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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    No matter (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Dec 07, 2010 at 10:36:52 AM EST
    How you cut it. Fred Upton is not a Conservative. He is a RINO and that is the unvarnished fact. A short perusal of his record proves that Msr. Upton is no practioner of Conservative values. I used to be a voter in the Michigan 7th Congressional District until redistricting shoved our village into the 6th. Not a happy occurrance. I have had much contact with Msr. Upton's office over that time. I am not impressed with his performance or his lack of Conservative values.
    I have contacted Speaker-to-be Boehner's office to express my concern about this Chairmanship and as of yet haven't heard a word back from them. Going on the evidence of Congresscritter Uptons lengthy record I find him totally unqualified to Chair a committee for any reason. There are reason's the Mr. Upton has been relagated to seemingly unimportant committees over the last many years. Leadership obviously knew that he couldn't be trusted with the big issues and energy is about the biggest. As we see now, Dear Leader's Gulf drilling prohibition has driven the price of a barrel of oil to over $90 as of this morning. This is by design. The oil leak was allowed to continue for months with the administration interferring wherever possible to stymie progress. They wanted the event to be as big and damaging as possible to give them a mega crisis that they didn't intend to waste. Now Dear Leader has his skyrocketing energy prices without the benefit of Cap and Tax legislation.
    One thing that most folks don't realize when they talk about by products of oil is that more then fuel is produced from the commodity. Crude oil gives us not only lubricants, gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene (jet fuel), heating oil and other distillants from it comes plastics and fertilizer that makes our farmers and growers the best and most productive in the world.Food prices will go up as the price of oil rises. The price of the electronic marvels we have all come to love in our daily lives because of plastics will also increase in price. Michigan at one time had one of the most vibrant plastic injection molding industries in the nation. The southwest corner of Michigan was the silicon valley of plastics molders that served the auto, consumer products, medical and many other industries to numerous to mention. I know these things from experience. I have been involved with the molding business for 36 years. Much is at stake for Michigan. And putting that future in the hands of a man with questionable political leanings is not something that I realish nor am happy about. Let not senority be the determaning factor but common sense and commitment to Conservative values. Fred Upton fails on that score and many others. If I was to be the decider in this appoinment to Fred Upton I wouldn't say no, I would say HELL NO.

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