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    Tag: energy (page 3)

    Politicizing The Green Debate

    By Congressman Fred Upton, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jul 07, 2011 at 04:57:46 PM EST
    Tags: Fred Upton, 6th District, Energy, Environment, EPA, Congress (all tags)

    Promoted! ;o)

    There's a troubling irony in today's vigorous debate about environmental policy. Some of the most vocal groups clamoring for a cleaner planet are also the ones stalling progress toward that same goal.

    (9 comments, 863 words in story) Full Story

    Why We Are Here

    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jun 23, 2011 at 04:50:24 PM EST
    Tags: Vern Ehlers, Energy, Conservative Principles (all tags)

    What is too often forgotten when people consider the current situation our economy is in is that the brakes were being applied to growth and wealth creation even before Fannie May, Freddie Mac and AIG (among others) collapsed.

    Months prior to the rest of us finding out that Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick had absconded with millions of taxpayer dollars as a reward for pimping insolvent home loans, the cost of energy was already climbing at a frenzied pace.

    As a fill-up crashed through the $30, $40 and $50 barriers for those driving even pretend mostly plastic cars, consumers were already being forced to ponder the priorities of vacationing in upstate Michigan or putting away a little cash in order to be able to make it to work the following week.

    And that was the plan.

    If there is one certainty in this world, it is that elitist Americans hate them some wrong energy.

    Energy that is inexpensive is considered wrong for America. Inexpensive energy by definition promotes the use of that energy. As such, energy a consumer can actually afford to painlessly use is part and parcel to the perceived problem. It had to be made more expensive!

    The great American slowdown is, then, not a bug, but a price that has to be paid. While progressive politicians and sympathetic journalists alike lament the "unexpected" continuance of our economic malaise, the bright side is that not only has our energy thirst been somewhat slaked, but our carbon footprint has been downsized!

    (2 comments, 1002 words in story) Full Story

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Another worthy read

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Dec 31, 2010 at 07:37:51 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, energy, The Other Club, Granholm (all tags)

    The Other Club's proprietor has also objected to the expensive and unnecessary additional cost for Michiganders, and really drives home the reality we face.  Duane opines:
    Imminently-former-Governor Granholm's desire to manufacture windmills now moves from merely stupid to surreal. You are subsidizing the manufacture of windmills so they may be sold to people who have just arranged to tax you in order to enable distribution of electricity from the windmills. That electricity will charge the batteries Ms Granholm has also subsidized, in cars the Feds have forced you to pay for, built by a company whose union you were made to bail-out. All with no law being passed.

    Former governor not soon enough..  a little over 4 hours..  Tick Tock Tick Tock

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Upton had better come through..

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Dec 30, 2010 at 01:23:56 PM EST
    Tags: FERC, WSJ, Energy, Upton, Michigan, Higher costs (all tags)

    Or we have problems.

    According to the Wall Street Journal
    , Michigan will start paying even MORE for its energy..  and Not just trifling amounts, with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission placing a $300 million to $500 million annual surtax on the state's electric utility bills.

    On December 16, the FERC Chairman announced new rules that would socialize the cost of transmission lines across 13 states in the Midwest, including our own.

    That region-wide pricing scheme, according to a study commissioned by utility companies, will force Michigan to pay about 20% of as much as $20 billion in new high-voltage transmission lines--though Michigan businesses and homeowners will get little benefit. Thanks to FERC's new tariff, nearly everything in Michigan--from cars and trucks to Frosted Flakes--will be more expensive to make."

    Just what Michigan needs!  And for what?  To transmit electricity from wind farms in Iowa and the Dakotas... except that Michigan doesn't need their electricity.  At least not now, and anyhow what changes were made that would add costs like this?  The government taking over the lines?

    (4 comments, 460 words in story) Full Story

    Michigan's Soon To Be Gone Governor - Tinker Bell or Barbarella?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Dec 10, 2010 at 10:26:58 AM EST
    Tags: Green Jobs, Granholm, Stupidity, Spain, Energy, Michigan (all tags)

    The Cap Con's Tom Gantert today writes about our executive destroyer's politico op-ed, and how she offers advice to the rest of the country on how to create jobs:

    Granholm served as a guest op-ed writer for the national news site POLITICO. Saying the nation needs a "moon shot" jobs strategy to create 3 million new jobs, she used as an example Michigan government's recent bet that the lithium-ion battery industry should be cultivated with special treatment and favors from state government.

