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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Democrat Granholms' Thieving Department of Human Services

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 16, 2011 at 11:56:55 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan Democratic Party: You Own This, Jennifer Granholm, Ismael Ahmed, Looters & Mooches (all tags)

    Maura Corrigan sure is a refreshing change from the Michigan Democratic wealth redistribution Party.

    A state audit released Tuesday identifies a lack of financial controls and millions of dollars in questionable purchases in the state welfare department, including state employees using taxpayer funds to sell welfare clients cars the employees purchased and the bulk purchase of gift cards in large denominations.

    Due to a failure to separate accounting duties for purchases in the Department of Human Services, the same state employees in many cases created invoices, processed invoices, and then approved the checks to pay the invoices, said the report by Michigan Auditor General Thomas McTavish.

    Also, the department reimbursed state welfare employees for the purchase of personal computers and other electronic items without documenting the items were ever provided to state welfare clients, or in some cases, ever purchased in the first place, the audit said.

    Now, Maura, re-interview all of 'em signing up to be on the dole and drug screen them too...

    < Reason #56,859: Why I Loathe U of M | Victims of Benevolence >

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    I wonder if ever (none / 0) (#1)
    by JGillman on Tue Aug 16, 2011 at 02:06:37 PM EST
    we will see the wholesale number of Granholm admin personnel behind bars as they should be?

    The AG supossedly got the ball rolling on this... (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Tue Aug 16, 2011 at 03:40:39 PM EST
    ...back in March.

    For the moment, I've giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

    I only hope that this doesn't turn into a sham and we see another example of pulling out the kid gloves like his predecessor did.

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