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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Reason #56,859: Why I Loathe U of M

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 16, 2011 at 11:03:09 AM EST
    Tags: JGillman, Melinda Day, Unionization of U of M Graduate Student Research Assistants, MCRI (all tags)

    The commie U of M fat lady of goonionizing students has yet to sing her final note.

    Other media reports also indicate MERC's decision has clearly not derailed the GEO's desire to bring more students into its public employee union. GEO President Samantha Montgomery told Ann Arbor.com on Aug. 8: "This is not the end," and, "we're hoping to continue to keep working with the university to reach a finalized decision."

    Montgomery, however, also acknowledges the main problem with her group's efforts: MERC's 1981 declaration that the GSRA's are not public employees. She was cited in AnnArbor.com as saying that the GEO was "still figuring out how graduate student research assistants would be worked into the union... given the (MERC's) ruling that they are not public employees and cannot unionize."

    Patrick Wright, director of the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation says the GEO can move ahead with an election. However, any resulting unionization would be non-binding. Therefore, he says the motives behind MERC's cooperation to help the GEO's seemingly stubborn drive to push non-public employees into its union are suspect: "Why is MERC helping with a non-binding election?"

    The university is also apparently working with the GEO to eventually hold an election. The GEO's website says the following: "GEO plans to work with the University of Michigan to set the details of the election."

    Wright says any election that happens should raise red flags about cost, if nothing else.

    Read the entire story here

    < There Is Still Time | Democrat Granholms' Thieving Department of Human Services >

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    Go State! (none / 0) (#1)
    by Republican Michigander on Tue Aug 16, 2011 at 02:32:09 PM EST
    Had to add that.

    desperation and pragmatism (none / 0) (#3)
    by RushLake on Wed Aug 17, 2011 at 05:36:43 AM EST
    This continued effort to try to "organize" graduate students is pragmatic in that they are a potential source of union dues for the goons. It seems a sign of desperation in that there are so few other groups of "workers" left for them to go after.

    It's also aggravating because we continuously have to find a way to combat their efforts. I'd sure like to see an effort made to detach the UM from the public taxpayer trough so the "Harvard of the West" could provide everything to the left that it's leftist heart desires at "Harvard's" own expense.

    Will Governor Gran...er, uh Snyder ever take these unions on?

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