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    Tag: Conservatives (page 4)

    Kalkaska County Cleanup...

    By retvet242, Section News
    Posted on Sun Jan 15, 2012 at 08:35:45 PM EST
    Tags: Kalkaska Tea Party, Michigan, Conservatives, Prosecutor, Court, sheriff (all tags)

    The immediate future of the Kalkaska Tea Party and Citizens for Better Government...

    We will not be going away...

    (439 words in story) Full Story

    Friday Divertere

    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Fri Jan 13, 2012 at 04:50:06 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Legislature, Unfunded Liabilities, Money Left Over?, Republicans, Conservatives (all tags)

    OK.  :o)  In answer to ..?

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Amash Should Be Primaried - Part III

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 12, 2012 at 12:18:55 AM EST
    Tags: fear, GOP, Primaries, Elite, Establishment, Ideas, Conservatives, Republicans, Strength, Weakness, Electability, Sporting, Membership, Excitement (all tags)

    Part III Whew.

    Welcome back.  Its part III.  And while Justin Amash may or may not "deserve" to be primaried, maybe its not such a bad idea. Right?

    Anyhow, I don't like to simply complain about things for which I have no answer. Though I may sometimes do so, its just not constructive.

    The bottom line is that with the way long time party elites, and the fresh stock of activists often clash, we have a dysfunctional mess.  Yes we all work together until at least one side is satisfied that there is no more advantage in doing so.  A situation that offers less opportunity for growth and advancement of either continuing political domination by the party power brokers OR for the strength of message that comes with core principled positions.  neither side winds up the winner for any longer term.  And it was only under the intense pressure of the circumstances that gave us the Tea Party, activist conservatives, and constitutional types which are willing to put up with the intense political bigotry found with the old guard.

    If the party elite has not figured it out, most of those new political activists don't really care about party dominance. Its more of a means to end the disregard of our constitution and traditional values.  They simply want their voices back and want to be heard.  Most would likely be perfectly happy watching professional politicos straighten it up.

    If only they would.

    There IS a way to satisfy all sides. There is a way in which the 'elite' within the party lose nothing, gain the help needed to enhance party dominance, risk little in trust built relationships, and see better results out of government.  All the while, new activists and party members are able to influence, assist, and return the party to the rule of law principles the very name 'Republican' originates. And it compromises no one's principles or desires for equal opportunity.

    I have stated or at least alluded to the concerns  either interest has. For the established members, its loss of power, both in the ranks occupying congress, and influence among local and state parties. For the 'insurgent' membership, it is the inability to wield influence in who represents true Republican and conservative principles.  Suspicions for the end result of either desire, making one side or the other incompatible.

    Not exactly the way to build a successful party.

    Finished below ~

    (5 comments, 1052 words in story) Full Story

    Amash Should Be Primaried - Part II

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jan 10, 2012 at 10:39:26 PM EST
    Tags: fear, GOP, Primaries, Elite, Establishment, Ideas, Conservatives, Republicans, Strength, Weakness, Electability (all tags)

    The title as you have seen is more tongue-in-cheek than a direct challenge to representative Amash.

    It is more of a call to open up challenges on those who might consider themselves to be safely elected in those wonderfully gerrymandered districts that are designed to protect the party's candidate to infinity.  A wonderfully sought goal for those who hold the strings, and those who might have their strings held while "in power."  How delicious it must be to know that the lack of core grounding can open the door to special favors, graft and outright corruption masked in the intent of good deeds.  A narcissistic personality can thrive quite well where the ego stroked by proper lobbying can ignore conscience and responsibility.

    Even the good men fall for the tall tales they hear about themselves. Even those who wander into office under the most idealistic attitudes soon find themselves courted by the sirens of special interest that have nothing in common with traditional values, or good conservative policy.

    The debt ceiling vote by a number of our Republican legislators shows this.  Michigan demonstrated the odds of overcoming without the fear of the electorate with its vote in support of saddling the kids with even more debt.  The odds are 8-1 against principles holding true. And it happened quickly.  And there would be no reason, but for commentary such as our own here, and a wall of shame to back it up, that they might consider a primary challenge on its way.

