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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Hmmm... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 02:13:30 PM EST
    ...sorat looks like my hunch will prove to be right.  Snyder is gonna play it like a CEO.  It's all about the bottom line and winning the game.  Toss the Dims a bone and move along.  And, he damned well better with regards to crap handed down from SCOMI, or any EnviroTard Jihadist with a law degree can snipe any business at will.

    Last week, the high court, by a 4-3 vote, overturned a landmark 2004 decision greatly restricted the right of citizens to sue environmental regulators. The ruling now allows people to sue the state if they fear that a permit for certain projects would harm the environment.

    The liberal judges believed that the right of citizens to litigate for a safe environment should take precedence, but that may change in coming weeks.

    F'ing amazing.  It's obvious that Justice Young needs a helping hand.

    Also, I believe that Snyder made a good move towards cracking down on fraud in the Department of Community Health.  But, Snyder could use help from the House and Senate with that too.  Remember, the City's of Ann Arbor and Detroit are Sanctuary Cities.  If the Republican controlled House and Senate members truly got the message that was sent to all politicians last November, certainly the elected in Lansing should put forth legislation that mirrors what is coming in Texas.

    State Rep. Tryon D. Lewis (R-Odessa) has filed a measure which equates receipt of any benefit under a state benefit program to be 'employment.'  And, since the recipient is receiving 'employment,' Lewis says they should have to meet current federal guidelines required of all Americans to receive a job.

    His bill would mandate that any recipient of state benefits fill out an I-9 form, which is the standard form all job applicants have to complete to prove that they are citizens or legal residents of the United States.

    Lewis' measure would cover recipients of Aid to Families With Dependent Children, Medicaid, the state's nutritional assistance programs, or the state's CHIP health insurance plan for children.

    Lewis' bill is one of several filed in the upcoming session of the Legislature which would crack down on illegal immigration.

    Yessiree, brilliant, fair, and logical.  So... who in Lansing is willing to step up to the plate?  C'mon, give your constituents a hand here, not to mention your state and nation.

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