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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Peters Principle

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Oct 06, 2011 at 11:01:26 AM EST
    Tags: Gary Peters, Congress, CD9, Welfare, Votes, Governor Snyder, Michigan (all tags)

    "Thou shalt not cut my constituents cash."

    Ever the panderer for votes from the perpetual leeches of society, Gary Peters, demonstrates the truest progressive form of using his core constituency as a reason to advance politically.  One wonders why Peters, a US Representative would weigh in on the governor's decision to sign welfare reform legislation saving the state hundreds of millions. I suppose he could be genuinely concerned about those who simply cannot provide for themselves because no one will hire at the inflated minimum wages those who have ZERO job skills.  I guess that could be the reason.  According to M-Live, he says:

    "Governor Snyder's decision to cut public assistance to families during this recession rather than helping them is misguided and ultimately will force families facing tough economic conditions into homelessness,"

    Yeah, these people collecting it were perma-recipients.  In Fact, some might have viewed those temporary support measures as 'entitlements'.  I've been around long enough to see it in place, and abused more often than not.

    But while watching this hand unfold, do not forget the other.  Peters first and foremost, is a man dedicated to himself, and his position of political relevance.  This is about Gary, Gary Peters, and Congressman Gary Peter's future.  Michigan losing congressional seats, and the perceived likelihood that in 2014, the current governor will have satisfied his bucket list wish, may say more than the current statements of this progressive lefty.

    Its an act.

    Break A Leg Gary.

    < The Wall | A Resignation At The Ready, Mr. Ficano? >

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    It's amazing to me (none / 0) (#1)
    by archiespeck on Thu Oct 06, 2011 at 01:11:05 PM EST
    That even the most avowed liberal would argue that 4 years on welfare isn't enough. Though I guess it's not a surprise these days when the majority of Detroit citizens demand that they get their "Obama money."  

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