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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Granholm vs Wynn - No Contest

    By DMOnline, Section News
    Posted on Mon Oct 12, 2009 at 02:22:04 PM EST
    Tags: Jennifer Granholm, Steve Winn, Economy, Michigan (all tags)

    [Cross-Posted from RightCuz.com]

    Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm made an ass of herself on Fox News Sunday yesterday.  Sorry to be so blunt but sometimes putting it simply is the best approach.

    Granholm decided that after she and her fellow Democrats running the state of Michigan have implemented policies causing the projected loss of 1 MILLION jobs in the state by the end of her 2 terms as governor, that she'd take on job creator, Steve Wynn (see the video here).

    After Wynn explained how the government on a national level was failing miserably in creating an environment in which job creation could flourish, Granholm chastised the successful entrepreneur for being "simplistic."  It's admirable that Wynn managed to keep his temper in check listening to blow-hard Granholm dismiss the private sector and singing the praises of a demonstrably failed and bloated government.

    Since taking office in 2003, Granholm has lost more than 632,600 real jobs in the private sector in the state of Michigan.  It is projected that by the end of her term, the loss in jobs will exceed 1,000,000.  Michigan's unemployment rate for August was at 15.2% and is expected to continue climbing for the foreseeable future.  Michigan's unemployment rate has been the worst of the 50 states every month for years now.

    Instead of addressing the states massive job losses with common sense tax and regulation policy, Granholm and her Democrats running Lansing have done the opposite.  Naturally, revenue from Michigan's overbearing tax code has plummeted.  The state government's deficit is massive.  But instead of making the cuts necessary to balance the budget, Granholm and the Democrats are pushing for still more tax increases.  Bureaucrat spending is the priority - not job creation in the private sector.

    Steve Wynn spoke truth to power yesterday.  He pointed out the obvious: No government in the history of man has ever improved the standard of living for anyone - ever.  Only the private sector giving a person a job can do that and today's politicians running the state of Michigan and the federal government are implementing failed policies that will only exacerbate the situation further.

    A great American president also once spoke the truth when he said that government was not the answer to our problems; government is the problem.

    Sometimes the truth is simple.


    < Tax Michigan Doctors--they are rich and don't behave. | MIKE ROGERS UPDATE: From California to Rhode Island, Governors Oppose Democrat Health Bill >

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    Simplistic? (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Oct 12, 2009 at 02:56:07 PM EST
    I guess that is the only context our dear Governor understands with her limited mental capacity. Make it simple for little Jenny No Jobs to understand. Even then it is a fifty fifty proposition that she will still need somebody to draw her a picture. Preferably with a Crayola crayon.

    Wynn and Granholm (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Mon Oct 12, 2009 at 04:49:07 PM EST
    It was delicious to watch Granholm lecture Wynn on job creation and the role of government.  (Wynn, by the way, employs 20,000 and provides health care for over 150,000 people.)  She had all the answers.  

    She also sparred with Indiana governor Daniels over cap and trade.  

    I think the rest of the country may have figured out why Michigan is such a disaster.    

    Disaster or laughingstock. (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Oct 12, 2009 at 06:13:49 PM EST
    After that line up last week in Detroit for Obama bucks and the media coverage it got we are not only a disaster we are a laughingstock to the rest of the nation and about half of Canada.It gives others a clear picture of what happens when far left wing ideologes control a once prosperous state and the largest city in that state. We are to the rest of America what the Wiemar Republic was to Europe. No difference other then the fact that Granholmn can't print her own money. Thank God for small favors. Hopefully in 2010 this will be a teachable moment that lasted eight years and with luck others won't make this mistake again. It is pretty bad when Puerto Rico has a better economy then Michigan and can our perform us in job creation and GDP.

    Granholm sucks, but (none / 0) (#5)
    by benwetmore on Tue Oct 13, 2009 at 04:19:25 AM EST
    it's somewhat offensive to hear a man whose fortunes were built on gambling losses and probably mob ties tell us how to grow the economy.

    it's a real appropriate matching, the governor who steals through the power of the state, and the gambling empire that steals through the consent of the government.  one makes you sin every 2-4 years when you vote idiotically and the other tries to encourage your vices every day of the week.

    man, the more I think about it the more I side with Granholm, and that's an unhappy thought.



