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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Another doozie from Detroit

    By Rejoice39, Section Events
    Posted on Thu Mar 15, 2007 at 12:46:34 PM EST
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    And we wonder why the city of Detroit particularly the Detroit Public School System is in such a crisis?  There are private businesses  paying taxes they are not legally supposed to, and the tax money that should be in their pocket is being given to the DPS. This is especially alarming since the DPS is barely operating as it is and they are doing it with money they are NOT supposed to have. What a sloppy mess!

    Read on...

    Reported in MIRS today...

    From 2002-2004 the DPS was collecting a property tax levy from private business owners.  This property tax levy expired in 2002. For two years the business paid a total of 259 MILLION dollars to DPS. Unrenowned to the businesses or DPS this 259 million dollars should have stayed in the business owners pocket.

    A lawsuit resulted from this negligence, and the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that DPS could keep the 259 million since the business owners had copies of their own tax records and should have caught this error.

    Judges Jane MARKEY, William MURPHY and Kirsten KELLY signed the decision. Murphy and Kelly being dems.

    I do not agree with the Court ruling, but that is not the main issue here. The issue is, what other city, county, or state budgets/departments are operating like this? Businesses are moving out of Detroit/Michigan left and right, it surely doesn't help that they are paying thousands of dollars worth of taxes, that they don't need to.

    Furthermore, the DPS system is currently a disaster.  Would they even be able to remain open without the 259 million they are not really supposed to have?

    I really hope what Mayor Kwame preached in his State of the City address, and what Gov. Granholm screamed from Germany was not a bunch of hot air. This DPS mess is not the only disaster out there. More are looming, and things better start being fixed quickly, or even more people will be gettin out of Michigan.


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