    Granholm wrote: "If the states are the laboratories of democracy, Washington can take a lesson from what is happening in Michigan."

    Jenny, Jenny, Jenny...  shut up.  Just fade away, explode, dissolve in the sunlight, etc.. Whatever it takes to get your vampire's touch off this state, but please just shut up, and do not try to peddle your failure to the rest of the country any longer.  

    You talk of learning from what is happening?  How can you even say that, when you have learned nothing?  Even a stupid animal eventually knows that its paws get burned if it touches fire.

    Below the gutter line for more..

    (13 comments, 645 words in story) Full Story

    Upton's time is at hand

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Dec 07, 2010 at 08:39:36 AM EST
    Tags: Fred Upton, Lightbulb, Incandescent bulb, Energy chair, Energy, Congress, Republicans (all tags)

    Fred Upton's team used RightMichigan.com to remind us what a great conservative he is. No problem.  In fact I think its important the folks on the right side of the spectrum feel they can post at will.  We don't have to agree with him, and frankly should treat him with the respect he deserves.  Sometimes it requires we chastise for his impudent posturing in the climate debate.  He is/was wrong, and we best let him know it.

    As a congressman, is he better than a possible Democrat alternative?  I would say.. yeah, but...

    but..  as a congressman, and member of Energy and Commerce, he operated as rogue and unpredictable as any of the left when seeking power and dominion over our very lives.

    And what has more strings attached to our daily bread than energy?  What is it that affects more jobs in manufacturing, and commerce from Michigan than the ability to procure cheap electricity, and fuel.  What is it that has more effect on Michigan agriculture than oil, gas, and natural gas.

    Maybe the sun.  But right now things are still pretty dark.

    (10 comments, 594 words in story) Full Story


    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 29, 2010 at 03:29:56 PM EST
    Tags: John Conyers, Iconography, Pictures, Read the Bill, Congress, Legislature, Michigan, Energy, Education, Pork, Taxes, Regulation (all tags)

    When challenged at a press conference in 2009, Michigan Congressman JohnConyers' exclaiming that he does not read the bills was of course troubling.  His thoughts?
    "What good is reading the bill if it's a thousand pages and you don't  have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read  the bill?"

    Of course.

    That explains the failure of congress to manage its affairs in any way resembling a responsible manner.  The folks who we send to Washington have created a monstrosity that is unresponsive, wasteful, oppressive, and straight up unconstitutional.  The failure to read the legislation written by the crackhead congressional staffers leaves no other possibility but high taxes, excessive regulation, and debts that will remain unpaid.. perhaps forever.

    How can we solve the problems that congress has created over the decades of John Conyers tenure if the proposed solutions themselves might not be read?

    The recent video showing Conyers leafing through a Playboy magazine has certainly raised a few eyebrows.  However, what would anyone expect from a member of a party which has as a core principle the demeaning of women, or any particular group or class that can be separated by sex, color, life choices, etc..  It seems the 81 year old Romeo, Conyers himself may have provided an answer.

    He looks at pictures. Indeed the articles might even be read more fully if the pictures have drawn him in.


    (9 comments, 1655 words in story) Full Story

    More on Upton

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 22, 2010 at 10:38:30 AM EST
    Tags: Fred Upton, Lightbulb, Incandescent bulb, Edison, Energy (all tags)

    In Saturday's Capitol confidential, Noted is the opposition to Upton being chosen for the energy seat:

    Congressman Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph, is an early favorite to chair the Energy and Commerce Committee, which will have a central role in the health care and climate change debates to come. However, his critics say that Upton is not fiscally conservative enough for the job and that a more principled candidate should be chosen instead.

    "[T]his would be a tone-deaf disaster if the Republican leadership lets Fred Upton ascend to the chairmanship of the House energy committee," said conservative talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh on his radio show. "No Republican complicit in nannyism, statism, can be rewarded this way."

    Among the bills Rep. Upton has supported is a controversial 2007 measure that led to a phase-out of the incandescent light bulb. It was co-sponsored with liberal Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif.

    Below the fold is yet another perspective on the light bulb ban. (From the same folks who brought us Friday's toon)  

    (8 comments, 188 words in story) Full Story

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