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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    I was ready

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon May 02, 2011 at 12:01:50 AM EST
    Tags: Obama, Today, Last Week, Osama Bin Laden, Dead, Hooah (all tags)

    I really was ready to give the man credit for going after Osama in Pakistan.

    I was ready to say congratulations Mr. President, as I give a hearty Hooah! to our troops and special ground forces that apparently snuffed the life of the top radical islamo-terrorist dirt bag.  Hooah! to those troops.

    But MR President, I am sorry.  You had an opportunity to take appropriate credit as you should be able to, but you goofed.  You revealed you had no idea of what was going on on.  You gave away your indifference.

    In your speech you said you gave the order to take him out"today."

    Reports says that Osama bin laden had been killed one week ago by US millitary and CIA operation, The US government waiting for DNA test to confirm and the news will be released by Obama.
    But he died last week according to our military leadership.

    Update [2011-5-2 7:28:35 by JGillman]: OR did he? It seems the raid that killed him did so in the wee hours of the morning yesterday. This guy even tweeted it while happening. Bizarre. Ham and eggs and more ham on me Mr. President. I'll save the TOAST for our boys who did the real work.

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    I wouldn't be popping the champagne just quite yet (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Mon May 02, 2011 at 09:16:40 AM EST
    I'm as skeptical as you are on this one, Jason.

    Here's someone who just last week released a badly 'shopped COLB to give ammo to his supporters in the MSM and deflect media away from our economy going into that second dip, who, lo and behold, personally ordered the SEAL raid on a date he mysteriously cannot remember the exact day of.

    I'm also skeptical of several other things. Among which:

    "Burial at sea"?!?

    They may not wanted to have created a shrine, but not having a body, you just gave a significant measure of hope to all of the islamo-fascists running around out there today.

    Oh, I'm sure that the State Dept. will be releasing images and video of the "corpse" later today, but not having a body for others to examine and verify the actual identity of, will be no different than the stories of Hitler popping up all over the world after the fall of Berlin.

    This PC, we-want-to-respect-muslim-tradition argument, is pure bunk!

    In all of the stories I've been reading about this, even the muslims aren't even acknowledging him as one of their own (at least publically), so who'll get offended?

    The "blow by blow" tweets.

    Yeah, just a little too convenient if you ask me.

    And what better way to divert media attention away from a failed presidency (i.e. exploding debt, the beginning of hyper-inflation, rising consumer costs, etc.), have another terrorist attack.

    This story would be a great trigger for another attack.

    Just for the record, don't mistake what I've written as, in any way, support for this S.O.B..

    Even though junior lost interest in giving him a dirt nap, I don't care who gives the order to take him out. Just make sure that when you do, that you leave absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind that he really is dead.

    But, but, but, but (none / 0) (#4)
    by grannynanny on Mon May 02, 2011 at 10:50:50 AM EST
    Hold on there boys!!!!

    Dontcha know that Obama personally packed supplies for the seals, fueled the helicopters, loaned them his own personal GPS unit, flew the helicopters to the site, fired the kill shot and threw OBL over his shoulder back to the copter and escorted the rest of the seals back to base, then beat feet back to the White House to let the world know "Mission Accomplished".  

    How rude of you to doubt dear leaders intent to protect this country!!!

    Just getting a "leg up" of the MSM account of this whole operation.  Chrissy Tingles will need a very large bib today to catch all the droul!

    Just talked (none / 0) (#7)
    by grannynanny on Mon May 02, 2011 at 05:03:41 PM EST
    to my daughter and son-in-law (he just returned from Iraq last Friday).  Between the two of them they spent 96 months in theater.  They are completely disgusted with the MSM and their fawning over Obama and the suggestions that he just won 2012 with this event.  Actually I would say they are highly pissed!!!

    They are visiting family in California right now and heard the reports while out bowling with friends.  She now realizes what a great move it was going to Texas.  The reaction of the libtards out their really set them off and they are now hoping that the land of fruits and nuts might experience the "big one".  

    I just love getting their perspective on a day like this because of their service to the country and also because of unit my son-in-law was in.  Let's just say he knows how to put the bullseye on a target.  He almost sounded disappointed that he wasn't there to help out.  Love those military "kids".  

    God love our men and women in uniform and a big thank you to those brave souls who performed their duties with dignity and valor and took out that scourge.  There are more fish to fry but I just know this one was a special "kill" for them on behalf of those that died on 9/11 and for the rest of us who enjoy our liberty and freedom because of their never ending duty to keep us safe.  Kudos to every last one of them!

    Him, him, him, him (none / 0) (#8)
    by Rougman on Mon May 02, 2011 at 06:52:44 PM EST
    Oh, I'll give the guy credit for what he contributed.  He did pull the trigger on the operation and he also kept in place Bush's war policies.  

    On the first point, my wiener dog would have made the same decision.  On the second, what other choice did he have?  Still, he could have screwed up on either count and he did not.  

    What drives me crazy is the narcissism that drips from any comment the guy makes.  It was Him, Him, Him with a little more of Him thrown in.  In his first draft I'm sure he made the kill shot too.

    Another thing that bothers me is the respectful and careful way we supposedly handled bin Laden's now moldering corpse (after we pumped its cranium full of lead, that is.)  What did that cockroach ever do to earn one iota of respect from the country he has attacked and vilified so often?  

    As an aside, Protein Wisdom has a wonderful take on those within Islam that object to his burial at sea.

    • I agree. by maidintheus, 05/03/2011 10:55:16 AM EST (none / 0)
    • I also believe the by maidintheus, 05/03/2011 10:57:47 AM EST (none / 0)
    So much for our president being... (none / 0) (#9)
    by KG One on Mon May 02, 2011 at 09:45:08 PM EST
    ...well-versed on Islamic practice and tradition.

    "Dumping the body into the sea is not part of any Islamic ritual," said Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy and a physician of internal medicine. "Koranic scripture says God created him and he must return to the earth."

    In case anyone's interested, HOW the funeral was to have been carried out, can be found here and here.

    The kicker, is this little blurb:

    "If a person dies on a ship and if there is no fear of the decay of the dead body and if there is no problem in retaining it for sometime on the ship, it should be kept on it and buried in the ground after reaching the land. Otherwise, after giving Ghusl, Hunut, Kafan and Namaz-e-Mayyit it should be lowered into the sea in a vessel of clay or with a weight tied to its feet. And as far as possible it should not be lowered at a point where it is eaten up immediately by the sea predators."

    Call me crazy, but I'm going to out on a bit of a limb here and take a guess that they have a meat locker somewhere aboard the USS Carl Vinson.

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