I was fortunate to be present for this speech and another I will post later at the Defending the Dream Summit in Orlando. Bill Whittle starts and ends his speech with pop culture, and all that lays between is brilliant and insightful.
You just cast the deciding vote for an A21 Premise.
The UN Agenda 21 premise on full display last night. Principle 1
"Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature. "
Entitled. And by Right even in many other declarations.
But lets not stop there! Certainly Principle 5 is equally important. ('equal' being the operative word)
All States and all people shall cooperate in the essential task of eradicating poverty as an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, in order to decrease the disparities in standards of living and better meet the needs of the majority of the people of the world.
Step one? Eliminate insurance expense for the not-so-well-to-do.
In the greatest redistribution scheme seen in our lifetime, you have just assisted in making sure the 'Right' to a healthy and productive life has new legs. Republicans that voted for HB4714 have saved the state a few dollars over the next couple of years, but have embraced full blown global socialism in the process. When Sebelius changes the rules with nary a peep from our weak kneed congress, illegals will ALSO have the right to our health care as well. Former Governor and Democrat Jennifer Granholm started promoting this clunker in 2007, you just turned the key.
Aside from the fact that Dave Camp refuses to defund Obamacare, there are many votes that suggest the current 4th district US Representative hasn't a clue what the constitution truly means.
Konetchy calls him out on a few things.
Its a David/Goliath battle brewing, and we hardly have to tell you which guy needs to wield the stone in a sling.
However, these fights have a positive effect by forcing the incumbents to re-assess their records, and past behavior.
Its why I like to see those who are in office ALWAYS face a primary challenge.
We have NINE potential statesmen, but will be lucky if we pull out TWO in the end.
Michigan Congressmen need to pay attention. Its all over for Republicans if Obamacare is allowed to continue. Understand this. The two senators in these videos are worthy of emulation.
You have one last chance Reps Candace Miller, Dave Camp, Bill Huizinga, Justin Amash, Kerry Bentivolio, Mike Rogers, Dan Benishek, Tim Walberg, Fred Upton.