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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Is Granholm jealous?

    By DanaP, Section News
    Posted on Sun Aug 31, 2008 at 09:59:32 AM EST
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    Hello everyone!  It's good to be back in the saddle blogging about politics!  Thanks Nick for the opportunity, and have a blast in Minnesota!

    After Obama sang his lullaby to America yet again this week, McCain promptly congratulated him - giving Obama the thumbs up that really, he deserves.  Let's be realistic here - no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, you have to admit that it is something pretty cool to be witness to the first black presidential candidate.  

    Yet, when McCain announced his choice in running mate Sarah Palin, there were a whole lot of crickets in the house.

    Where were Gloria Steinem and the rest of the Feminists that push breaking the glass ceiling?  Where were all of the women's rights people?  Nowhere to be seen.  In fact, our own - and, I use the term "our" very loosely here - Governor Granholm said "Unfortunately, this choice reinforces John McCain's embrace of the failed Bush economic policies that have squeezed Michigan for the last eight years.  On the issues that matter, from outsourcing to choice, the McCain-Palin agenda is wrong for Michigan".

    Huh?  Since when did Granholm become the expert on what Michigan needs?  Just because you have a title of leadership, doesn't mean you are a leader.  Leadership comes from within, and with an unemployment rate of 8.5% (still, the highest in the nation), and foreclosures continuing to climb, I don't really think the Governor is a leader.

    Out of the two Governors, if anyone has failed economic policies, it would be Granholm.  Sarah Palin, once in office, immediately sold the jet her predecessor purchased for travel, and instead opted to drive herself around.  Also, she immediately reduced her salary, and reduced property taxes by 60%.  As well, Governor Palin has given back Alaskans a $1200 as an energy rebate.  When was the last time Michigan citizens actually got money back... for anything?

    I think perhaps jealousy may have contributed to Governor Granholm's temporary blindness.  Wasn't she supposed to be on the short list for a cabinet position under the Billary Administration?  

    Why can't it be, or rather, why the choice is made time after time for the Democrats to immediately bring out the claws?  Shouldn't it be that we can disagree while also acknowledging the accomplishments people make?  In solidarity, as a woman who also has benefited from the Suffragists, you would think Granholm could show more class by at least acknowledging this important event for what it is - a woman potentially becoming the first Vice President of the United States.

    I am very excited about this election now.  Truly, I wasn't - it was more `pick the lesser of two evils'.  After going through Sarah Palin's resume, and seeing her unconventional approach to the good old boys politics, I am stoked.  Sure, I'm proud that she's a woman - a mom, a wife, juggling it all, but more than that, her approach - what is right and fair, and despite the personal sacrifice, what are the best choices for the people she serves?  That shows true leadership.

    < Greetings from Eagan! | The Left Attacks Palin >

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    I already posted this elsewhere... (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by goppartyreptile on Sun Aug 31, 2008 at 12:25:08 PM EST
     but it's more fitting here:

    One thing we all have to realize, is that the instant a female or minority becomes a candidate on the GOP side, they turn into an old, bald, white guy who is either in the oil business or some type of shady stock broker.

    So don't be surprised the Democrats aren't hailing her, they took away her womanhood the instant she wasn't on their side.

    Ask Katherine Harris, or Michael Steele, or Ken Blackwell, or, or... anybody

    Is Granholm jealous? (none / 0) (#2)
    by apackof2 on Sun Aug 31, 2008 at 01:42:46 PM EST

    She threw in her hat in the ring with Hillary thinking there was a postion in Hillary's administration for her only to have her hopes dashed by that interloper Obama

    Friendly Correction (none / 0) (#3)
    by Come On on Sun Aug 31, 2008 at 02:06:29 PM EST
    I believe the name of the feminist you are referring to is Gloria Steinem.

    And although it is neat that a woman is again named as a presidential running mate, not all women champion what feminists refer to as "women's rights."

    I never... (none / 0) (#4)
    by DanaP on Sun Aug 31, 2008 at 06:02:47 PM EST
    Expected them to hail her, per se, but at least extend the same professionalism to her that she did to Hillary, and McCain did to Obama.  

    And, thanks for the name correction - I was clicking through too fast, and should have checked better.

    Amazing! (none / 0) (#5)
    by theclassiclib on Sun Aug 31, 2008 at 09:56:51 PM EST
    Grahnhom criticizing Bush, Palin, or anyone's economic policies?  What?  Am I in the twilight zone?

    Some nerve she has.

    In MI, people need a serious and permanent tax cut!  No government can spend anyone into prosperity, for no government has its own money.

    It must take it from the people who earn it.  And what it takes from the people, it can never repay.

    Warranty Issues (none / 0) (#6)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Mon Sep 01, 2008 at 12:18:28 AM EST
    Anyone know if we can ship her back to Canada and ask for an exchange?

    I mean, Steve Yzerman could probably do a better job.

    We couldn't (none / 0) (#7)
    by DanaP on Mon Sep 01, 2008 at 12:27:19 AM EST
    get her through customs - they didn't want her back because they were afraid of being blown away.

    The Comparison (none / 0) (#8)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Sep 01, 2008 at 09:59:59 AM EST
    Granholm is a failure. Sarah Palin a success. Sarah Palin has an approval rating of 80% in Alaska, Granholm's barely registers on the meter.
    Palin has fought and won against the bureaucracy and special interests. Granholm enlarges the bureaucracy and panders to special interstests.Another area that Palin chose to save money was to order the Commander of the Alaska State Police to disband her personal protection detail. While the dear Governor of Michigan can't go anyplace without an armoured column and air support.
    Granholm is a typlical Liberal. Blames everyone but herself and her party for the failures they have wrought themselves. Why is it that until the engery crisis caused the economy to slow every other state has flourished under the Bush economy? All the states but Michian. Alaska has done well. In fact Sarah Palin told the Congress they could keep the bridge to nowhere. The State of Alaska is building a natural gas pipeline that will help to relieve reliance on foreign sources of engery.From Sarah Palin we see leadership from a true Conservative. Granholm complains that the Federal Government hasn't given Michigan enough handouts.
    While Granholm dithers and laments the failure of Michigan under her tenue Sarah Palin and her folks in Alaska saw and sought opportunity by using tried and true methods that grow economies and create jobs and hence wealth for the citizens of her state. Jennifer Granholm has relied on the failed policies of Socialism that have failed everywhere they have been tried. Anytime government seeks to tax it's way out of a reccession it only makes things worse.
    Granholm is presiding over the worst economy that the State of Michigan has seen in 75 years. She has taken a rich state with a sound economy and taken it into the depths of ruin and disaster. I would trade one Sarah Palin for a hundred Jennifer Granholms any day of the month.

    Gender politics (none / 0) (#9)
    by NoviDemocrat on Mon Sep 01, 2008 at 09:20:27 PM EST
    I didn't think Republicons played that game. Guess they can't make up their minds. You might want to fact-check your initial posting. You're confusing her claim to fame as a mayor of a town of 9,000 with what she's done in her term as Governor.

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