Fred Upton's team used to remind us what a great conservative he is. No problem. In fact I think its important the folks on the right side of the spectrum feel they can post at will. We don't have to agree with him, and frankly should treat him with the respect he deserves. Sometimes it requires we chastise for his impudent posturing in the climate debate. He is/was wrong, and we best let him know it.
As a congressman, is he better than a possible Democrat alternative? I would say.. yeah, but...
but.. as a congressman, and member of Energy and Commerce, he operated as rogue and unpredictable as any of the left when seeking power and dominion over our very lives.
And what has more strings attached to our daily bread than energy? What is it that affects more jobs in manufacturing, and commerce from Michigan than the ability to procure cheap electricity, and fuel. What is it that has more effect on Michigan agriculture than oil, gas, and natural gas.
Maybe the sun. But right now things are still pretty dark.
Today Fred Upton will likely be given the Energy and Commerce chair.
Today, Michiganders can contact those who run the show and let their feelings be known.
Suggested Talking Points
Please be polite but firm when speaking to staff. You are calling the Republican leadership, who hopefully are our side in this matter.
You might consider saying:
As a fellow supporter of limited government, I'm calling to make sure you know Fred Upton is not with us on energy and environmental policy and should be opposed for Energy and Commerce chair.
His voting record shows how out of step he is with those who just gave the Republicans a second chance in the majority. His big government views on energy and the environment are more in line with the Democrats who just got voted out than the new Republicans who just got voted in.
Fred Upton has voted repeatedly for tax increases and was 1 of just 3 Republicans to vote against extending tax relief in 2005
Fred Upton voted again and again against efforts to cut even the most offensive of pork barrel earmarks, from opposing cutting a $500,000 California swimming pool to a $100,000 "wine initiative"
Fred Upton repeatedly voted against even the smallest attempts to rein in spending--including multiple votes against just a 1% reduction in spending
Fred Upton regularly sided with Nancy Pelosi to override President Bush's vetoes of bloated Democratic spending bills
Fred Upton voted for increases in government-controlled health care
Fred Upton voted repeatedly for onerous increases in federal regulations
Fred Upton voted for one bailout after another, including the Wall Street bailout (twice), the auto bailout, and the notorious "cash for clunkers" scheme
Fred Upton voted against limiting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's powers at the height of the housing bubble
Fred Upton voted against Republican efforts to limit farm subsidies, Amtrak subsidies, sugar subsidies...and the list goes on and on and on.
Consider letting your voice be heard today. Rewarding bad behavior is not a good idea. There are others who might guide energy policy much more wisely.
And a reminder.. This is a respectful disagreement.