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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    It's the leadership, stupid!

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri May 29, 2009 at 06:46:11 AM EST
    Tags: Cherry, Cox, George, Hoekstra, Land, taxes, business climate, bankruptcy (all tags)

    Before digging into this morning's news surrounding Chrysler's latest trip to bankruptcy court or digging into the details from yesterday's gubernatorial candidate "discussion" at the Mackinac Conference up north, do yourself a favor and swing over to the Detroit News and check out Daniel Howes latest column on the desperate need for long-absent leadership at the state level.  

    Go ahead.  We'll wait...

    **twiddling thumbs**

    **checking watch**

    **looking out the window**

    Oh, hi.  Welcome back.  

    Howes wrote, in part:

    The longer Public Michigan waits to reform the structure of government, to rationalize departments, to commonize retirement systems of public and school employees, to push consolidation of police and fire service among neighboring communities, the tougher the future will be. Ask GM.

    Business knows this because successful business lives it, responding to changing conditions with dynamic management. Smart CEOs would look at the tale of GM, its predicament and see missed opportunities that, seized earlier, might have mitigated the today's pain.

    Alas, smart CEOs have been in short supply in Michigan's executive office for the last six-plus years.  And if John Cherry's decision yesterday to duck the quasi-debate candidate forum up on the Island is any indication, the next two years won't bring us many bold or broad strokes either.  

    But that's not to say there wasn't something worthwhile being discussed by the other candidates.  The Ivory Tower:

    All five candidates said the tax structure of the state had to be reconfigured to make business taxes more fair, but only Cox said he would sign a pledge not to raise taxes.

    "I wouldn't sign such a pledge," George said. "Because we don't know what the future holds."

    I'd only reply that we DO know what the future holds should the current administration or the next raise taxes again.  We've experienced that nightmare before... and we're living through it now.

    < Friday in the Sphere: May 29 | The Obama Machine and 2010 >

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    Jobs & Establishment Growth (none / 0) (#3)
    by LX on Fri May 29, 2009 at 06:18:10 PM EST
    Jobs & Establishment Growth - CSA* ranks 53rd of 54 metros in establishment change (loss).

    The Detroit CSA had 3,159 fewer establishments in 2006 than in 2003, putting it at 53rd of 54 metro areas. This translated into 417,918 jobs lost during the same time period. The only metro losing a greater number of establishments and jobs was New Orleans.

    Source: County Business Patterns

    *Combined Statistical Area


    And to think that Governor Granholm, Lt. Governor Cherry and Speaker Dillon were only marginally beat out by hurricane Katrina.

    Not too shabby considering Michigan is a manmade disaster.

    Your wishes coming true? (none / 0) (#4)
    by stevenstmason on Sat May 30, 2009 at 01:06:35 AM EST
    How many years have you been cheerleading against the "overpaid lazy bum union workers" and the need to get rid of as many of them as possible and slash the wages and health care of those that are left? Your conservative dreams are coming true. Why aren't you celebrating?

    Sign the Pledge! (none / 0) (#9)
    by kenmatesevac on Mon Jun 01, 2009 at 10:02:24 AM EST
    Come on, Senator George---Sign the Pledge!  We already remember (at least, some of us do) your 2007 vote in favor of a tax hike.

    • Exactly! by woosters, 06/02/2009 05:29:59 PM EST (none / 0)
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