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    Tag: lansing (page 4)

    Sunday Sermon

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Sun Apr 17, 2011 at 09:48:37 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Rally, Lansing, Levon Yuille, April 14 2011 (all tags)

    Kind of, but from this past Thursday.

    Levon Yuille addresses about 500 at the April 14 2011 Rally on the Capitol steps in Lansing Michigan. Interesting speaker.

    Once again, apologies for the camera work.

    Comments >>

    A Trillion Dollars

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Sat Apr 16, 2011 at 11:02:49 AM EST
    Tags: Lansing, Michigan, Trillion Dollars, April 14 2011, Rally (all tags)

    I will have a few more videos out from the Lansing Rally on the 14th.  The 500 or so folks who attended enjoyed a variety of speakers and this entertainment.

    Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Herman Cain At Lansing Rally

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Fri Apr 15, 2011 at 07:07:03 AM EST
    Tags: Herman Cain, Michigan, Lansing, ABC, American, Black, Conservative (all tags)

    This is the publicly available speech of Herman Cain the the April 14, 2011 Rally in Lansing Michigan.  For those who are FB friends, I have another Speech of his from that same day, with a little more content.  I would encourage you to see THAT top secret video as well.

    FYI, he has NOT officially announced, but is currently in exploratory status.

    This man is a powerhouse, has a great story, and is capable.

    Comments >>

    Headed to Lansing

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 14, 2011 at 05:54:08 AM EST
    Tags: Lansing, Rally, Herman Cain, Michigan, Fighting onward (all tags)

    Heading out to catch some of the early events going on.  Bambi get off the road, I don't brake for anything except breakfast.

    There will be no shortage of activists in the state's capitol today.  Multiple gatherings, and a High Noon rally are calling!

    FYI it was noted that a number of public employees called in sick to attend yesterday's leftypalooza.  If so, it drives home the disregard for their service to the taxpayers of this state.  It drives home the need to consider a total ban on public sector unions that not only allow, but frankly encourage such irresponsible management of our trust.

    Gotta go.  See you there!!

    (4 comments) Comments >>

    And By The Way, Lansing Rally Tomorrow.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 13, 2011 at 02:58:12 PM EST
    Tags: Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, Obama, Posers, Birthers, Lansing, Michigan, Rally (all tags)

    I don't think I am the only one to greet Mitt Romney's announcement that he will be seeking the presidency with a total yawn. Neither exciting nor a practical change agent, Romney represents ALL that is wrong with moderate Republicanism.

    Perhaps I could sum it up in one word: "Romneycare"

    Add to this, he has already misjudged 60% of the primary electorate by coming out of the gate saying he believes Obama is a legit president, or at least that he is a citizen.

    "I think the citizenship test has been passed. I believe the president was born in the United States. There are real reasons to get this guy out of office ..."

    First off, count me as somewhat of a birther.  Or at least as one who believes like that crazy-like-a-fox Trump, that Obama has some issues tied with the birth record he has spent gawd-awful amounts of money hiding. Not a good enough reason on its face? I mean seriously Mitt, 60% of people who voted with the Republicans think he wasn't born here.  And as to the citizenship test, which one was that? Are you simply trying to not be skewered by the media that you expect to put you in as a McCain type who was easily controlled for 2012?

    Controllable and easily manipulated.  What a weasel.  If he wins the primary, we will have another term of the worst president ever, because people will again sit on their hands.  He would probably sell us out like Bush did when the bank situation arose anyhow.  No principle whatsoever.  No personal constitution.

    This time we need to take a real look at the 'posers' like Romney, Gingrich, and even Huckabee who wouldn't do what needs to be done.  Talk a great talk, but look at their records.  At least Huckabee would be likely to look at a Fair Tax.  I could vote for him.  Even with him saying Obama grew up in Kenya, when we all know his childhood was spent in Indonesia.

    Problem with that?  See the "57 states" comment by the guy who is our current white house occupant.  Actually, Kindergarten is where we learn how many states there are.  Some of us actually might have learned about how Puerto Rico and Guam fit into the scheme too.  But the dweller of 1600 Pennsylvania avenue never picked that up apparently.

    And that occupant has a lot of questions that have yet to be answered. ~ more below ~

    (6 comments, 1089 words in story) Full Story

    Are we going to have to do this?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 11, 2011 at 11:43:34 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Corruption, Smart People, Snyder, Lansing, DRIC, Taxes, Taxpayers, On the hook, Matty, Credits, Losing Lunch (all tags)

    I really don't want to go on a RINO hunt, but it seems we must have enough of them around that the common sense grass roots are getting trampled.  Time to put up the stay off the grass signs, and stake out the oasis in Lansing.

    Say it with me:
    "Government Owned Enterprises ALWAYS pay for themselves."

    Kinda brings back lunch ..from a few days ago.

    What are these geniuses thinking?  this DRIC plan was shot down by many of the same people who are now apparently willing to flush their reputations down the toilet.  Representatives and senators who declined to support the "Granholm boondoggle" now might actually support the "Snyder Boondoggle." The only thing that has changed is the governor, and the name of the project.  The payback is still as miserable as it ever was, with questionable traffic and use being the mechanism to repay the Canadian loan of a half Billion smackers.

    I posted a few questions last week, but didn't really get into some of the real details (dollars etc..) that are involved in this deal.  I believe however, I implied strongly enough that such a large enterprise certainly has great room for corruption.

    Being that this thing makes NO SENSE for any fiscally conservative Republican to embark on, it certainly has my brows creased.

    (1 comment, 788 words in story) Full Story

    Interesting Bedfellows

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 16, 2011 at 11:23:58 PM EST
    Tags: EFM, Michigan, Labor, Lansing, Snyder, Insolvency, taxes, Pensions (all tags)

    I could have predicted this.

    The very thing some of you have spoken to, is being used by the lefties in Lansing (the protesters) as an accompanying argument for the EFM legislation.

    The last gasp of government labor organizations is being seen occupying the state capitol chanting the programmed union slogans, and carrying the pre-printed paraphernalia supporting a free lunch, or compulsory unionization causes.  Loud and impolite as always, they recognize that their small issue though enough to rally them forward, is not sufficient for the needed sympathy from Michigan voters.

    So they are going to play the "Snyder is taxing old people" angles.

    And it may serve them well.

    (10 comments, 534 words in story) Full Story

    Michigan Should Honor Legitimate Contracts

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 09, 2011 at 04:18:58 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Labor, Unions, Stealing, Workers, Theft, Home based daycare, Lansing, Snyder, Coerced Contracts, Extortion, Public sector, Monopoly (all tags)

    An amazing thing happens when someone is promised one thing based on a particular constituency occupying the government. When unions sell their worth to the membership, they sell it in the way that God might breathe life into our bodies; as a right that no man shall abridge. They work hard to procure contracts that both 'guarantee' wages, and protect a particular lifestyle, in a way that is permanent.  We've all heard the living wage argument and claims that unions built the middle class.

    Now don't get me wrong.  I am a firm believer in contracts. I ARE A RULE OF LAW GUY.

    If a contract is created between parties, those parties ought to be bound to the terms of the contract.

    Makes sense right?  As an example, if I voluntarily agree to terms that bind me to a particular end (like paying on a phone contract),  in exchange for something else (the use of the phone service at a particular rate), then I should be held to account for the terms of the contract agreed upon.  If a termination of the contract results in one of the parties violating their obligation, then they should be held to the punitive measures agreed upon when entering the contract.

    Yes, I believe in contract.  Morality is best served through the honoring of established agreements.


    (10 comments, 1180 words in story) Full Story

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