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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I was disappointed in the Republican speakers. (none / 0) (#7)
    by maidintheus on Tue Oct 13, 2009 at 06:54:51 AM EST
    Did they not know they were going to debate someone from MI?  Did they not know there are Union ties to the problem, the people keep paying as our legislature listens to the ever present union lobbyists?  When Granholm compared health care provided by other countries and the need to do so in this country in order to create a "level playing field" the Repubs didn't have a good answer and didn't respond in an informative fashion. What a missed opportunity!

    They should have pointed out the failures of gov't provided health care in other countries (Britain's PM just got through telling the world that they must make further cuts to their health care) and the failures in this country in Massachusetts.

    She sure showed the unions she would take up for them, like she their Mommy. The Repubs should have asked why she thinks the people and employees can afford to support the unions. She should have been hammered with where the money comes from, make it personal.

    They should have asked her why it's easier to make a movie in MI then to operate any other business, as well as the problem with higher utilities due her ideology.

    The Repubs chose to act in a more defensive mode rather then point out that she would have no platform if it weren't for class and race baiting.

    I'm tired of Republicans not addressing the issues straight on, as if scared to do so or unaware of the problems they say they want to fix.  

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