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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I wouldn't be popping the champagne just quite yet (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Mon May 02, 2011 at 09:16:40 AM EST
    I'm as skeptical as you are on this one, Jason.

    Here's someone who just last week released a badly 'shopped COLB to give ammo to his supporters in the MSM and deflect media away from our economy going into that second dip, who, lo and behold, personally ordered the SEAL raid on a date he mysteriously cannot remember the exact day of.

    I'm also skeptical of several other things. Among which:

    "Burial at sea"?!?

    They may not wanted to have created a shrine, but not having a body, you just gave a significant measure of hope to all of the islamo-fascists running around out there today.

    Oh, I'm sure that the State Dept. will be releasing images and video of the "corpse" later today, but not having a body for others to examine and verify the actual identity of, will be no different than the stories of Hitler popping up all over the world after the fall of Berlin.

    This PC, we-want-to-respect-muslim-tradition argument, is pure bunk!

    In all of the stories I've been reading about this, even the muslims aren't even acknowledging him as one of their own (at least publically), so who'll get offended?

    The "blow by blow" tweets.

    Yeah, just a little too convenient if you ask me.

    And what better way to divert media attention away from a failed presidency (i.e. exploding debt, the beginning of hyper-inflation, rising consumer costs, etc.), have another terrorist attack.

    This story would be a great trigger for another attack.

    Just for the record, don't mistake what I've written as, in any way, support for this S.O.B..

    Even though junior lost interest in giving him a dirt nap, I don't care who gives the order to take him out. Just make sure that when you do, that you leave absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind that he really is dead.

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