a total sidebar, I didn't get the opportunity to see the New Hampshire debate on CNN last night (because that would require me to have cable), but if anyone has a usable link to video footage of the whole thing, then by all means feel free to post it in the comments section. I was told that it alternated between interesting and lame, but I'd like to see for myself. I included the links to the websites of those candidates who have them for the reason that I consider it a good starting point in any serious research attempt on these candidates. Find out what they have to say about themselves and what they think the issues are, and then go outward from there. And then, share what you know. The nice thing about a community blog effort is that we regular contributors have ways to dig up information consistent with our own unique combination of talents. Thus, RightMichigan is often so much more than the sum of its parts. What I'm asking here, of all of us, is that we use this article as an open discussion thread between now and whenever to discuss openly the options laid out before us with regard to the republican primary field for the 2012 POTUS nomination. Yes, I'm specifically asking that those of you who have already posted video or some other commentary to re-post it in the commentary of this article. (Scales, please keep each video on a separate comment post, unless they're all regarding the same candidate.) And I'll round up a few of them myself just to get the party started. Also, please cast a vote in the poll on the right. (I've confined it to the names on the list of the official candidate field above, though I'm sure that there's a way to edit the poll options if the official field changes.) And if you're feeling particularly ambitious, then by all means invite everyone you know to vote in the poll (because you don't have to have an account to actually cast a vote.) If it should happen that you support a candidate who isn't currently listed in the poll (such as one of the eight who are currently speculated to run), then by all means feel free to comment and defend accordingly. On the flip side of that same coin, should anyone have any credible discrediting information regarding a candidate not-yet-in, then present it if you wish. Much has already been posted (often with video support) either for or against particular candidates, and several RINOs have been publicly called out as such; feel free to pile on if it'll help make the point. And I am specifically inviting everyone who has an account on RightMichigan to feel free to comment on this thread. Put forward your reasoned and logical opinion of why you think a particular candidate ought to be the nominee. Yes, you should also offer reasoned rebuke and/or rejection of candidates if you have it, but if all you have to offer is rejection of the whole field, then your opinion isn't going to carry much weight here. Oh, and as all regulars here ought to know, be prepared to defend your position - whether for or against a particular candidate - because that's just how we roll here. As always, anyone posting or commenting to this thread, or any other on this site, is expected to keep it clean and civil. (It should go without saying that there are consequences for doing otherwise.) Me personally, I dug up a beaut from history as my closing point on this article; because as we have seen so often, the more things change, the more they remain the same.
2012 Republican Presidential Dance Card . . . Thus Far | 55 comments (55 topical, 0 hidden)
2012 Republican Presidential Dance Card . . . Thus Far | 55 comments (55 topical, 0 hidden)
Related Links++ Wikipedia article + Michele Bachman + Herman Cain + Newt Gingrich + Jon Huntsman + Gary Johnson + Fred Karger + Andy Martin + Jimmy McMillan + Roy Moore + Ron Paul + Tim Pawlenty + Buddy Roemer + Mitt Romney + Rick Santorum + New Hampshire Primary + Ames Straw Poll + Also by Kevin Rex Heine |