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    Tag: Immigration

    Dennis Michael Lynch In TC Tonight

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 23, 2013 at 08:11:18 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Immigration, Dennis Michael Lynch, They Come To America (all tags)

    FYI, He was on a local talk station here, and it sounds like a very interesting evening, with a discussion of immigration beyond what most might expect.


    Filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch, producer of two recent films, THEY COME TO AMERICA: The Cost of Illegal Immigration 2012, and THEY COME TO AMERICA II: The Cost of Amnesty 2013, is coming to Traverse City to discuss the issues of immigration and border policy. Both films have been  extremely popular with grass roots organizations and conservative talk radio.  They provide a visual of the true horrors of what is taking place along the southern border of the United States. Both clearly explain how American workers are negatively effected by our broken immigration system.

    Lynch will be making a presentation and will answer questions at the Streeters Center July 23, 2013 at 6:30pm.  Michigan's Governor Rick Snyder has been invited to attend, as Michigan is an international border state.  All concerned citizens and elected officials are encouraged to attend this FREE and informative event.

    Lynch's work has attracted interest from members of congress who have recently invited Lynch to address the press on Capital Hill and to testify in upcoming Congressional hearings. Lynch has also provided expert testimony in hearings held at the Ohio State House of Representatives. He has appeared on Fox News, and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Chicago Tribune and featured on CNN and ABC NEWS.

    Prior to being a filmmaker, Dennis Lynch was a successful businessman, and In 2001, he was named Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young.  

    Comments >>

    How to Destroy the GOP in One Easy Step

    By Conservative First, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 01, 2013 at 12:47:27 AM EST
    Tags: immigration, amnesty, Hispanic, illegal alien (all tags)

    Since the results of the 2012 election came in, calls for amnesty for illegal aliens have increased dramatically. Many commentators have noted Mitt Romney's poor showing (28%) among Hispanics, and claimed that passing amnesty is the key to improving those numbers.

    Senator Marco Rubio and the "gang of eight" in the Senate have been working on a "comprehensive immigration reform" (amnesty) bill, and President Obama has been making a major push for it.  We don't know the exact details of the bill yet.  But based on similar proposals by the same folks, we can reasonably surmise the general outline of its contents.

    These bills all contain an immediate legalization (amnesty) of illegal aliens in exchange for a promise of improved immigration enforcement (border security, internal enforcement) in the future.  The trouble with such a "compromise" is that the enforcement is likely to be sabotaged by the same global elites and businesses that are preventing our current immigration laws from being effectively.

    Incidentally, 'amnesty' is the correct term for legalization of illegal aliens.  Entering the US without authorization or overstaying a visa is not permitted under America's law, nor should it be.  The penalty for this infraction is deportation at a minimum (and could include jail time as well).  Allowing illegal aliens to stay waives this penalty and thus constitutes amnesty.  While many versions of amnesty contain some fine, this is a farce considering the much greater value of legal status and eligibility for many government benefits.

    Note also that amnesty is not a "path to citizenship".  Citizenship would actually be worse than amnesty, since it would not only waive the penalty, but actually provide a benefit in addition.  Most illegal aliens likely care more about legal status than citizenship, but many powerful supporters of amnesty would like them to become voters as well.  Some versions of amnesty bill would delay citizenship for awhile, but it is all too likely that illegals would get it eventually, whether from a future democrat administration, or activist judges.  Even if they don't, their children will, due to birthright citizenship.

    Many conservatives, including Michelle MalkinErick EricksonAnn Coulter, Phyllis Schlafly, Pat BuchananJohn O'Sullivan, and Victor Davis Hanson have come out against the plan, but the outcome remains in doubt.

    This article will focus on the political implications of amnesty, though I certainly think that it is bad policy as well.  Is amnesty really essential to the Republican party's survival, or would it ensure its doom?  Consider several arguments.

