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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    MIKE ROGERS UPDATE: From California to Rhode Island, Governors Oppose Democrat Health Bill

    By Congressman Mike Rogers, Section News
    Posted on Tue Oct 13, 2009 at 01:48:30 PM EST
    Tags: Mike Rogers, Health Care (all tags)

    It turns out Michigan isn't the only state concerned with Congressional Democrats' health reform proposals.  Over the last few weeks, governors from 18 states across the country have written House and Senate leaders opposing plans to shackle states with costly new mandates.  I highlighted growing concerns about Democrat health reform proposals by submitting their letters into the Congressional Record - you can read all about it by clicking the following links:

    Governors of Alaska, Alabama and Arizona
    Governors of California and Florida
    Governors of Idaho, Indiana and Louisiana
    Governors of Mississippi and Nebraska
    Governors of North Dakota, Nevada and Rhode Island
    Governors of South Carolina and Texas
    Governor of Utah

    Proposals in both the House and Senate would dramatically expand the Medicaid program, putting states on the hook for $35 billion in new budget liabilities - all at a time when states are struggling to balance their budgets.  This expansion would also severely handcuff states' ability to run their own programs and preempt state authority to manage Medicaid eligibility and benefits.  Here's what some of the governors had to say:

    "All these mandates limit state control and flexibility to control the Medicaid program."
    -Governor Sean Parnell of Alaska

    "The current rush to overhaul the system will ultimately do more damage than good and create far more problems than it solves.  And unfortunately, Indiana would bear the brunt of many of the reckless policies being proposed."
    -Governor Mitch Daniels of Indiana

    "Nevadans cannot afford more taxes. Now is not the time to place unfunded Medicaid or other mandates on the states."
    -Governor Jim Gibbons of Nevada

    "Mississippi, like so many states, simply can't afford to pick up the tab for another unfunded mandate passed by Congress."
    -Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi

    "Democrats in Congress have been busy tinkering with a Washington takeover of the health-care system, but perhaps they should look instead to the states for models of market-driven, patient-centered and quality-focused reform."
    -Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota

    "Proposals in the Senate envision passing on more than $8 billion in new costs to California annually...I cannot and will not support federal health care reform proposals that impose billions of dollars in new costs on California each year."
    -Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California

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    Thank you for posting!!! (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Tue Oct 13, 2009 at 06:29:46 PM EST
    Congressman Rogers,

    Thank you for taking the time to post. It's very helpful and most appreciated.

    I wonder (none / 0) (#2)
    by maidintheus on Tue Oct 13, 2009 at 06:38:05 PM EST
    if any of these Governors are Democrat.

    I'll have to check as that would be interesting as well.

    It's very discouraging if one has only a Democrat in their district to contact. If one disagrees, they never address the question and it seems that they feel no responsibility to the constituents who descent, regardless how many. They are on a mission at all cost.

    Then there's the Olympia Snowe type. (none / 0) (#3)
    by maidintheus on Tue Oct 13, 2009 at 06:46:14 PM EST
    Very discouraging.

    I hope and pray the Republicans will stick together on the health scam.

    We should have our legislature mandating our health care. They should only be removing the problems they already caused.

    Our gov't should not be allowed to have business in it's pocket, which makes it more costly for people and leaves some businesses left out. People should be free to do business where they like.

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