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    Tag: Congress (page 4)

    Will Michigan Democrats Fly Right?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 16, 2013 at 11:32:16 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Congress, Obamacare, ACA, Stupid Things Government Does, Repeal, Vote (all tags)

    Today there is a vote to repeal Obamacare.

    Will Democrat congressmen from Michigan join the common sense crusade to repeal the miserable legislation that has proven to be too costly for families and business, or will they double down on the progressive stupidity that brought it about? Will Gary Peters, who plans on advancing his career with a US Senate run stand with working families who are finding their hours reduced, and premiums exploding?

    Today, Michigan Congressman and 2014 Senate candidate Gary Peters will have another opportunity to vote against the train wreck, formerly known as ObamaCare.

    For years, Gary Peters has been a "proud", staunch supporter of the President's costly health care law. But, a report by the non-partisan Society of Actuaries shows that ObamaCare will increase the costs of medical claims in Michigan by more than 25% and by an average of 32% nationally.  Personally, I have seen 70% increase already.  It has forced our business to make other changes.

    And how does Senate Democratic Leadership think the ObamaCare roll-out is going?

    Recall the words of ObamaCare Architect, Sen. Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus

    "I just see a huge train wreck coming down." -
    And surprisingly even THIS by Sen Harry Reid:
    "unless we implement this properly it's going to be a train wreck, and I agree with [Baucus]."
    And Schmuck Shumer?:
    "ObamaCare could raise premiums"
    Of course Senate Democrats have a solution: More taxpayer dollars are needed to stop the oncoming health care disaster. Yeah, ObamaCare already needs a 'taxpayer bailout'.

    Remember when..."The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act--ObamaCare--was sold to Americans as the solution to the problems plaguing our nation's healthcare system."?

    Finished below.

    (1 comment, 483 words in story) Full Story

    Miller - Resignation Of [IRS] Miller "Bare Minimum"

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 16, 2013 at 08:46:07 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Congress, Candace Miller, IRS, Investigations, Resignations, Steven Miller, Obama, Corruption, Chicago Way (all tags)

     U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) yesterday commented on the resignation of the acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Steven Miller:
    "The recent revelation that the IRS took steps to intentionally target a range of conservative groups is deeply disturbing, and the acceptance of the IRS acting commissioner's resignation today is the bare minimum that the President should accept.  Asking the Treasury Department to further investigate itself is not good enough.  The Administration must consider appointing an outside special counsel to make certain that those responsible are brought to justice.

    "The American people will not stand for this blatant affront on free speech and harassment.  The truth must be brought forward, and the Congress will hold firm on bringing all those responsible to the forefront and ensure the proper protections are in place to protect each and every citizen's constitutional rights.  The American people must be able to trust their government, and in this case clearly there was abuse of power.  That cannot happen in America."


    There should be non-stop congressional hearings on ALL the activities this administration has been involved in.  The IRS is merely the tip of the proverbial iceberg. A special investigator should not have hands tied to merely THIS violation of first amendment rights, but should be encouraged to root out ALL the corruption Obama has cultivated during his term.

    And those roots run deep.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    And How Are Michigan Legislators Weighing In?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 25, 2013 at 02:21:32 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Health Care, Purse Strings, Constitution, Section VIII #1, The Power Of Congress, Congress, Candace Miller, Dave Camp, Bill Huizinga, Justin Amash, Mike Rogers, Dan Benishek, Tim Walberg, Fred Upton, Kerry Bentivolio (all tags)

     Bozell: GOP Talks to Exempt Lawmakers and Staff From ObamaCare "Ultimate Hypocrisy"

    Today 'ForAmerica' Chairman L. Brent Bozell III released a statement regarding reports that Republican leadership in Congress is in secret negotiations to exempt themselves and their staffs from ObamaCare.

