Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?Tweets about "#RightMi, -YoungLibertyMI, -dennislennox,"
O SCOMI, SCOMI! Wherefore Art Thou SCOMI?By Corinthian Scales, Section News
Well, I do know this about SCOMI... on May 10th our SCOMI will be in what is perhaps the most despicable city in the nation.
The 19th District Court will be closed to the public for one day on Tuesday, May 10, due to responsibilities in support of a visit of the Michigan Supreme Court to Dearborn... Amazing, isn't it? Our tax dollars are going towards supporting this debacle. If any of the seven SCOMI Justices decide to follow through with this planned visit of Dearborn, they will not be receiving my vote in the future.
Yes, their names if so foolishly do attend, will be posted here...
O SCOMI, SCOMI! Wherefore Art Thou SCOMI? | 10 comments (10 topical, 0 hidden)
O SCOMI, SCOMI! Wherefore Art Thou SCOMI? | 10 comments (10 topical, 0 hidden)