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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

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    Found 30 results.

    1) How fiiting is it then... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 09/01/2008 11:21:28 AM EST
    attached to A picture is only worth TWO words if they are "Frosted" and "Flakes"

    2) We couldn't [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 09/01/2008 12:27:19 AM EST
    attached to Is Granholm jealous?

    3) I never... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 08/31/2008 06:02:47 PM EST
    attached to Is Granholm jealous?

    4) Too bad... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 08/30/2008 10:35:18 AM EST
    attached to The Weekend in the Sphere -- VEEP Edition

    5) Whatever... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 08/29/2008 12:38:01 PM EST
    attached to And suddenly I'm much more enthused about this year's election!

    6) Palin is exactly what America needs... [5.00 / 1] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 08/29/2008 11:08:15 AM EST
    attached to And suddenly I'm much more enthused about this year's election!

    7) AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 08/29/2008 10:46:12 AM EST
    attached to And suddenly I'm much more enthused about this year's election!

    8) Quick update... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 08/20/2008 08:20:49 PM EST
    attached to Supporting Right Michigan the Red Neck Way

    9) I would consider it more of a [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 08/20/2008 02:27:49 PM EST
    attached to Supporting Right Michigan the Red Neck Way

    10) Paid Writers. [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 08/06/2008 01:25:26 AM EST
    attached to Just For The Funny of It

    11) Just saw it, too.. [none / 0] Replies: 1
    posted by DanaP on 08/05/2008 09:49:49 PM EST
    attached to Just For The Funny of It

    12) More governor appointments? [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 07/10/2008 08:15:20 PM EST
    attached to Counterpoint to Mr. Lennox. Michigan does not need a Constitutional Convention

    13) Amen! [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 03/23/2008 08:38:30 PM EST
    attached to Best. Day. EVER.

    14) Exactly what [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 03/03/2008 05:02:06 PM EST
    attached to Michigan is ranked one of the best managed in the nation - huh?

    15) Yes, we... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 01/08/2008 09:41:39 PM EST
    attached to Michigan for Sale on Ebay!

    16) What? [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 01/08/2008 08:11:27 PM EST
    attached to Michigan for Sale on Ebay!

    17) No... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 01/08/2008 01:38:08 PM EST
    attached to Michigan for Sale on Ebay!

    18) The Union... [none / 0] Replies: 1
    posted by DanaP on 01/08/2008 12:31:49 PM EST
    attached to Michigan for Sale on Ebay!

    19) You can't [none / 0] Replies: 1
    posted by DanaP on 12/08/2007 09:46:39 AM EST
    attached to Part Time Legislature

    20) Thanks... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 11/11/2007 07:02:39 PM EST
    attached to Thanks to everyone who helped make for a great event!

    21) Call me crazy, [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 10/29/2007 11:22:51 PM EST
    attached to Well, here's where they begin to circle the wagons.

    22) Humor... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 10/29/2007 04:02:10 PM EST
    attached to Well, here's where they begin to circle the wagons.

    23) Are you crazy? [none / 0] Replies: 1
    posted by DanaP on 10/29/2007 11:20:09 AM EST
    attached to Well, here's where they begin to circle the wagons.

    24) Oh, they will pull out all the stops... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 10/28/2007 12:49:20 PM EST
    attached to Well, here's where they begin to circle the wagons.

    25) You know [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 10/27/2007 02:40:06 PM EST
    attached to T-Minus 4 Days until shutdown

    26) Keep Up... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 10/26/2007 09:19:31 AM EST
    attached to Michigan blogger goes national with story on Peter's hypocrisy, abuse of tax dollars

    27) Tact... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 10/16/2007 09:27:24 AM EST
    attached to Dean confronts student over Gary Peters FOIA request

    28) Nick... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 10/03/2007 09:03:00 AM EST
    attached to Welcome to Pleasure Island

    29) ND... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 10/01/2007 08:26:29 PM EST
    attached to Recalls: What does it take?

    30) I've had a lot... [none / 0] Replies: 0
    posted by DanaP on 10/01/2007 07:07:53 PM EST
    attached to Recalls: What does it take?



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