    "Recent news reports reveal that the Republican leadership in Congress is participating in the ultimate hypocrisy: months of secret meetings with Democrats to betray the most important promise they made to their supporters in 2010. Rather than forcing repeal of ObamaCare, they are discussing exempting themselves and their staffs from it. This is what Third World dictators and tyrannical kings do - they create mandates for the supposed `good' of the peasants, while exempting themselves from the burdens of their whims. Our message is clear: stop these secret meetings immediately and get to work defunding and repealing ObamaCare so everyone, not just you and your staff, can be freed from its burdens."
    Been on THIS before.

    Back in 2010 Dave Camp PROMISED to defund as a mission of last resort, the Obamacare act that inappropriately bears the name "affordable". If I am not mistaken, we are at the last resort stage now.

    Hello, is this thing on?

    We should remind our legislators that their words of promise have become meaningless, and the line between those whom we would call 'Republican' to the evil that is progressivism, is truly blurred.

    Know which side you are on or get the hell out of the way.

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Congressman Miller Statement On Tax Day

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 15, 2013 at 02:46:11 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Taxes, Tax Code, Congress, Candice Miller (all tags)

    WASHINGTON - U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) today made the following statement marking Tax Day:

    "Today as millions of Americans rush to complete their federal income return and file it before the midnight deadline, it is more clear than ever that our tax code is overly complex and in desperate need of reform.  It is simply ridiculous that the average American family needs to spend countless hours simply trying to comply with the tax code or that many need to hire an army of accountants to make certain they comply.

    Enough is enough.  It is time eliminate special interest tax breaks and deductions for a few so that we can simplify the tax code and lower rates for everyone. A more flatter, fairer and far simpler tax code will not only allow families to focus on meeting their needs instead of complying with the law, it will also promote economic growth that will create jobs and allow our economy to thrive.  This is the year to finally get that job done."

    Looking forward to your proposed fair or flat tax legislation Congressman.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    BREAKING - Stupak Endorses Prominent Conservative

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 01, 2013 at 09:59:46 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Primaries, Republicans, CD1, Dan Benishek, Jason Gillman, Congress, Endorsement, Dennis Lennox, Democrat, Fool, Governor, Bart Stupak (all tags)

    Reposted from MTTM - I am honored  .. I guess? ~ jg

    In an unexpected move, Former Congressman Bart Stupak has endorsed across the aisle, and named Jason Gillman the man to beat for the governorship of Michigan.

    Speculation ended only yesterday, when the 1st district Democrat declared that he would rather run against fellow first district citizen, businessman, and author Jason Gillman, for Governor of Michigan, than he would against the current incumbent Rick Snyder.  "My goal is to win back the state for Democrats, and I think I could actually beat Gillman," Stupak said. "And anyhow who is that guy?"

    Stupak's campaign manager Dennis Lennox was hired by the former trooper and legislator after it was determined that he was personally responsible for a long string of Republican losses. Lennox reportedly said "What can I say? Its not everyone who has such consistent results," and when questioned about his last paying job, he simply replied "please talk to my attorney."

    Stupak was recently recruited by Michigan Democrats by newly installed Dem Chair Lon Johnson. Johnson who lives in the 1st district apparently still 'owed one' to the former congressman not for political favors, but from "that time when he was a trooper and was really cool and let me off with a warning." according to Johnson.

    The endorsement of Gillman is seen as a wise strategic move by Team Stupak, and is expected to move all the big [liberal] money in the Republican primary to a non incumbent.

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    A Method To The Madness

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 20, 2013 at 09:00:48 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, The Power Of Congress, Congress, Candace Miller, Dave Camp, Bill Huizinga, Justin Amash, Mike Rogers, Dan Benishek, Tim Walberg, Fred Upton, Kerry Bentivolio (all tags)

    There is a reason I publish the press releases.

    It opens a dialogue to Michigan's representatives. Our folks who travel to that distant land to make the rules and spend our monies. They presumably speak and act for us, so its an opportunity to remind them of their mission, and the things they CAN do. They can subpoena, they can investigate, they can IMPEACH! But one thing that is as relevant as anything is in the financial end, and affects our prosperity.  So a question should be asked and answered.

    With Congress having the power of the purse, why on earth is the EPA, the NLRB, the BIA, HHS, DOE, DOE-2 (ed), and HUD still funded?

