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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Electing Precinct Delegates

    By AdrianPoulisse, Section News
    Posted on Tue Feb 26, 2013 at 12:44:36 PM EST
    Tags: precinct delegate, MIGOP, Vote (all tags)

    It has become even more important to elect solid precinct delegates!

    Continued below the fold ..

    I am working on an effort locally to recruit precinct delegates.  I am printing packets for each candidate with all the needed information.  I am including the forms that need to be submitted to the County Clerk.  

    We need to start recruiting now!  We have until May of 2014 to find these people and get them registered.  We could have elected Todd Courser if we would have gotten 40 delegates elected to vote in the state convention.  We should each be able to find a few individuals in our home counties and get them elected.  

    I am searching through our former Tea Party members to seek out people who want to make a positive change in the MI GOP.  We have time to go out and start recruiting these people.  If we get started now, we can be ready for 2014.  

    These delegates may also be useful in gaining power within our county parties.  I have heard of numerous counties where the establishment took over county conventions and got their own delegates nominated.  We must be ready for an establishment power grab in 2014.  The MI GOP Chair race has them thinking about strategy.  They were caught off guard and will be out for vengeance.  We are too close... A little work now could give us a majority next year.    

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    Partners or complainers? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Republican Michigander on Tue Feb 26, 2013 at 04:04:59 PM EST
    These delegates may also be useful in gaining power within our county parties.  I have heard of numerous counties where the establishment took over county conventions and got their own delegates nominated.  We must be ready for an establishment power grab in 2014.

    If you want the power, better have the responsibility to go with it.

    Not everyone in the so called "establishment" is your enemy, at least right now. Don't make us an enemy. We all lose that way. Some of us will welcome new partners. That doesn't mean "do as we say" but showing up and helping us. Show up and help us, and I'll help you.  

    I'm an elections guy first. As a county chair (aka "Establishment") who has been on the inside of 25+ campaigns/PACs/ballot questions and other committees in various roles, I'll tell you who I support out here. Workers. Workers are those I'm going to support in precinct delegate elections, county executive committee, district committee, etc.  

    Those who do nothing but complain (Mouths) at convention time will be brushed off because I didn't see them when it counted. That goes for anyone of any ideology whether it be "liberty coalition" or some two bit township official I've never seen before who thinks he's a bigshot when walking in.

    Those who work hard for GOP candidates and show up when needed will receive my support. That goes for elected officials, tea parties, small l libertarian republicans, conservatives, and moderates. All of the above. If you don't like Snyder, that's fine. Go out and help Joe Hune or some good locals instead. I can respect that and will still support you if you do that. The GOP is bigger than one person. If you're going to stay home and hurt good downticket candidates because of a bad candidate at the top of the ticket, you'll get my active opposition if you then try and run the show.

    Now as for Courser. I'm open to "non establishment" candidates. I have enough pull to probably swing 5-10 votes without a lot of problem if I have a good reason to do so. What his team failed to do is give me a reason to vote FOR him. Not Schostak isn't good enough. What he did, by being pushed by the Gary Glenn coronation team was give me a reason to vote AGAINST him. I was a Konetchy supporter first and later a Durant supporter. I voted Santorum in the primary. I'm the type of vote you need. A lot of tea party folks I know backed Schostak as well. Those were votes you needed. They wern't earned. Schostak showed me he could adjust when needed by his actions. Courser didn't give me an elections plan.

    Being supposedly a "Constitutional Conservative" or "true conservative" like everyone claims to be these days isn't good enough. I've heard it all before. Been there, done that. I've been one who has been active 12 years. Tell me how you plan to win elections if you want your folks to run the show. In detail, not platitudes. I don't like losing, especially to democraps. DC sucks. Rove sucks. Some of our elected officials aren't up to par. I get it. I agree. MIGOP needs improvement too. I agree.  

    Now we have the mid term elections next year and the primaries as well where we should have many open seats and candidates. I'll be looking forward to seeing you and your candidates on the campaign trail. If you want your precinct delegates to get my support, I'll be seeing them there.

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