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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

      MI GOP - Higher Taxes BAD

      By JGillman, Section News
      Posted on Sun Aug 07, 2011 at 02:25:32 PM EST
      Tags: Taxes, Regulation, Interest rates, Debt, Trillions, Michigan, MIGOP, politics (all tags)

      According to the Michigan GOP, the Democrats call for higher taxes will harm the nation's economy.

      We agree.

      "Failed Obama Leadership Causes Historic Downgrade; Signals a Need to Curb Spending by Washington"

      From Their release today:

      LANSING -- In the aftermath of last week's historic downgrade of America's credit rating, Michigan Republican Party Chairman Bobby Schostak said today that any talk in Washington of raising taxes on Americans now is absurd.

      "Last week's credit downgrade proves what Republicans have been saying since Democrats went on a spending spree with taxpayers' money in 2009: Washington has a spending problem, not a revenue problem," Schostak said, commenting on Standard & Poor's downgrade of American credit.

      Continued below ~

      "S & P made it very clear the agency wants significant spending reductions and the only way to restore our credit rating is to make the serious cuts that are needed, the same types of cuts ALL Americans are making in their household budgets," Schostak said. "And, we must assure job creators and entrepreneurs that there will be no more tax increases in the foreseeable future."

      Schostak said that American families will now have to live for years, or even decades, paying more for the country's enormous debt because President Barack Obama failed to cut spending when he had the opportunity and ignored warnings from financial markets about the federal government's huge budget deficit.

      The credit-rating agency's downgrade of America's ability to pay its debts was the first since 1941. According to press reports, the agency had issued warnings that the government needed to make $4 trillion in cuts to avoid a downgrade.

      "Barack Obama will go down in history as the first president to watch our country's credit rating fall below AAA," Schostak said. "But the rest of us will have to live in the aftermath of his failed stimulus spending plan, failed economic policies, and complete lack of leadership."

      And given the current administration's proclivity towards the most stringent and unnecessary regulatory climes, it will be hard enough for manufacturing to regain an advantage.  Higher taxes and continued poor top down federal policy is not what we need.

      Even a 4 trillion cut that is counted in the way these things are, would not be sufficient in my view to fix what is now the circling in the toilet bowl for the United States, and its economy.

      Higher interest rates, higher taxes, and unreasonable regulatory environments.

      What could go wrong?

      < Excuse Me, But ... | Mondays Divertere: Lawyers >

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      Oh, you know I got to chime in on this one. (none / 0) (#1)
      by KG One on Sun Aug 07, 2011 at 03:09:27 PM EST
      When I read stuff like this:

      "LANSING -- In the aftermath of last week's historic downgrade of America's credit rating, Michigan Republican Party Chairman Bobby Schostak said today that any talk in Washington of raising taxes on Americans now is absurd."

      I can't help but wonder where the same vitriol was from the MI-GOP when Gov. Snyder and Lansing Republicans raised our income tax, decided to tax pensions, gave us a Detroit income Tax and Utility Tax...just to name a few.

      {sniff} {sniff} Yep, it's CYA (none / 0) (#2)
      by Corinthian Scales on Mon Aug 08, 2011 at 08:11:30 AM EST
      8 out of 9, Mr. Schostak, EIGHT out of NINE.

      You Sir, Mr. Schostak, have unequivocally zero room to talk with your representative Michigan Repulicratic Party in DC and in Lansing.

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