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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    State of Despair.. Protest tonight

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 03, 2010 at 11:11:59 AM EST
    Tags: Granholm, Michigan, State of the State (all tags)

    ~ cross posted from Michigan Taxes Too Much ~
    Tonight we protest the lamest Duck.

    Governor Jennifer Granholm will be remembered as Michigan's worst governor.. ever.  She is the poster child for the new democrats, the far left socialist, control and micro manage fairness crowd.  Here, and in other places nationally, Granholm's results are recognized as where the country now goes with her ideological twin, Barack Obama, along with partners in crime Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.

    Gratuitous hyperbole?

    Perhaps.  But more appropriately, criticism earned. The buck stops at the Governors mansion, and it is undeniable that Michigan had previously weathered other recessions better than the rest of the nation.  In fact THIS recession of Michigan's began BEFORE the nation felt it.  Perhaps Michigan has been the anchor holding the bow to the waves in rough seas prior, but now it has fallen off the proverbial ledge and now acts more like cement shoes pulling it under those waves.

    There is more...

    Our great state was the industrial leader of the world.  Over regulatory measures coupled with poor labor policy added to a punishing tax system could not have worked more perfectly in destroying the incentive to build or develop business here.  Add to this a false promise of green jobs, and we have a perfect storm.

    She held such promise too.. right?

    After commenting on how he thought she might earn some respect after she took office Michael Lafaive of the Mackinaw Center reminds us of a 2006 speech that along with wonderful new speak of "diverse" peoples and businesses, also carried the famous "Blown away" statement:

    Unfortunately, Granholm did not "keep going" as we had hoped and she turned -- with the help of the Legislature -- to countless policies that raised the cost of living, working and creating jobs in the Great Lake State. She has talked a lot about creating jobs, but her policies have not succeeded. Indeed, in her 2006 State of the State address she promised the Michigan would be "blown away" in five years (when she's conveniently out of office) by all of the jobs she would create with her proposed economic development programs. Specifically, she said:

    'In a few months, we will begin making prudent investments in the diverse companies that will grow jobs in Michigan. And by this time next year, we'll see new businesses doing just that. In five years, you're going to be blown away by the strength and diversity of Michigan's transformed economy.'

    Four full years later the economy is a mess. Unemployment recently peaked at 15.3 percent, the state lost 552,200 jobs from 2005 through 2008 alone, and economic output has declined by 4 percent statewide. Worse, Lansing's careerist political class -- led by Gov. Granholm -- is giving serious consideration to another tax hike, protecting the very government that has contributed to Michigan's malaise.


    All the while blaming none other than..  George Bush.  Simply words to soothe as we soon found out, and continue to realize today.

    The funny thing, is that the left thinking considers the economic failure of the state as not doing enough progressive gerrymandering of the economy.  They think the interference by the tea partiers is messing up the plan before it could reap its great rewards.  Their hearts  carry little room for "cold reasoning" and logic.

    There are some regular readers here who are a part of that crowd. I would ask them, when can you admit the failure of your philosophy?  At what point would you recognize the effect on government solutions to most problems is one that begs even more solutions in some bizarre chain reaction.

    How long till the mechanisms of intrusive and overstepping government are seen for what they are? .. Merely Rube Goldberg facsimiles, instead of sound economic principle.

    < Tim Tebow's Super Bowl Ad and The Freaks that Oppose it. | The Conspicuous Omission in the State of the State Address >

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    Even Swainson was better (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Feb 03, 2010 at 05:10:58 PM EST
    And he was drunk half the time. Soapy Williams at least got the Makinac Bridge built. What has the Czarina done? Took the worlds 8th largest economy and turned it to disaster. We put the world on wheels and she along with her party and the current occupant of the White House have destroyed one of the most vibrant parts of the nations economic engine, the US auto industry. This was done on purpose. It was no mistake. As I have stated before when Jenny No Jobs leaves office she leaves behind a smoking hole in the ground that used to be Michigan's economy. My only hope is that there will be investigations into some of the actions of this administration. I believe this is more then just ideology and fecklessness. I believe that there was a good deal of corruption and dirty deals involved in way this state has been run for the last seven years. I can only hope at this point that the people of this state will get justice for what we have suffered at the hands of this terrible woman. She deserves all the condemnation we can heap upon her.

    What a croc! (none / 0) (#2)
    by grannynanny on Wed Feb 03, 2010 at 08:21:57 PM EST
    Wandered down at the capitol for an hour.  My husband just had surgery so we didn't stay long but he insisted on coming down to check things out.  It was great seeing democracy in action until I got home and turned on TV.  Jenny was touting a guy who lost his job in the auto industry and is now working in the "green" industry.  Good luck bub - it aint gonna last.  I have 122 environmental firms listed in my customer base and they are not doing business within the state of Michigan or any where else for that matter.

    This woman should be tarred and feathered on the steps of the capitol for what she has done to this state.  Leadership evidently was not on her radar screen - just sucking up to unions.  Good ridance to bad rubbish!!!

    Couldn't take it! (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Feb 03, 2010 at 08:34:44 PM EST
    I was able to watch for about four or five minutes before I became nauseous. I had to turn back to Mark Levin's show. Watching these Progressives lie isn't good for the blood presure. We MUST chose a good candidate with Conservative beliefs in order to turn this state around. I believe we can be successful but to avoid becoming Arkansas we need to start soon. We just need to let loose the reigns of regulation and allow the private sector to do what it was intended to do. Not be restrained by Progressive anti-Capitalist ideologes.

    Demand reforms (none / 0) (#4)
    by tmbg1453 on Wed Feb 03, 2010 at 09:11:50 PM EST
    The unfortunate fact of the matter is that for the last eight years there have been pressing problems that should have been dealt with, and our elected leadership -- the governor especially -- didn't do anything about these problems.

    For example, we have known for a long time that our business climate is killing opportunities for job growth, and yet nothing was done to reduce/simply the Michigan Business Tax.

    We've known that we have major structural problems in our state budget, and yet our leadership has failed to encourage substantial consolidation of duplicative governmental services that would save hundreds of millions of dollars.

    I like what the Michigan Turnaround Plan has to offer (www.michiganturnaroundplan.com). That's a blueprint that, to me, makes a lot of sense.

    Maybe the governor will finally get moving on the needed reforms. Waiting for another year for a new governor to do it is just another year wasted.

    Did anyone catch (none / 0) (#5)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Feb 04, 2010 at 01:31:39 PM EST
    The Whine that Jenny No jobs let slip in the word fit she gave last night? She was crying that "I released the details of my bugit last Friday and the protestors are out on the lawn right now." Guess she missed the real point of that too. But then that has been her MO since she was first elected. Most everything goes over her head. Guess she as been operating above her pay grade.

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