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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    If we are to believe Ralph Nader . . . (none / 0) (#49)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Fri Aug 05, 2011 at 12:25:55 PM EST
    . . . then the debt ceiling debates have effectively guaranteed that Barry Hope-and-Change will face a primary challenge.  From The Daily Caller via Yahoo! News:

    Nader now says that a primary challenge is a near certainty.

    "What [Obama] did this week is just going to energize that effort," Nader promised in an interview with The Daily Caller. "I would guess that the chances of there being a challenge to Obama in the primary are almost 100 percent."

    The only question, he said, is the stature of that opponent and whether it will be either "an ex-senator or an ex-governor" or "an intellectual leader or an environmental leader."

    In approximately a week and a half there will be "another chapter of this effort," Nader predicted.

    The Public Citizen founder said he disapproved of how Obama handled recent debt ceiling negotiations, and claimed the deal's failings prompted this week's dramatic stock market drop.

    "He made a deal that did not provide for a public works project to create jobs all over the country. All he did was he agreed to cut spending," Nader said. "And that's what the market is reacting to."

    Now, reading through the rest of the article, you might not be too surprised to hear me say that I have a major problem with Ralphie's logic as to why the debt deal is a bad idea; but if this is the straw-that-broke-the-camel's-back with regard to O-commie having to fend off even one viable, high-profile, and perhaps even credible primary challenge, then I'm all for that.  Maybe we'll see something similar to this classic ad right around the time that the presumptive republican nominee is determined:

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