I have decided to state my election platform for 2014 if I run for anything at all.
I am not exactly sure which office I should seek, but there is certainly enough here to encourage from our current elected officials. Talk is really cheap it seems, but if we can move the levers we'll be better for it, and substantive change cannot come from a legislature or governor that has somehow embraced so much of what they despised under the previous Governor. Unless they continue to despise it.
It seems that a crap sandwich tastes better when prepared by Republicans, if one was to look through such things as raised taxes on Gas, Obamacare exchanges, Light Rail, or DRIC/NICT issues.
Below the line you can take it or leave it. That is what I am about.
Defend and uphold the constitution.
Establish Fair tax but at a diminishing rate to leave more money in the pockets of citizens as the revenue streams increase.
Create a property owners bill of rights for Michigan
Establish RIGHT TO WORK in Michigan
Seek out loopholes which allow abortion in Michigan and make it as hard as possible to murder our next generations.
End Public funding to Private Universities such as U of M, MSU, Wayne State, Etc..
End the DRIC Bridge fiasco once and for all.
Create property tax free (20 year) zones for blighted areas (Flint, Detroit, Benton Harbor) enabling the purchases for housing, business and industry.
Outlaw all capitulation to Obamacare and any other federal laws requiring a purchase of any sort in order to be a lawful citizen.
Outlaw Minimum wage controls in Michigan
Develop Michigan as an "Energy Manufacturing center" where we utilize the as yet untapped reserves under our feet, but also for development of Nuclear, Coal and also Green options so as to become a net exporter of energy needed in the United States.
Distribute to the feds only the road taxes collected for the Federal government that this state receives. No More, no less. Lobby hard to remove ALL road taxes and create inter state compacts for road maintenance to connecting states.
Eliminate welfare as we know it through both private contracting for welfare management, reduction mandates, and hard love. Return the responsibility for families TO the families.
Lower or eliminate Michigan Property taxes.
Change insurance rules to allow greater competition with providers from out of state. Establish legislation which encourages simplified billing, and encourage "loser pays" legislation to bring costs down.
Encourage more school competition. Allow for hybrid cyber/attended schools.
Establish school rules that allow more power by school boards in dealing with organized labor, and provide the attorney generals office to those districts which might find themselves in fights with the NLRB.
Give local municipalities more power in the negotiations with their workforces with new tools.
Stop the practice of encouraging illegal immigration for farm use.
End all Taxpayer funded subsidies to ANY business period.
Drastically reduce the DEQ effect on business and rid Michigan of officers who tinker in local politics
End the fantasy that Light Rail could pay for itself in Michigan.
Educate the public about the dangers of Agenda 21 in their local communities.
Reduce the regulatory burden on small business to whatever extent possible by throwing out licensing and reporting requirements for hundreds of business types.
Defend and protect any and all citizens from the effects of foreign laws which conflict with our established laws or constitution, such as sharia law, or tradition based punishments.
And that is only a start. In fact, no one can say I am not with an accepting mind for other ways in which to lighten the Michigan Gorilla's presence on our backs. Throw it on here. if its possible, lets do it.
We have for too long accepted a gradually more intrusive government model that takes from us our ability to innovate, create, and ultimately survive. For every "solution" our state government provides, it is usually accompanied by a new set of rules, limiting procedures, and stifling economic effect. By reducing its effect on our lives, the economic prosperity that our parents or grandparents knew, can return.