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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    What the heck is wrong with you (none / 0) (#2)
    by JGillman on Tue Feb 26, 2013 at 04:53:01 PM EST
    guys and your "Gary Glenn" hang up?

    Tell me where he is bad, or worse for the party so I can relate.

    What is it about this man who so loves his country he not only pushed and won a RTW status ONCE, but gave the motivation for our own, that you dislike?  Is it his no equivocating with principles angle? Is it not enough he has the courage to take on issues that defy the normalization of progressivism process we have seen in recent years?

    And for Gods sake get off the "worker" thing too.  Some people are GREAT workers, but they SUCK in principles defining policy.  Yeah.. THOSE are the ones the 'establishment' elevates.  Remember that there ought to be a reason for a party outside of it having a club hierarchy.  Ideas, traditions.  Sometimes those who have been comfortable for too long not participating, decide they want to affect the outcome of races and policy NOW.  Is that really bad?  Say so in a clear and concise manner, and watch the grassroots that carried the 2010 races once again sit on their hands in 2014 as they did in this last presidential cycle.

    Damn straight it is hard to do it without workers, but you cannot be looking at it as if there has not bee a paradigm change.  The work is done in other ways.  Instead of knocking on doors and the insidious robo calling, we reach out for dialogue in different ways.  Our WORK is different.

    As an elections guy, you better start understanding that.

    Missing that point is the reason that one of the predictions of 80-20% as the result in the Courser-Schostak race was WAAAAAY off.  It will earn you a great big "WTF happened?" in 2014.

    As for the Glenn thing?  Seriously .. get over the fact he had a dedicated crew working for him.  It was for good reason.


    No Plan (none / 0) (#5)
    by Tuebored on Wed Feb 27, 2013 at 09:43:48 AM EST
    Courser was all buzzwords. Technology. Outreach. Unity. Principles.

    • Easy to say by JGillman, 02/27/2013 10:19:14 AM EST (none / 0)

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