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Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?
Raise the curtain.
Nostalgia Thursday: Ethics, Morality, and Family Values
By Corinthian Scales, Section News
Posted on Thu Apr 11, 2013 at 09:21:27 AM EST
Tags: Rick Snyder, The Flim-Flam Man, Progressives, Pay up Suckers, U of M cronies, Big Ed, Student debt, STEM Amnesty, Foreign National Job Preference, H-1B Visas, EB-5 Citizenship, Cheap Labor, Underemployment, Obamacare, Medicare Expansion, BC-BS, Who Profits?, Follow the money, Ardesta, Stem Cell Research, Discera, ChiComs, MEDC, One Tough Nerd PAC, SB 59 Veto, Gas Tax, Sales Tax, Internet Sales Tax, Pension Tax, Homestead Property Tax Credit, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, Scarlet Letters, Republican kakistocracy, Perverts, Lennox, Sodomites, Pale Pastel, Anuzis, GoPC, Bobby ShowStak, MIaGOP, Lickspittle Lackeys, Natural Law, God, Grassroots, TEA movement, Principles, Conservative, Values, endowed by their Creator, A Republic if you can keep it, #BraveWithDave, Elections, 2014, One Term Nerd (all tags)
The adulterer who has since "evolved," calls out the spineless, Progressive, Crony capitalist in bed with the ChiComs, loves ObamaCare Exchanges, amnesty, and hiking taxes.
MIaGOPC'd, you've got serious problems in 2014. Dwindling election results in '12 should be the first clue.
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