    (2831 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    The Stakes Could Not Be Higher

    By The Wizard of Laws, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 05, 2012 at 11:34:45 AM EST
    Tags: Ameritopia, Congress, election, Freedom, government, immigration, individual, Levin, liberty, Obama, president, Romney, sovereignty, state, Supreme Court, tax (all tags)

    Cross-posted in The Wizard of Laws.

    Tyranny, broadly defined, is the use of power to dehumanize the individual and delegitimize his nature.  Political utopianism is tyranny disguised as a desirable, workable, and even paradisiacal governing ideology.
                                              -- Mark Levin, Ameritopia

    Individual sovereignty is under attack.

    Not the wacko, every-man-is-a-sovereign-the-United-States-is-a-corporation kind of sovereignty, but the notion that, as individuals, we have worth and dignity that deserve protection.

    This attack exists in every corner of our society and has found its way into our language.  Liberal politicians talk about the "cost" of a tax cut and ask conservatives, "How are you going to pay for that tax cut?"  They thus view tax cuts as expenditures, but expenditures of what?  Of the money to which they deem the government entitled.  

    A tax cut "spends" nothing.  It is an acknowledgment that the money being taxed belongs in the first instance to the earner, not the government.  Most Americans would willingly pay taxes to support legitimate government functions, but we resist ferociously the notion that our incomes belong to the government.

    (908 words in story) Full Story

    Poor Don Verrilli, or, "Thank you, sir, may I have another?"

    By The Wizard of Laws, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 10, 2012 at 03:33:30 PM EST
    Tags: Alito, Arizona, Bacon, Clement, health care, immigration, Kennedy, preemption, Scalia, Sotomayor, Supremacy Clause, Verrilli (all tags)

    Donald Verrilli, Jr. is the Solicitor General of the United States.  He argues the federal government's position in the most important cases that reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

    He's not having a good 2012.

    After getting pounded by the court in the health care litigation arguments (see here and here), he had to turn around less than a month later and argue that Arizona's immigration law, SB 1070, had been preempted by federal immigraton law.  The case, Arizona v U.S., featured another legal beat-down and, unlike the health care cases, the liberal wing of the court didn't exactly leap to his defense.  To top it off, his Arizona opponent was the same person he had faced in the health care cases - the great Paul Clement.

    (6 comments, 1926 words in story) Full Story

    My Platform

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Dec 13, 2011 at 01:08:05 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Platform, Nightmare to Progressives, Governor, Senate, Representative, Legislature, Lansing, Detroit, Schools, Taxes, Immigration, Republicans, Welfare, Manufacturing, ObamacareLight Rail (all tags)

    Steal it.

    I have decided to state my election platform for 2014 if I run for anything at all.

    I am not exactly sure which office I should seek, but there is certainly enough here to encourage from our current elected officials.  Talk is really cheap it seems, but if we can move the levers we'll be better for it, and substantive change cannot come from a legislature or governor that has somehow embraced so much of what they despised under the previous Governor. Unless they continue to despise it.

    It seems that a crap sandwich tastes better when prepared by Republicans, if one was to look through such things as raised taxes on Gas, Obamacare exchanges, Light Rail, or DRIC/NICT issues.

    Below the line you can take it or leave it.  That is what I am about.

    (8 comments, 760 words in story) Full Story

    Does Detroit Need Immigration?

    By Conservative First, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jul 25, 2011 at 07:05:07 AM EST
    Tags: Detroit, Rick Snyder, Michael Bloomberg, immigration (all tags)

    Mayor Michael Bloomberg, not content with imposing a nanny state on New York City, has weighed in with his solution to Detroit's problems.

    Having read reports of Detroit's dramatic population loss (about 25% over the past decade), Bloomberg's solution is simple.  Immigration!

    Mayor Bloomberg: Detroit Needs Final Solution
    Snyder sees immigrants as a key to state's economy

    Governor Snyder apparently thinks this is a swell idea, too.

    Neither Bloomberg nor Snyder seem to have addressed the most basic question.  Why is Detroit losing population?  They make it sound as if it were some unknowable force of nature causing Detroit to lose people.

    (26 comments, 404 words in story) Full Story

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