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    Tag: Conservatives (page 3)

    Bloggers, Writers, Patriots

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 10, 2013 at 12:00:16 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Jan 19, Watchdog Training, Warren, Conservatives (all tags)

    Note the advertisement for the citizen watchdog training in Warren on the sidebar. Worth the ten bucks for the lunch alone.

    If one ever wonders how something appears on the radar "all of a sudden", make the date available.  Many of the folks you have seen here and at the really important activities in Lansing will be there.  At the very least, the networking with those who have consistently been on the forefront of our fight is worth the trip.

    Working on my own schedule to make it happen.

    Maybe we'll see you there?

    Comments >>

    Don't Even Start

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 07, 2012 at 12:07:21 AM EST
    Tags: The Counting Is Done Where?, Elections, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Marxists, Appeasers, Chamberlain (all tags)

    Talking about how moderates have been chased out, and that is the reason for the pretender keeping his job in the white house.

    The moderates en-mass, are the modern day equivalent of Neville Chamberlain, offering appeasement and capitulation thus normalizing the freakish behaviors, looting, and social destruction the progressives bring.  Instead of making an argument for a principle, offering instead a "respect" for a perverted point of view tendered by those progressives.  The looters outnumber us, the voting wolves are upon the voting sheep, and the cycle is now irreversible.

    Until Rome burns completely.

    OK.  Funny thing about the type of misery those looting folks are going to discover.  Pain is truly theoretical until one places that hand upon the stove.  Stupidity MUST be painful.

    This election should have been a blow out.

    Mitt Romney, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum or any of the others down to that crazyassed Gary Johnson should have blown out the loser who has presided over an actual 11% unemployment, and 30% under-employment, loss of stature in the world, defective energy policy, tyrannical regulatory environments, lessened security, inappropriate supreme court justice picks, etc., etc., and freaking etc..

    Romney became that moderate.  Ask his etch-a-sketch.

    Yes, this election should have been a blow out.  Instead it was an absolute embarrassment.

    And we have now lost the United states Supreme court, and quite possibly our constitution forever.

    More tomorrow.

    (20 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    We Have Work To Do

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Jun 17, 2012 at 07:36:13 PM EST
    Tags: RightOnline, Sarah Palin, Andrew Breitbart, Las Vegas, Conservatives, Bloggers, Gearing Up (all tags)

    I am in-between flights at this moment, and thought I might share a little something about the Righty Blogosphere.

    The well being of our nation might well fall on the reporting and writing done here, on other conservative blogs, and in new media in general.  

    The dead tree media has no interest in printing the whole truth.  Obama's pet peacock is certainly not going to offer a scintilla of balanced challenge to the president, even while their stockholders take some of the hits that come with a failing economy.  CNN?  Right.  None of the news 'giants' are expected to offer a fair balance of criticism towards 'the won', and Romney might have gains seen, only to be followed up by another revealing look at his childhood; perhaps a toilet papering incident.

    And THEN we have to deal with the folks who don't seem to like us so much (as we pad their electoral majorities) like Brooks Patterson.  Someone who might consider a veteran and engineer unsuitable because he cannot be put underfoot.  That kind of battle is unnecessary and unfortunately bruises feelings a bit.  It stresses the relationships we need in the November cycle.  The one's that used to spawn THEIR question: "will you support our guy in Nov?"

    We have.  Will they reciprocate?

    With a multifaceted task at hand, we proceed.  We have a responsibility to provide the truth, and speak out for our true conservative brothers.  We also can have some fun in the meantime.

    My final flight is in 40 minutes.  Go below the fold and enjoy.

    (2 comments, 293 words in story) Full Story


    By JGillman, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Thu May 24, 2012 at 08:13:58 AM EST
    Tags: RightOnline, Conservatives, Blogging, Conference, Workshop (all tags)

    What happens in Vegas will be coming home to Michigan.  

    I'm heading to this event in a month. Its just a couple of days out of the campaign, and frankly I need to recalibrate the writing skills.

    If anyone would like to do this, all you have to do is REGISTER

    Comments >>

    Still Brewing And Permanent.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 19, 2012 at 10:42:46 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Nation, Permanent Tea, Tea Party, July 3, Conservatives, Traditionalists, Save Our Country, Passive Resistance (all tags)

    In February 2009, the modern day Tea Party movement was born.

    When it was obvious that Obama was not going to pursue a path of fiscal sanity, and the country was certain to go trillions of dollars further into debt, a spark ignited the flame, and the kettle was set.  The spark, an impassioned Rick Santelli, and the kettle, an increasingly concerned nation of patriots, taxpayers, and traditional American heroes.  

    February 19, 2009 Santelli went on a classic rant rebuking the idea that taxpayers should subsidize those who have mortgages underwater.  "President Obama are you listening?" as one of the more famous quotes. However it was "we're thinking of having a Chicago tea party in July .. All you capitalists who want to show up to Lake Michigan, I'm going to start organizing" that brought the temperature to the Fahrenheit 451 mark on the digital paper we now use so regularly.

    Twitter was agog, and imaginations throughout our nation flourished.  What had been [sometimes not so] quietly simmering underneath hit a boiling point.  Motivated patriots in several areas around the country saw Friday February 27, 2009 as a rallying day to 'petition' the government.

    And it was a verifiable success.

    Continued below ~

    (2 comments, 1023 words in story) Full Story

    Andrew Breitbart Dead At 43

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Mar 01, 2012 at 09:55:27 AM EST
    Tags: Andrew Breitbart, RIP, Conservatives (all tags)

    Tragic news for conservatives and those who follow biggovernment.com etc.

    Andrew Breitbart has passed away of unknown causes.  Recently Breitbart announced he was in possession of videos of Barack Obama in college, and has broken news resulting in the resignation of hard left Democrat Anthony Weiner.

    A couple of months ago, we hosted him in Traverse City, Michigan for an AFP event, and I was fortunate to spend some time with him on a Michael Moore hunt downtown.

    His wit, candor, and value to our community will be missed.


    Our prayers go to his family as we grieve for their loss as well.

    (15 comments) Comments >>

    Truth And Manipulation

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Feb 21, 2012 at 09:11:10 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Romney, Conservatives, Conventions, Republicans, Establishment (all tags)

    That queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach has a name.


    While we have suffered the inane punditry destroying our favored candidates a "plan B" has been in the works.  For all the insipid questions in debates for our Republican presidential candidates, we get the reward of having the "establishment" plot to undermine the will of the conservative voters. That special convention, which has as a possibility, a none of the above candidate somehow pooping out.

    When the favored son of the blue bloods saw Michigan going away from him, the chill appears to have run the back of Republican elites, and those who would like us to repeat McCain's 2008 performance; the left.  Mitt Romney was never supposed to have the kind of push back, and should have easily cruised to nominating victory. There should have been no doubt, right?

    Except times have changed.

    Some folks. don't like it so much

    Even as I type this, Donald Trump is calling the little local radio station in a desperate stumping for Mitt. Their hairs are up, and the self destruct button has been uncapped. The convention talk has begun.

    But not all in the political machine agree with this plan. (Below the fold)

    (9 comments, 472 words in story) Full Story

    Tuesdays Divertere: WHY WE SUCK

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Feb 14, 2012 at 06:09:52 PM EST
    Tags: Bill Whittle, Conservatives (all tags)

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