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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Editorial Policy

    Wow. RightMichigan.com’s moving along, picking up steam just about every day. Whether we’re talking unique visitors, page views, comments and diaries… by any measure we’re growing and fast!

    When we first launched I told everyone a little bit about myself and a little bit about the site (available HERE in our updated FAQ) but we’re getting to the size now where it’s just about time for an official unofficial editorial policy just to make sure things continue to go smoothly. A lot of what you’ll read below has been happening naturally. Some things represent tweaks to the flow. Worth getting everything down on “paper,” one way or the other so everyone’s on the same page.

    So without further ado, I present the new and improved RightMichigan.com editorial policy.

  • 1. RightMichigan is Michigan focused. There are a bajillion and three blogs out there in the state and out of state that focus on the national issues. Not so many with a localized focus. We’re a blogging community paying attention specifically to Michigan. As such, any submissions should be related to Michigan issues and Michigan personalities. Want to talk about something Barack Obama said on his campaign swing in Idaho? We’re probably not the place to post. Want to discuss the latest Michigan poll sizing up the Presidential contenders? Fire away! All we ask is that there’s a Michigan focus and a real connection to the state.

  • 2. Feel free to comment on news stories (I try to do a news recap in one article each morning for the big stories that scream out to me from the daily fish-wraps). But when you do, you should always reference the original link and include it somewhere in your text. Gotta give credit where credit is due.

    And here’s the real trick. Tell us what you think about the article. Where it takes you.

    As a rule, more than half of the text in any post should be your own. Ideally, much much more than that (somewhere on the order of 75%). Why does it stir you to post? What is it that inspires you? Ticks you the heck off? Makes you throw your laptop down a flight of stairs after reading it? RightMichigan.com is a home for your thoughts and feelings and feedback. It’s not just a collection point for interesting newslinks.

  • 3. This is a community of bloggers, not a bulletin board. That means when you submit a blog it needs to be something of at least minimal substance. Off hand comments and snark are great for comments after other entries but detract from an otherwise great NEW BLOGS section. Don’t just post a news article verbatim. Don’t just type a sentence and call it a day. Challenge yourself and challenge the Right Michigan readers.

  • 4. A note on the NEW BLOGS box on the right of your screen. It’s a bit more of a free-for-all than the front page. If you look closely, you’ll see that I tend to stay away from the name calling. I’m not perfect, but I make an effort to hold myself to a higher standard than some of the blogs on the other side of the political spectrum here in the state. Same goes for anything else you’ll see on the front page.

    The NEW BLOGS box to the right contains links to blogs submitted to Right Michigan from users from all over the state. Front page articles will be linked there too, but there’s lots of other information there as well.

    Since this is the world wide web and I’m not into telling people what they can and cannot say (within reason), if someone has something they need to get off their chest in their blog, I’m not going to edit it or delete it. I can’t take any responsibility for anything folks post here. That’s YOUR home. Not mine. Still, I hope everyone will try to keep things within the boundaries of common sense and good taste lest the editorial demi-gods strikest thou down.

  • 5. RightMichigan.com is a home for anyone a step to the right of the political center. That said, our friends right smack dab in the middle and even those on the opposite side of issues are always welcome to visit the site. Agreeing with me isn’t a prerequisite for stopping by. Still, I do reserve the right to delete anything Mark Brewer decides to post. Just saying. Also, if and when we disagree, and everyone will from time to time, please be civil.

  • 6. Which brings us to this... I’ve made one slight change to the way things are done. From now on, leaving a comment after a story will require the user to log on to the site. Not asking your username to be your real name, but at some level, if you’re willing to say something you ought to stick your name behind it. That’s why I blog as myself. No nicknames. And plenty of users here do the same. Some opt for a handle or an alias and that’s fine. Leave that at least. I think that’s a fair threshold for leaving feedback.

  • 7. I reserve the right to make changes if and when I see fit. But I’ll always let you know (and I don’t anticipate having to update these standards anytime in the 21st Century).

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