    I wrote in part I, about a condition that calls out for challenges. It is clear the way that the system is stacked in favor of incumbents without regard to adherence to principles we understand as 'Republican', or at least conservative.  Incumbents or party elite favorites eschew the debate process often in attempts to minimize the importance or equal standing of challengers with lesser name recognition.  The strategy has its advantage for purposes of primary selection, but it undermines the candidate's support later in the race, and perhaps in subsequent election cycles.

    There is fear of primaries by incumbents.  There is disdain of those who would challenge party 'favorites' by the elite select. But the fear we need to recognize, is that by those who feel only frustration when trying to correct all that is essentially going to hell in this country.

    Continued below ~

    (7 comments, 1224 words in story) Full Story

    Amash Should Be Primaried - Part I

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jan 09, 2012 at 10:42:44 PM EST
    Tags: GOP, Primaries, Elite, Establishment, Ideas, Conservatives, Republicans, Strength, Weakness, Electability (all tags)

    Seriously, I think Justin Amash should be primaried.

    And as well, any of the other elected Republicans.

    Crazy thought for a staunch conservative, right? Perhaps. But not if one has had the philosophical disagreements still within the framework of that conservatism. Not if those disagreements extend into Republican governance. Not if any particular conservative part of the constituency still feels his or her best representation is not being made.

    We'll get back to representative Amash, et al, in a little bit.  In the meantime, consider the way we now select our candidates.

    We'll start and end with candidate "A".

    Candidate "A" is recognized as most popular, recognizable, and is considered as such to be the most likely candidate to carry an election when facing the opposing team. Candidate "A" might be incumbent. Candidate "A" has a history of disagreeable positions, and in fact has historically held positions contrary to those stated in his or her party's platform. A voting record backs up the positions taken in the past, but Candidate "A" is (or claims to be ) contrite, has found error in the votes made, positions previously held, and now expects to be taken at word to represent the platform philosophy.

    Candidate "A"'s predetermined ascendency creates friction in the party. Goals of principled activists are put at odds with those who simply want the win, have no philosophic grounding, or are willing to accept the lesser of evils in order to achieve party dominance. Presumably, that dominance enables the platform advancement.  Newer members see a sort of nepotism, and become turned off to party affairs, lose trust in leaders already in place, and are less likely to work toward overall party goals.

    Fewer participate in the process of selection.  Fewer work towards the advancement of Republican platform ideals.

    Continued Below ~

    (5 comments, 923 words in story) Full Story

    Thursday In The Sphere

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 05, 2012 at 07:23:37 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Blogs, Sphere, Conservatives, CapCon, Blog of Bodnar, Hall of Record, Wizard of Laws, Western Right (all tags)

    I'll be hitting the blog list cull and add session again soon enough, and figured it would be a good time to highlight a couple of our Michigan based blogs.

    One that I am glad to see back up and regular is the Hall of Record.  A Natural Solution to Our energy Needs today talks about the use of Natural Gas for vehicles. I have commentary, but will share it when there is a field to place it in. (Hint)

    The Blog of Bodnar hits the national interest Republican presidential results of Iowa in Iowa Is Over Whats Next?  Take a breath.  Indeed.

    Jack McHugh at CapCon picks up the right to work story recently highlighted by Mitch Daniels of Indiana.  Strong Support for Right-to-Work Measures in the Michigan Legislature reminds us that there are folks in Lansing that have been actively pursuing this even over the fear of the nerd and senate majority leader.

    Could cities in Michigan be the next to "ban the box"?  The Wizard of Laws considers it in America's Newest Protected Class -- Felons! Keep the Crystal Ball warmed up wiz, and maybe some alka seltzer on the side. We'll need it.

    Conservative First has been gracious enough to pass a few gems over to this forum in the last year.  A few of them you may not have seen, but he highlights the best over at the Western Right.

    Update [2012-1-5 7:29:0 by JGillman]: I HAD to add this. God Bless you Rose. Wayne County Taxpayers - Recalling Recall and Senate Joint Resolution 5 I am with you.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Sarah & Herman

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Dec 27, 2011 at 08:38:42 PM EST
    Tags: Conservatives, 2012, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Primaries, President, Republicans, Excitement, Inspiration, Candidates (all tags)

    Here it is folks.  The end of the country as we know it.

