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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Principle Versus Power - Right Versus Might

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 31, 2010 at 10:04:39 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Mike Cox, Jennifer Granholm, Tim Pawlenty, Health care, Power, Republicans, Democrats (all tags)

    On Greta, two good men showed what a glaring difference there is in how the left and the right view how best to govern.

    One, the Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty explained that while he is governor, he cannot command his state's law enforcement official to do anything.  He admits that she is on the other side of the debate (of health care) yet she has not committed to not performing a challenge, and that it could still happen.  The important part?  He will not assume a role of telling THAT AG office what to do, yet consistently maintains his position that the bill is flawed, and unconstitutional.  His AG may well have to participate on behalf of the people anyhow, but not by his word.  He has left it to the people as is their right to petition such things.

    The other, Mike Cox, the Michigan attorney general explains that no matter what our leadership's opinion might be, he is charged with doing the correct and right thing by representing the citizens of Michigan in a fight against this bill.  Holding the constitution up as the protection against this power grab by Washington.  He asserts the commerce clause being used as justification to force buying of insurance is an overstepping of the government's authority.  In his naming of of the aggrieved, he did however concede to the governor's point of filing on behalf of the citizens, so that the governor may file against the Michigan citizens in support of Obama. - (my words)

    And the governor?

    Its about power. pure and simple.  Jennifer Granholm as Michigan's chief executive, seeks only advice and affirmation of those who would assume that the people's will is subservient to government's.  With that pursuit of repressive logic, comes the ultimate failure.  She has demonstrated it repeatedly, yet it has not made a difference in her direction of thought.  As a result of a second term to office, her validation was complete.  


    Even as the city of Detroit finishes its falling to ruin, THAT project, started through pursuit of a "great society", our governor cannot reconcile the failure of her favored ideology.  One that inserts power over proper prejudice, franking over freedom, and ultimately "change" over choosing wisely.  The underlying structure of reward for delivery of "the goods" to unions, and social progressives with "get out the vote" efforts by those who feed off the great society ideals has done its job well enough to convince the misguided matron of malfeasance that she has been right all along.  It has reinforced her belief that prosperity springs from the well of an all powerful and domineering government.

    As she wraps up her final days as a destroyer of Michigan she would leave us with even more cement shoes, or anchors around the necks of hard working Michiganders, by embracing a plan that on its face is against natural law, the law of the land, and common sense.  Further, she welcomes all opportunities to leave the state with unfunded mandates, lingering costs, and a major repair bill.  Perhaps a failure to rectify such things in the next couple of years by any following administrations would assuage her limited feelings of guilt for driving this sports car we call Michigan into the tree, and she is trying to cut the brake lines to make it so.

    The comparison of Pawlenty, Cox, and Granholm reveals at the very least the philosophical differences with the way the conservative Republicans and leftist Democrats view these positions of authority. One side has a bias toward protecting the rights and the will of the people, and the other views a top down mandate of how you live as the preferred method. Jennifer Granholm cares not one whit for the will  of the people, as she stated, she "has been a co-chair of the governors task force trying to get this bill through..."  ignoring the blatant disregard for citizen's rights the bill promises.  The other two regard the people as our founders did, as wielding the power, and they each, in their own manner have made a point to defend that power appropriately.

    < In the MACKINAC CENTER Sphere Today | BREAKING: Granholm, Cherry resign >

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    Whitmere (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Wed Mar 31, 2010 at 02:55:56 PM EST
    I see Gretchen Whitmere has supposedly posted a petition on her website to condemn the "violence" associated with the health care bill.  It is stupid stuff like this that makes it clear we need a part time legislature with people that play with full decks.  What an arse wipe!

    Great post. (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Mar 31, 2010 at 04:41:24 PM EST
    I am sure that in the afterlife of the Granholm administration that we will find out where all the dirt has been kicked. You cannot run an administration as corrupt and inept as this one has been without something floating to the top sooner or later. Once the leftist are out in the street and some grownups are taking charge again we will be able to see what has been going on behind the scenes. She can't cover her tracks that well because she isn't that smart. So look for the Czarina to have some splainin to do very soon after her final term has mercifly ended. Maybe we need to put 50,000 people in the streets of Lansing carrying signs demanding that she resign. Maybe that would send the right kind of message and it might get through a skull that thick. I actually doubt it but the 50,000 in Lansing might not be a bad idea. And I think we can do it. All we need is a date.

    Jenny's new department (none / 0) (#3)
    by grannynanny on Wed Mar 31, 2010 at 06:17:48 PM EST
    I see where the "mole" just signed an executive order to create a new department to help consumers thru the new health care legislation!  She has no shame - what a B*&CH!!!

    That is the one talent (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Mar 31, 2010 at 09:29:34 PM EST
    The Czarina has. To create government jobs for over paid under worked burerucrats whose only purpose is to steal the bread from the plate of the people. She has created more useless state agencies and bureaus then any governor in history. From the totally unnecesary Surgeon Generals office to this new one. The only place she has created jobs are in the one place that consumes the most but produces nothing.
    In the ideas put forth by the early Progressives a human being would have to be brought before a commission every five years and justify their existance. If you could not show that you produced more then you consumed well your fate would be sealed. Except when it comes to government. Interesting how that works. We could do with half the workers the state employs. But the Czarina had to pay the unions off. This is I believe called Patronage. This isn't Chicago so we must make sure that our next Governor takes steps from the first minute to cut state workers and immplement a hiring freeze on all departments with the exception of the State Police. The only special panel I would favor is one detailed with investigate the shady dealings of this Governor and her equally shady minions.

    Help Wanted-Copy Editor (none / 0) (#5)
    by rdww on Thu Apr 01, 2010 at 09:07:04 AM EST
    "He admits that she is on the other side of the debate (of health care) yet she has not committed to not performing a challenge, and that it could still happen."

    This sentence urgently needs a coherence check.

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