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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

      Tim Tebow's Super Bowl Ad and The Freaks that Oppose it.

      By jenkuz, Section News
      Posted on Wed Feb 03, 2010 at 07:54:59 AM EST
      Tags: abortion (all tags)

      What are they afraid of?

      Every "pro-choice" blogger and half-wit out there is throwing a flag at CBS's decision to run a pro-life ad during the Super Bowl.  They are all afraid it will sway public opinion.
      Tim Tebow, a Heisman Trophy-winning American football quarterback for the Florida Gators, was born in 1987 when his mother refused her doctor's suggestion to have an abortion.  Infuriated that CBS is airing the Focus on the Family ad during the Super Bowl, pro-aborts are really coming out of the woodwork.

      Frances Kissling, former president of Catholics for Choice and Kate Michelman, the former president of NARAL Pro-Choice America wrote a thoughtful, informative piece in the Washington Post that encouraged pro-aborts to make an ad to help spread their message:

          The camera focuses on one woman after another, posed in the situations of daily life: rushing out the door in the morning for work, flipping through a magazine, washing dishes, teaching a class of sixth-graders, wheeling a baby stroller. Each woman looks calmly into the camera and describes her different and successful choice: having a baby and giving it up for adoption, having an abortion, having a baby and raising it lovingly. Each one being clear that making choices isn't easy, but that life without tough choices doesn't exist.

      Jason Fagone, writing for Slate.com contends that Tim Tebow is only playing football so he can eventually evangelize.

          Tebow wants to convert people, like his father does in Muslim areas of the Philippines.

      Jason also barks,

          This Super Bowl commercial represents a new strategy for Tebow Inc.--one that's more confrontational and also much more in keeping with the family's ultraconservative roots.

          The true extent and character of Tebow's faith has always flown under the media radar.

      What's that supposed to mean?

      Read more at jenkuznicki.com

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