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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    States Rights, Federal Funding Entrapments & HB 5665

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 26, 2012 at 02:21:00 PM EST
    Tags: How will you vote Rep. Genetski?, HB 5665, Federal Road Monies, DRIC, LaFontaine the Ditz, Implied Consent dumbing down, .05 is coming next: watch it happen, 75% road collisions caused by sober folk, Tough on Crime, Fat Cardiologists, Create more criminals, For the public good, States Rights? riiiight - only what DC allows states, Sellouts, Liberty (all tags)

    Just happen to notice that the state House Judiciary Committee (Chair, Rep. John Walsh), is meeting tomorrow, September 27, at 10 AM.  One of the bills that is on the agenda goes hand in hand with what Governor Snyder is doing with his Federal partnership of the Health Insurance Exchange.  The bill in question is HB 5665, as its sunset is slated for October 1, 2013.  Why the hurry, Lansingcritters?  Uh-oh... Poof! There goes them DRIC inducing road funds.  Pshaw! Like that would ever happen when the R's vote like the D's regarding HB 5665.

    The congresscritters we send to the District of Corruption sure have their Big Government tentacles into everything We the People do today.  States, you want your road monies back?  Then you'll have to create a new level of criminal element on your end for lawyers and municipalities to fleece, and we'll give you back a share of road monies on a percentage of what you lobby us for.  Win-win-win.  Nudge-nudge-wink-wink.  The herd will go for it in the name of safety.  They always do.  We'll call it implied consent.  Go ahead .. do it states, the supremes are good with it, and then we're off to the races with healthcare, drones in the sky, and NDAA.  One has to boil the frog slowly dontchya know.

    It's how decent folk like Bob, end up snared with criminal labels in a legalese merchant controlled world we allowed today.  And for the elected class, what else looks better on paper for a candidates campaign than 'tough on crime' propaganda?  Not much as its easily swallowed by most.  Besides, government LEO's Lab contamination shmamination - Hang him! says the mouthbreathers.  Because, of course, them jurors would never ever have a chance facing of that gamed $10,000+ life altering seat when leaving "go team" stadium, or the local public house, would they?  Indeed.  I'm also rather confident that any highly educated folk out there like Sen. Cardiologist Fatso, will find increased spending solutions for all of the above too.  I guess that's the rewarding comforts of folks turning to mother government for everything.

    One thing is for sure, if I were Bob, I would be casting a big, loud, NO vote on HB 5665, and damn the rest of my elected peers with their central power enabling votes.

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