    I would argue that simply eliminating these agencies, we not only reduce or eliminate the deficits, but we also spark a new round of economic prosperity.  Each agency is a block in some way to innovation, individual rights, and the ability for the little guy to get ahead.

    • De-fund the EPA, and the producers can catch up to the overzealous regulatory controls.  Congress itself should have such power.
    • De-fund the NLRB, and the Job creators can stop worrying about the feds up their butt when staffing changes are necessary.  There is no constitutional allowance for the existence for the NLRB anyhow.
    • The BIA?  Why do we still have nations within our nation?  And why do we allow their citizens to participate in OUR election process when there is no way we could do the same. As an FYI, there are things that can be done on the RES that are not constitutional.
    • HHS holds the key to Obamacare.  If it is gone, so is Obamacare.  Why is it still operating? Could Candace Miller check that for us?  How about it Dave Camp? (Who said it was on the table when I asked in 2010)  DR. Dan? Mike? Justin? Fred? Kerry? Tim?!
    • The DOE has been around long enough to see to it that no nuclear power facilities are developed in decades, Coal resources are allowed to be blocked by the EPA, Natural resources are closed off to energy production, solar power is presented as a viable alternative and is mandated, and our technology is exported to competing world powers.  Higher energy cost due to its existence kill job creation. Whats not to love?
    • The DOE-2 (dept of education) offers no advantage over state directed curriculum.  It burdens our schools with dumbing-down CORE mandates, and funnels precious tax dollars to non performing institutions. It has no mandate under the constitution.  Schools are not a federal concern.
    • Finally, there is HUD. Under this monstrosity, the milking of America is complete. There is nothing that compares to a new subsidized housing project in a community that is once thriving, but then is overwhelmed by the type of people who occupy them.  Festering hives of poverty develop where HUD sets up shop. I have spoken to more than a few emergency workers who have experienced the urbanization of HUD.  Their towns and cites are in shambles.  The calls to these places of government largess are far in excess of those in suburbia or rural non planned environments.

    HUD is a cornerstone of A21 as well.  The leveling of America to the lowered European standards that the entire world should enjoy.  Communities are promised grant moneys through HUD to install their honeycombed urban dwellings in areas that have no need for the moneys. Naive local governments find these things hard to resist. Free Money, though ignored is the ongoing cost of inviting a permanent welfare settlement.

    We de-fund and eliminate HUD, and people have to actually WORK to pay for their housing once more. Working builds wealth. Wealth is a nation's strength.

    And frankly, its perfectly alright if the United States of America were to actually try to be the best again.

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    Is It A New Year?

    By TiredIronTim, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 02, 2013 at 12:27:13 PM EST
    Tags: Bentivolio, Congress, Amash, reserve currency (all tags)

    Conservative grass roots favorite Kerry Bentivolio starts his 11th Congressional District career on Jan. 3rd. Will he be another Candace Miller, or more akin to Justin Amash?

    (8 comments, 553 words in story) Full Story

    Walberg Statement On The "Fiscal Cliff"

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 02, 2013 at 08:08:14 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Tim Walberg, Fiscal Cliff, Debt, Congress (all tags)

    House Vote on Fiscal Cliff

    Washington, D.C. - Rep Tim Walberg released the following statement on his vote against yesterday's year-end tax plan:

    "I am extremely disappointed after all the negotiations and effort that went into avoiding the so-called `fiscal cliff', the president and Congress again put off meaningful action to reduce spending and secure the future for our children and grandchildren. Again, with our economy struggling, it's clear that Washington missed an opportunity to promote tax and spending policies that will grow our economy over the long-term.

    I believe the federal government needs to live within its means, because trillion-dollar deficits threaten our economy and opportunities for future generations. I will continue to support immediate spending reductions, reforming our tax code and a Balanced Budget Amendment to hold Congress accountable and require fiscal responsibility. It is my hope that this will begin in the next Congress and lead to a long-term solution."


    (1 comment, 311 words in story) Full Story

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