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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    FDR: The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Blacks!

    By Lyman Redding, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 15, 2007 at 09:45:54 AM EST
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    The Free Press is all atwitter that a few donors who've given to the GOP also helped fund an ad that chronicled Democrats' abusive treatment of black voters.

    In reality, has anyone refuted the fact that Mr. Socialism himself, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a Democrat, refused to provide Jessie Owens with the simplest honor, a handshake, for fear of upsetting fellow Democrats (like Strom Thurmond and George Wallace)? As such, is it not then appropriate to compare him to another world leader of the time -- Adolph Hitler -- who also had a chance to honor Owens but refused to do so?

    The answer to this question -- an unqualified NO -- isn't anywhere near this story because the liberal media go berserk when one of their own is compared to Hitler, glosing over inconvenient truths. Of course when Dick Durban compared our fighting men and women to "Nazis" there was little in the MSM to suggest he'd done something wrong.

    For the ad itself to be invalid, one would have to make the argument that FDR was a beacon of civil liberties. He was not, of course, least of all for blacks. It is more conceviable that FDR would have given Jessie Owens better treatment if he had been a sharecropper in Alabama. At least then, the Democrats would have had a better chance of getting him hooked on some New Deal program -- letting him pick cotton on the government's version of a plantation.

    Nah, FDR wasn't as bad as Hitler. Nope. No way.

    I guess the media is still living by two sets of rules: Those they would impose on others, and those they impose on themselves. The funny thing is that journalists wonder why daily newspapers and broadcast news are dying.

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    FDR, Jews, and Hitler (none / 0) (#1)
    by Mark J Muylaert on Thu Mar 15, 2007 at 04:38:40 PM EST
    I just watched the story of Anne Frank on TV the other night.  Ironically that day there was a story in the Freep about her and her family.  Apparently, new documents have just been uncovered that proved that had the United States and FDR acted quickly they didn't have to die.  All the necessary paperwork for them, (the Franks,) to come to America was in order, but the immigration dept. wouldn't issue the visas because at the time FDR didn't want the Jews in this country either.  In many ways FDR, Churchill, and Hitler were one in the same when it came to the "jewish problem."  The difference being Hitler acted on his belief's, while the other two sat back and did nothing.  

    I think you will find that most liberal icons are as racist and bigotted.

    about time (none / 0) (#2)
    by I like Ike and Mike on Sun Mar 18, 2007 at 01:07:01 AM EST
    I say it is about time that Republicans say something about the Democrats and race.  It may be too little too late, though.  We in our own party have forgotten what the Republicans have done from Lincoln to Eisenhower.  Thus giving the Democrats and Jesse Jackson and his buddies free rein to say Republicans are racist.  This is far from the truth.  Equality does not mean special treatment.  For over 100 years Republicans have wanted equality for all Americans.  The civil rights of today is not the civil rights of Martin Luther King.  Two great books to read are Back to Basics by Micheal Zak and SCAM by Jesse Lee Peterson.  The first book talks about how the Republican Party started it's roots in civil rights and the second exposes the truth about Jessie Jackson and his buddies how they want to keep black people down for his financial gain.  There is some disturbing connections between Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farahkan and socialists and muslim radicals.  Besides being on the offnsive as in the ad, we also need to be on the defensive when we are criticized.

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