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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    YELLOW: Obama calls on Kwame to resign... AFTER news of resignation

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 08:43:39 AM EST
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    Well this certainly took guts.  

    We've been calling on the Barackstar to denounce his "good friend," Kwame Kilpatrick, and to demand his resignation for nearly a month now.  

    We've endured weeks and weeks of silence and wishy-washy, BS statements that were aimed to mask an complete and utter refusal to put the people of Detroit above the interests of a long-time fundraiser, friend and political ally of the Presidential candidate.

    Then word breaks that Kilpatrick is about to enter a guilty plea and will be headed to the slammer.  By pleading guilty to a felony he will forfeit his job.  BY LAW.  

    It is at this point... when the man is only hours away from being legally drummed out of office, that Barack Obama issues a statement asking for his resignation?

    The Detroit News reports:

    "Senator Obama believes that Mayor Kilpatrick's ongoing troubles and the serious charges against him have been a distraction that the city cannot afford," said Obama spokesman Brent Colburn when asked Wednesday night.

    "(Obama) believes it is time for the mayor to step aside so that the city can move forward and get back to business."

    Touuuuuuugh talk, Barack.  Tough.  Must have been awfully difficult for you to do the right thing.  You know, what with it being the ONLY thing.  Where was this statement back in June?  July?  August?  It's not like this is a NEW "distraction."  It hasn't only NOW begun to impede the city from moving "forward" and getting "back to business."  And it is not the first opportunity the Democrat has had to do the right thing, either.  Not the first time he has been asked about Kilpatrick.  Not the first time their association has been in the news.

    At this point, this isn't even the "right" thing. You stood by your man this long, why abandon him now via a made for radio campaign statement? The Obama camp has been looking for a new theme ever since the VP nominations flipped the "change" approach on it's head.  Maybe they've found a new one...

    Obama / Biden: 08... Abject Cowardice in the face of adversity... and you can take that to the bank!

    < Sarah Palin has officially arrived (and Michigan helped) | Michigan Congressional Delegation grabs the mic on Day 4 >

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    For a situation that has been brewing... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 09:05:10 AM EST
    ...for some time now, Obama has certainly taken his time in taking a stand.

    And this is just regarding the soon-to-be ex-Mayor of Detroit.

    I'd love to see how he handles some third-world nut-job, after they destroy Los Angeles or Chicago?

    Obama springs into action (none / 0) (#3)
    by Rougman on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 09:46:17 AM EST
    Who said Obama isn't afraid to go out on a limb?

    That is real leadership...

    Oh, and change and hope too!

    So is this the change.... (none / 0) (#4)
    by nickburns480 on Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 12:38:37 PM EST
    the Obama bin Binden campaign believes in?  Obama is a wimp!

    Cynical? (none / 0) (#5)
    by Angry White Male on Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 09:22:02 AM EST
    Russia declared war on Japan on Aug. 8, 1945. Two days after Hiroshima.

    No, nothing cynical in that.

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