    I was disappointed in the Republican speakers. (none / 0) (#7)
    by maidintheus on Tue Oct 13, 2009 at 06:54:51 AM EST
    Did they not know they were going to debate someone from MI?  Did they not know there are Union ties to the problem, the people keep paying as our legislature listens to the ever present union lobbyists?  When Granholm compared health care provided by other countries and the need to do so in this country in order to create a "level playing field" the Repubs didn't have a good answer and didn't respond in an informative fashion. What a missed opportunity!

    They should have pointed out the failures of gov't provided health care in other countries (Britain's PM just got through telling the world that they must make further cuts to their health care) and the failures in this country in Massachusetts.

    She sure showed the unions she would take up for them, like she their Mommy. The Repubs should have asked why she thinks the people and employees can afford to support the unions. She should have been hammered with where the money comes from, make it personal.

    They should have asked her why it's easier to make a movie in MI then to operate any other business, as well as the problem with higher utilities due her ideology.

    The Repubs chose to act in a more defensive mode rather then point out that she would have no platform if it weren't for class and race baiting.

    I'm tired of Republicans not addressing the issues straight on, as if scared to do so or unaware of the problems they say they want to fix.  

    Winn Not Representing GOP (none / 0) (#14)
    by DMOnline on Tue Oct 13, 2009 at 11:55:40 AM EST
    I don't think Steve Winn was on FNS to "represent" the Republican point of view.  In fact, I'm not sure Mr. Winn is even a Republican.

    He was there to speak the common sense language of the real world.  The other 3 panelists were all from the world of government.  Winn was the only authentic person on the panel - so naturally, Granholm dismissed his thoughts as irrelevant.

    With reference to muddying the waters but casting aspersions against the casino magnate, I see your point from a religious angle, but I hardly think that automatically lends credibility to Granholm and her Big Government "solutions."  Nor is it wise to plug your ears and scream "LA! LA! LA!" loudly so as to block out what Mr. Winn was saying.

    As mentioned earlier, we have a choice to walk into a casino or not.  There are no armed federal agents forcing us to play the one-armed-bandits or have our lives destroyed as an alternative by the IRS.

    So let's not lose track of the point in our desire to publicly parade our moral beliefs.  Mr. Winn's argument holds true whether we approve of his line of work or not.


    I love this video clip! (none / 0) (#16)
    by maidintheus on Tue Oct 13, 2009 at 01:00:48 PM EST
    Thank you!

    I pray you never tire of providing your helpful links and clips.

    Winn v Wynn (none / 0) (#18)
    by DMOnline on Tue Oct 13, 2009 at 01:37:39 PM EST
    Thanks for catching that stupid mistake, Corinth!  Much appreciated.


    I just watched (none / 0) (#20)
    by Crippy on Tue Oct 13, 2009 at 04:07:30 PM EST
    the video for the first time.  A few things came to mind.  1)Why would any serious discussion of economics include Granholm.  The Architect, as I like to call her, of Michigan's one state, six year depression. 2)Perhaps it was good to have her on so Fox's audience could see what an idiot she is.  Then finally, she's embarrassing.  It's hard for me to even address what she said.  I don't claim to be Einstein but she truly is a moron.

    God help us!

    Crippys World


    • Why Indeed... by DMOnline, 10/13/2009 08:02:33 PM EST (none / 0)
      • God Help Us by Crippy, 10/13/2009 08:09:37 PM EST (none / 0)
      • Exactly DMO by maidintheus, 10/13/2009 09:29:54 PM EST (none / 0)
        • Housewives by Crippy, 10/14/2009 09:32:33 AM EST (none / 0)
    So Sad (none / 0) (#25)
    by wisperinthewind on Tue Oct 20, 2009 at 01:31:29 PM EST
    The really sad part is that the people of the state of Michigan will vote in another Democrat. The giving away of stimulus money in Detroit is a guarantee of this.

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