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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

      Scouting Report.

      By JGillman, Section News
      Posted on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 10:59:41 AM EST
      Tags: Michigan, Rich Rod, Maura Corrigan, DHS, Supreme Court, Bill Shuette, football analogy (all tags)

      It has taken me too long perhaps, to write about the humiliation the Big 10, and especially Michigan's teams which suffered in Saturday's play.  At the end of all this, at least one thing was done that may see an answer to the question "WTF Michigan?"  It probably would have been enough to see the defensive coordinator removed, but in the end, it was always Rich Rod's gig, so.. Blah.

      In an interesting side note, The Michigan View has a great column that reflects on this, and its comparison to politics. in "Why we love sports, (and hate politics)," Payne compares the hate fest for failing sports programs, and the seemingly out of place support and excuse making our press gives to the politicos that suck.  He writes:

      " "Why wouldn't Rich Rodriguez be fired? In three years, he didn't win a single important game," penned Mitch Albom of the Detroit Free Press.

      Just the facts, ma'am. The guy didn't get the job done.

      Contrast this common sense sports coverage with a whole backfield full of writers, cheerleaders and excuse-makers willing to come to QB Granholm's defense. "History has yet to write whether her unflagging efforts to diversify the economy in areas like advanced manufacturing, technology and alternative energy pay long-term dividends to the state," writes Crain's Amy Lane. "She was left a bad hand by John Engler, and, unfairly, was forced to be the face of job losses in the state when. . . many of the auto industry's problems were the result of decades of gross corporate incompetence," whined MLive's Darrel Dawsey. "She must have been thinking, how things would be different if she was starting where Rick Snyder begins with the 'wind at his back,'" apologized Tim Skubick in the Oakland Press. "

      Wow.. Not so sure the wind is at Snyder's back, but if it is, then it might help douse some of the ecological insanity that Granholm has implemented in Michigan during her reign.  I don't even have a coordinator to throw blame at in this case.. more below..

      Never mind simple comparisons of politics and sports however, we have BIG things going on! ..and more sports comparisons..

      Concern began a few days ago (at least for me) on the decision of making Justice Maura Corrigan the head of Michigan's Dept of Human Services.  Concern steeped in the fear that Snyder might appoint a 'centrist', that might, as her replacement,(which seems to happen) fall to the left.  Having just witnessed a series of reversals and a reconsideration frenzy in the last few days of the last court, I could picture the legal ghoul fest, with resurrections of long dead cases and decisions made from years past.

      If it helps..  Think Night of the Living Dead.. with briefcases and noon time martinis.

      All of my calls to contacts within and surrounding government and the courts gives me hope however, as we expect an announced decision on her replacement tomorrow.  A Replacement that might be as qualified and conservative and frankly in the mold of Corrigan herself.  IF my hunches are correct. Rumor has it, that the replacement justice will be ..... .....

      Oh heck no..  that would spoil all the fun.  

      If I told you now who I think it is, then all the scoop-meisters around the state would be mad that they didn't do a big reveal first. Yeah, it's a little like that I guess.  Apparently the press pool knows, but they are sworn to secrecy.  Each and every one of them chomping at the bit (as am I) to say hey guess what? its "..... ....."

      Other than that, other folks in Lansing are gearing up for the tough road ahead.  As I hardly think the wind is at anyone's back, it is good to know there a few folks willing to face whichever direction those winds travel, like our new AG, Bill Schuette.  He has absolutely taken up the fight against the health care boondoggle where Mike Cox left off.  He says he will be "fighting it tooth and nail" in a phone interview today.  Without prompting, Schuette talked about "aggressively pursuing" the 10th amendment issue, and the abuse of the commerce clause in this case.  When asked about the severability aspect and the ramifications of the VA decision, he was less clear, but said it at least creates a law that is "more suspect".

      Schuette also looking at the Asian Carp issue that AG cox had championed said there is more to come.  His concern was that "Rham Emanuel is likely the next Chicago mayor," and the "shipping interests have been holding the administration hostage."  The attitude from the Whitehouse is not expected to change.  Like his predeccessor, Our new Attorney General paints the invasive species problem as an "ecological environmental disaster for the country."  He will be pursuing the avenues open to his office.

      When asked about the Corrigan appointment to DHS, Schuette referred to her as a great friend, a very talented woman and justice.  He thinks she has done a wonderful job, and considers "there is no finer pick."  

      He had no comment on the who might be the replacement, but is convinced "the replacement will [likely] be an equally skilled rule of law conservative."

      Hopefully, the announcement tomorrow bears this out.  The new coach has some great opportunities, and the possibility of having a few winning seasons.  Lets hope the plays aren't always straight up the middle.

      < Good News and Bad News | The Heat Miser; Who Knew? >

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      Good Comparison (none / 0) (#1)
      by grannynanny on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:17:01 AM EST
      Most of the Freep and News sports writers were gunning for Rich Rod before he even arrived in Ann Arbor.  Kinda like what the MSM is doing to the republicans right now.  

      Too bad these sickening liberal writers don't do their jobs when it comes to the commies/greenies/liberals that are ruining this state and country.

      The problem with people like Mitch Albom and his ilk is they are all explosions in an ego factory first before they are supposed journalists.  

      Hmmm... (none / 0) (#2)
      by Corinthian Scales on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 02:13:30 PM EST
      ...sorat looks like my hunch will prove to be right.  Snyder is gonna play it like a CEO.  It's all about the bottom line and winning the game.  Toss the Dims a bone and move along.  And, he damned well better with regards to crap handed down from SCOMI, or any EnviroTard Jihadist with a law degree can snipe any business at will.

      Last week, the high court, by a 4-3 vote, overturned a landmark 2004 decision greatly restricted the right of citizens to sue environmental regulators. The ruling now allows people to sue the state if they fear that a permit for certain projects would harm the environment.

      The liberal judges believed that the right of citizens to litigate for a safe environment should take precedence, but that may change in coming weeks.

      F'ing amazing.  It's obvious that Justice Young needs a helping hand.

      Also, I believe that Snyder made a good move towards cracking down on fraud in the Department of Community Health.  But, Snyder could use help from the House and Senate with that too.  Remember, the City's of Ann Arbor and Detroit are Sanctuary Cities.  If the Republican controlled House and Senate members truly got the message that was sent to all politicians last November, certainly the elected in Lansing should put forth legislation that mirrors what is coming in Texas.

      State Rep. Tryon D. Lewis (R-Odessa) has filed a measure which equates receipt of any benefit under a state benefit program to be 'employment.'  And, since the recipient is receiving 'employment,' Lewis says they should have to meet current federal guidelines required of all Americans to receive a job.

      His bill would mandate that any recipient of state benefits fill out an I-9 form, which is the standard form all job applicants have to complete to prove that they are citizens or legal residents of the United States.

      Lewis' measure would cover recipients of Aid to Families With Dependent Children, Medicaid, the state's nutritional assistance programs, or the state's CHIP health insurance plan for children.

      Lewis' bill is one of several filed in the upcoming session of the Legislature which would crack down on illegal immigration.

      Yessiree, brilliant, fair, and logical.  So... who in Lansing is willing to step up to the plate?  C'mon, give your constituents a hand here, not to mention your state and nation.

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