    The lefties are in charge, their EPA is destroying business, the justice department is destroying our borders, the president is destroying our world standing as a super power, the treasury and fed destroying our currency, the previous congress has set the timer for self destruct on healthcare, and the current and presumably 'better' congress cannot even show the skills needed to stop the fiscal bleeding. Michigan's own congressmen have been stitching their fingers together ala super committees, and even the good doctor Dan has wrapped the gauze a little too tightly choking off the air that provides for common sense.

    How important is 2012 to you?

    Think death-star-about-to-blow-up-the-planet kind of important.

    "It's not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than two meters. "

    That word "impossible," of course, is for the pessimistic. I am being quite 'up' in my assessment as stated above.  My overall optimism was put in place a little this morning however.

    An article by John Hawkins on 7 Reasons Why Mitt Romney's Electability Is A Myth was a reminder that there are people who are more motivated by charisma, charm, and I might dare say 'gravitas', than by substantive policy concern. Hawkins starts off:

    "1) People just don't like Mitt Romney: The entire GOP primary process so far has consisted of Republican voters desperately trying to find an alternative to Mitt Romney. Doesn't it say something that GOP primary voters have, at one time or another, preferred Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, and now even Ron Paul (In Iowa) to Mitt Romney?

    To some people, this is a plus. They think that if conservatives don't like Mitt Romney, that means moderates will like him. This misunderstands how the process of attracting independent voters works in a presidential race. While it's true the swayable moderates don't want to support a candidate they view as an extremist, they also don't just automatically gravitate towards the most "moderate" candidate. To the contrary, independent voters tend to be moved by the excitement of the candidate's base (See John McCain vs. Barack Obama for an example of how this works). This is how a very conservative candidate like Ronald Reagan could win landslide victories. He avoided being labeled an extremist as Goldwater was, yet his supporters were incredibly enthusiastic and moderates responded to it.

    Let's be perfectly honest; Mitt Romney excites no one except for Mormons, political consultants, and Jennifer Rubin. To everybody else, Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama is a "lesser of two evils" election where we'll grudgingly back Mitt because we won't lose as badly with him in the White House as we would with Obama. That's not the sort of thing that gets anyone fired up to make phone calls, canvass neighborhoods, or even put up "I heart Mitt" signs in their yards. "

    And concern over policy doesn't necessarily mean Romney is right either.  The point well made in this particular segment goes beyond even Mitt's ability to excite and make enthusiastic, those masses that are needed to beat the king of corruption now residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

    More below ~

    (6 comments, 1462 words in story) Full Story

    Blogroll Updates - Round III

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Dec 26, 2011 at 07:25:05 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Blogs, Sphere, Conservatives, Cleanup, Kevin Elsenheimer, Life with Mr O, Keepin the faith (all tags)

    I hope everyone had a great Christmas.

    The Lions did a nice job on Christmas Eve, and the goodies that always seem so plentiful this time of year proved once again, that being full doesn't mean you have to stop eating.  Christmas day was spent recuperating.

    Getting out of the year thinner?  Not an option.

    Our newest thinning of the link love will start with the removal of Keepin' the Faith blog, which had as one of its last posts in 2009, a question: What is Conservatism?  Among the answers:

    "Conservatism is a group of core principles, or virtues, that are not solely political. Conservatism plays out in a broad political sense that takes into account the 'whole person.' We value the spiritual, marital, ecclesiastical, economic, social, and moral aspects of individuals live. We respect these, and many infinite more, as criteria necessary for an individual to determine his or her own happiness.

    We believe in human potential and the capacity for everyday heroes to do great things. Conservatives understand that it is not our job, nor is the government allowed, to determine the happiness or outcome of any life. We don't see groups, we don't divide you from your neighbor: our vision is a country where all those who can, do. "


    The next removal is the blog of Kevin Elsenheimer.  Kevin is a good conservative who's political end came as the result of a timely newspaper blow up of a non issue during his narrowly lost run for a district judgeship. His blog hanging in the nether, and no longer updated Kevin Elsenheimer's blog" is now gone.

    Not posting for over a year, Life with Mr. O is off.

    That's it for the this round.  

    Happy Monday!

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